Prostate cancer. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of an axial section through the human pelvis, showing an enlarged prostate gland with cancer.

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Science Photo Library / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2ADK11GFile size:
64.8 MB (1 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4653 x 4871 px | 39.4 x 41.2 cm | 15.5 x 16.2 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
16 August 1994More information:
Prostate cancer. Coloured computed tomography (CT) scan of an axial section through the human pelvis, showing an enlarged prostate gland with cancer. At centre is the prostate (green) seen between bones of the pelvis (red). At lower centre, resting next to the prostate, is the rectum with its lumen (light blue). At upper centre is the bladder (yellow) which has been indented by the enlarged prostate. Prostate cancer typically affects elderly men, causing obstruction to the neck of the bladder & impairing urination. The cancer may spread to the bladder & other body regions. Treatment includes hormone drugs and surgery.