Officers from the 117th Signal Corps, 42nd Division, formerly of the 1st Battalion Missouri Signal Corps, photographed during their New Year's mess at the Winger Verein in Bachem, Germany. Taken on January 1, 1919, by SGT. E.G. Hamlin. Image number 463161 in the S.C. Photographer series, recorded on March 28, 1919. Additional note: the location is the Central Cinzer Verein Ahrweiler.

Officers from the 117th Signal Corps, 42nd Division, formerly of the 1st Battalion Missouri Signal Corps, photographed during their New Year's mess at the Winger Verein in Bachem, Germany. Taken on January 1, 1919, by SGT. E.G. Hamlin. Image number 463161 in the S.C. Photographer series, recorded on March 28, 1919. Additional note: the location is the Central Cinzer Verein Ahrweiler. Stock Photo

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piemags/NSC / Alamy Stock Photo

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141 MB (4.3 MB Compressed download)


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8528 x 5779 px | 72.2 x 48.9 cm | 28.4 x 19.3 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

31 March 2017

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