Michelle Burke, Dan Aykroyd & Jane Curtin Film: Coneheads (1993) Characters: Connie Conehead, Beldar Conehead, Prymatt Conehead Director: Steve Barron 23 July 1993 **WARNING** This Photograph is for editorial use only and is the copyright of PARAMOUNT PICTURES and/or the Photographer assigned by the Film or Production Company and can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above Film. A Mandatory Credit To PARAMOUNT PICTURES is required. The Photographer should also be credited when known. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from th

Michelle Burke, Dan Aykroyd & Jane Curtin Film: Coneheads (1993) Characters: Connie Conehead, Beldar Conehead, Prymatt Conehead  Director: Steve Barron 23 July 1993   **WARNING** This Photograph is for editorial use only and is the copyright of PARAMOUNT PICTURES and/or the Photographer assigned by the Film or Production Company and can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above Film. A Mandatory Credit To PARAMOUNT PICTURES is required. The Photographer should also be credited when known. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from th Stock Photo

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Cinematic / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

18.4 MB (515.1 KB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


2073 x 3102 px | 17.6 x 26.3 cm | 6.9 x 10.3 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

23 July 1993

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Michelle Burke, Dan Aykroyd & Jane Curtin Film: Coneheads (1993) Characters: Connie Conehead, Beldar Conehead, Prymatt Conehead Director: Steve Barron 23 July 1993 **WARNING** This Photograph is for editorial use only and is the copyright of PARAMOUNT PICTURES and/or the Photographer assigned by the Film or Production Company and can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above Film. A Mandatory Credit To PARAMOUNT PICTURES is required. The Photographer should also be credited when known. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from the Film Company.

Available for Editorial use only.