. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . Havana for shipment to theUnited States. The patient oxen arethe beasts of burden as far as the agri-cultural side of the Cuban freight isconcerned; they draw tremendousloads, and their slowness is made upIjy the certainty with which they pullthe big-wheeled wagons over the coun-try trails. implements drawn by oxen, but themodern plow is making its way in Cuba,and some of the more progressive agri-culturists are using the gang plow, Bracket Arch Cast Iron Car Wheel.This is a newly patented wh

. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . Havana for shipment to theUnited States. The patient oxen arethe beasts of burden as far as the agri-cultural side of the Cuban freight isconcerned; they draw tremendousloads, and their slowness is made upIjy the certainty with which they pullthe big-wheeled wagons over the coun-try trails. implements drawn by oxen, but themodern plow is making its way in Cuba,and some of the more progressive agri-culturists are using the gang plow, Bracket Arch Cast Iron Car Wheel.This is a newly patented wh Stock Photo

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Reading Room 2020 / Alamy Stock Photo

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. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . Havana for shipment to theUnited States. The patient oxen arethe beasts of burden as far as the agri-cultural side of the Cuban freight isconcerned; they draw tremendousloads, and their slowness is made upIjy the certainty with which they pullthe big-wheeled wagons over the coun-try trails. implements drawn by oxen, but themodern plow is making its way in Cuba, and some of the more progressive agri-culturists are using the gang plow, Bracket Arch Cast Iron Car Wheel.This is a newly patented wheel inwhich there is no ring core nor doubleplate around the hub. This allows thewheel to be thoroughly inspected andmakes it absolutely safe, as any defectcould be readily detected. The largeamount of gray metal over the flangeadds additional strength and absorbs andconducts the heat from the flange causedby brakage and friction of flange againstthe rail. The arch plate and heavy filletover the flange prevents the develop-ment of seams in the throat of flange, so often met with in the double plate. RURAL CUBA. some of them using a gasoline motorfor power. There is a law in Cubaagainst cutting down palm trees, andthat, to some extent, retarded the de-velopment of farm lands. It would bea pity to see the palm trees disappear, wheels in general use under modemheavy cars. As these wheels take buthalf the time in pouring that the doubleplate wheel requires, it has better chill, the metal is more regular in grain andthe wheel is much stronger. According 24S RAILWAY AND LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING June, 1905. to the M. C. B. drop and thermal tests to the Superintendent 1I. P. and M. It this wheel is from 25 to 30 per cent, got another slugging from the last stronger than the double plate wheel of named gentleman, but when it leaves the same weight and of the same iron; the Supply Agent, its own father would 700 lb. wheels of this type are in service be ignnrnnt of kinship: then comes the