NEW SIDELIGHTS ON THE ABYSSINIAN CAMPAIGN: PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY A BRITISH OFFICER COMMANDING PATRIOT FORCES, 1941 - A British cavalry officer (Captain Mark Pilkington, of the Royal Horse Guards) who volunteered for service in the Ethiopian campaign as commander of an Abyssinian Patriot Force took this series of snapshot photographs during the opening operations, after his force had started to advance into Abyssinia from the Sudan border. Captions supplied by the photographer. Picture shows:- "Sudanese troops at Gedasef." ,

NEW SIDELIGHTS ON THE ABYSSINIAN CAMPAIGN: PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY A BRITISH OFFICER COMMANDING PATRIOT FORCES, 1941 - A British cavalry officer (Captain Mark Pilkington, of the Royal Horse Guards) who volunteered for service in the Ethiopian campaign as commander of an Abyssinian Patriot Force took this series of snapshot photographs during the opening operations, after his force had started to advance into Abyssinia from the Sudan border. Captions supplied by the photographer. Picture shows:- "Sudanese troops at Gedasef." , Stock Photo

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piemags/ww2archive / Alamy Stock Photo

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14.3 MB (413.4 KB Compressed download)


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2653 x 1884 px | 22.5 x 16 cm | 8.8 x 6.3 inches | 300dpi

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.