Polarised light micrograph of crystals of the drug ronicol (nicotinyl alcohol tartrate), which is used to treat poor peripheral blood circulaton. Magn

Polarised light micrograph of crystals of the drug ronicol (nicotinyl alcohol tartrate), which is used to treat poor peripheral blood circulaton. Magn Stock Photo

Image details


Science Photo Library / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

39.5 MB (1.2 MB Compressed download)


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4488 x 3079 px | 38 x 26.1 cm | 15 x 10.3 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

8 September 1989

More information:

Polarised light micrograph of crystals of the drug ronicol (nicotinyl alcohol tartrate), which is used to treat poor peripheral blood circulaton. Magnification: x20 at 35mm size.