. Recherché entrées : a collection of the latest and most popular dishes. them in the ovenfor about 10 minutes. Prepare a rich white sauce, towhich add i or 2 yolks of eggs, and a few drops of lemonjuice. Unmould the egg shapes, and dish up ; add afew drops of meat glaze, and a teaspoonful of finelychopped parsley, tarragon and chervil to the sauce, andpour this round the base of the dish. Garnish to taste,and serve hot. Riz h la Polonaise.(Rice, Polish Style.) lb. Carolina rice, 2 oz. butter, i quart chicken or beefstock, 3 smah shallots, i small onion stuck with 3 cloves,4-6 small firm t
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. Recherché entrées : a collection of the latest and most popular dishes. them in the ovenfor about 10 minutes. Prepare a rich white sauce, towhich add i or 2 yolks of eggs, and a few drops of lemonjuice. Unmould the egg shapes, and dish up ; add afew drops of meat glaze, and a teaspoonful of finelychopped parsley, tarragon and chervil to the sauce, andpour this round the base of the dish. Garnish to taste, and serve hot. Riz h la Polonaise.(Rice, Polish Style.) lb. Carolina rice, 2 oz. butter, i quart chicken or beefstock, 3 smah shallots, i small onion stuck with 3 cloves, 4-6 small firm tomatoes, grated cheese, salt and pepper. Clean the rice but do not wash it, put it in a stew-panwith the butter, and stir over the fire for a few minutes, then add the shallots previously peeled and choppedfinely, and let brown a little, moisten with the stock orbroth, add onion and tomatoes, the latter peeled, cutinto slices, season slowly and cook for about an hour.A few minutes before serving, add 2oz. of grated Gruyereor Parmesan cheese and remove the onion. Dress the. FII.ETS DE TURBOT, ISABELLE. {P- 56.)