Our new guide to rose culture : 1906 . he South. They will produce magnificenflowers. Our prices are the lowest. They should be grown like the Gladiolus. Dwarf Excelsior Pearl Tuberose Blooms magnificently; grows about 18 inches high, andblooms -early and with the greatest freedom, ITowers purewhite, very double, of immense size and sweetly scented.Large bulbs, .3 for ] 0 cts.; 9 for 25 cts.: 30 cts. per dozen ;S2.25 per hundred, postpaid; $1.50 per hundred, by Express. Orange-flowered Tuberose Bears, early in the season, snow-white flowers resem-bling Orange blooms, with fragrance as sweet.

Our new guide to rose culture : 1906 . he South. They will produce magnificenflowers. Our prices are the lowest. They should be grown like the Gladiolus. Dwarf Excelsior Pearl Tuberose Blooms magnificently; grows about 18 inches high, andblooms -early and with the greatest freedom, ITowers purewhite, very double, of immense size and sweetly scented.Large bulbs, .3 for ] 0 cts.; 9 for 25 cts.: 30 cts. per dozen ;S2.25 per hundred, postpaid; $1.50 per hundred, by _ Express. Orange-flowered Tuberose Bears, early in the season, snow-white flowers resem-bling Orange blooms, with fragrance as sweet. Stock Photo

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Our new guide to rose culture : 1906 . he South. They will produce magnificenflowers. Our prices are the lowest. They should be grown like the Gladiolus. Dwarf Excelsior Pearl Tuberose Blooms magnificently; grows about 18 inches high, andblooms -early and with the greatest freedom, ITowers purewhite, very double, of immense size and sweetly scented.Large bulbs, .3 for ] 0 cts.; 9 for 25 cts.: 30 cts. per dozen ;S2.25 per hundred, postpaid; $1.50 per hundred, by _ Express. Orange-flowered Tuberose Bears, early in the season, snow-white flowers resem-bling Orange blooms, with fragrance as sweet. 5 cts. each :7 for 25 cts.; 40 cts. per dozen, postpaid. New Variegated-leaved Tuberose The deep green leaves are finely edeed and border* (with white; large white flowers, exquisitely sweet; blooiubV^much earlier than other Tuberoses. 5 cts. each; 7 for 25CIS.; 40 cts. per dozen, postpaid. We send, postpaid, 9 Excel-sior Pearl Tuberoses, 3_ Ornnge-flowered and 3 New Variegated-leaved—15 in all—for 40 cts. #^l& Special Offer. EXCEi-SlOF? F^EARU