Nearly three hundred valuable paintings of the American and foreign schools . Bruce Crane, X.A. AsoixiCAx: 1857— ^2—GOLDEX AFTERXOOX Height, 14 imcJu*: l/nffth, 20 inches Thsottgh the meadows of the foreground, on which he shadowsfrcHn nearby trees, runs a httle slreani. Crossing the picturein its middle portion are groups of trees and a rail fence: ahouse with white walls appears at the left: beyond is indicateda glimpse of a lake and distant hillsides and over all is a skyof grav. The autumn tints which characterize the season areimbued with an atmospheric haze and a golden tone prevailsthro

Nearly three hundred valuable paintings of the American and foreign schools . Bruce Crane, X.A. AsoixiCAx: 1857— ^2—GOLDEX AFTERXOOX Height, 14 imcJu*: l/nffth, 20 inches Thsottgh the meadows of the foreground, on which he shadowsfrcHn nearby trees, runs a httle slreani. Crossing the picturein its middle portion are groups of trees and a rail fence: ahouse with white walls appears at the left: beyond is indicateda glimpse of a lake and distant hillsides and over all is a skyof grav. The autumn tints which characterize the season areimbued with an atmospheric haze and a golden tone prevailsthro Stock Photo

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The Reading Room / Alamy Stock Photo

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2099 x 1191 px | 35.5 x 20.2 cm | 14 x 7.9 inches | 150dpi

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Nearly three hundred valuable paintings of the American and foreign schools . Bruce Crane, X.A. AsoixiCAx: 1857— ^2—GOLDEX AFTERXOOX Height, 14 imcJu*: l/nffth, 20 inches Thsottgh the meadows of the foreground, on which he shadowsfrcHn nearby trees, runs a httle slreani. Crossing the picturein its middle portion are groups of trees and a rail fence: ahouse with white walls appears at the left: beyond is indicateda glimpse of a lake and distant hillsides and over all is a skyof grav. The autumn tints which characterize the season areimbued with an atmospheric haze and a golden tone prevailsthroughout. Sigrud at the Uncer right. Property of Mi. E. A. GrKXEE.. Henry Pember Siuitli American: 18-54—1907iS—A HILL LOLXTLr. CUXXLCTIC IT Height. 14 inches; length, 20 inches A KOAD in the left foreground leads into the picture and disap-pears In a tiun mto a piece of woods, where the wall andcliininey of a house are seen embowered in the fohage. Treeson either side of tlie roadway reach well upward m the composi-tion. On the right is a comfortable-looking farm-house withwhite ^vall^ and a small red bam nearby. Farther away is aview of rolling country with belts of trees and fields. Theeffect is in sunlight and the sky shows light clouds with a littlepale blue here and there. Signed at the lower right.Property of Me. E. A. GrRXEE.