Portugal, Azores, Acores, Ponta Delgada, religious street procession, stations of the cross, Saturday night before Easter, La penitencia, Easter Celeb

Portugal, Azores, Acores, Ponta Delgada, religious street procession, stations of the cross, Saturday night before Easter, La penitencia, Easter Celeb Stock Photo

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Stillman Rogers / Alamy Stock Photo

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50.7 MB (1.9 MB Compressed download)


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4860 x 3645 px | 41.1 x 30.9 cm | 16.2 x 12.2 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

30 January 2016


Sao Miguel, Portugal, Acores, Azores, Easter, Pageants,

More information:

Easter in Sao Miguelin the Acores Islands is a deeply religious event that extends over three days, commencing on Friday evening with a procession of the statue of Christ through the narrow streets accompanied by church dignitaries, a band playing religious music and the faithful. Along the way the procession stops periodically for prayer before proceeding on its path. A colorful event , it is also inspiring for tthe dedication of its expressions of religious fervor.