. Men who made San Francisco. Samuel B. Welch PRESIDENT of the firm of Cunningham,Curtiss & Welch. Samuel B. Welch isthe head of one of the leading stationery, paperand bookselling concerns of the Pacific Coast.Mr. Welch belongs to a family that has beendistinguished in American history. His grand-father was a soldier in the war of I 81 2, and hisgreat grandfather a soldier in the RevolutionaryWar. He was a son of Samuel B. Welch andEliza L. Welch, and was born in Charleston,South Carolina, in i^/iarch, 1 849. Mr. Welch attended college, but circumstancesarose preventing his graduating. He has

. Men who made San Francisco. Samuel B. Welch PRESIDENT of the firm of Cunningham,Curtiss & Welch. Samuel B. Welch isthe head of one of the leading stationery, paperand bookselling concerns of the Pacific Coast.Mr. Welch belongs to a family that has beendistinguished in American history. His grand-father was a soldier in the war of I 81 2, and hisgreat grandfather a soldier in the RevolutionaryWar. He was a son of Samuel B. Welch andEliza L. Welch, and was born in Charleston,South Carolina, in i^/iarch, 1 849. Mr. Welch attended college, but circumstancesarose preventing his graduating. He has Stock Photo

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. Men who made San Francisco. Samuel B. Welch PRESIDENT of the firm of Cunningham, Curtiss & Welch. Samuel B. Welch isthe head of one of the leading stationery, paperand bookselling concerns of the Pacific Coast.Mr. Welch belongs to a family that has beendistinguished in American history. His grand-father was a soldier in the war of I 81 2, and hisgreat grandfather a soldier in the RevolutionaryWar. He was a son of Samuel B. Welch andEliza L. Welch, and was born in Charleston, South Carolina, in i^/iarch, 1 849. Mr. Welch attended college, but circumstancesarose preventing his graduating. He has longbeen an independent in politics. His wife beforeher marriage was Miss Alice Crishton..