November 17, 2016 - Murcia, Spain: Portrait of Ines Madrigal, a Spanish woman who is pressing charges against Doctor Eduardo Vela for "kidnapping" in a rare case of prosecution in the country's stolen babies scandal. Ines Madrigal was born on the 4th of June 1969 to an unknown woman in the San Jamon clinic in Madrid. She was then "offered" by Dr Vela as a gift to Ines Perez, a woman who could not bear children. The trial is set to take place in early 2017 after Ines Madrigal provided evidences and testimonies from Ines Perez, her adoptive mother, against Dr Vela. The scandal of the "bebes roba

November 17, 2016 - Murcia, Spain: Portrait of Ines Madrigal, a Spanish woman who is pressing charges against Doctor Eduardo Vela for "kidnapping" in a rare case of prosecution in the country's stolen babies scandal. Ines Madrigal was born on the 4th of June 1969 to an unknown woman in the San Jamon clinic in Madrid. She was then "offered" by Dr Vela as a gift to Ines Perez, a woman who could not bear children. The trial is set to take place in early 2017 after Ines Madrigal provided evidences and testimonies from Ines Perez, her adoptive mother, against Dr Vela. The scandal of the "bebes roba Stock Photo

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Idealink Photography / Alamy Stock Photo

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69.1 MB (913.1 KB Compressed download)


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6016 x 4016 px | 50.9 x 34 cm | 20.1 x 13.4 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

17 November 2016

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November 17, 2016 - Murcia, Spain: Portrait of Ines Madrigal, a Spanish woman who is pressing charges against Doctor Eduardo Vela for "kidnapping" in a rare case of prosecution in the country's stolen babies scandal. Ines Madrigal was born on the 4th of June 1969 to an unknown woman in the San Jamon clinic in Madrid. She was then "offered" by Dr Vela as a gift to Ines Perez, a woman who could not bear children. The trial is set to take place in early 2017 after Ines Madrigal provided evidences and testimonies from Ines Perez, her adoptive mother, against Dr Vela. The scandal of the "bebes robados" ("stolen babies") date back from the era of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, during which the newborns of some communist opponents of the regime or unmarried couples were declared stillborn, removed from their mothers and adopted by supporters of the regime. Similar thefts and illegal adoptions continued until the 1980s and 1990s and it's now estimated that as many as 300, 000 children could have been taken. Several organisations in Spain, such as "Adelante bŽbŽs robados" or "SOS bŽbŽs robados" are now trying to reunite stolen babies with their birth parents by spreading information on social networks and storing DNA of affected people in databases.