RELIANCE AMERICAS CUP 1900s Crew hoisting mainsail on the yacht Reliance, winner of 1903 America's Cup] Image shows gaff cutter designed by Nathanael Greene Herreshoff and built by Herreshoff Manufacturing Company, Bristol, Rhode Island, for the 1903 America's Cup. Burton, James, photographer [1903 ]Reliance (Yacht)--1900-1910 - America's Cup--(12th :--1903 :--New York, N.Y.)--Equipment & supplies - Sailboats--American--1900-1910 Yachts--American--1900-1910 - Sailing--1900-1910

RELIANCE AMERICAS CUP 1900s Crew hoisting mainsail on the yacht Reliance, winner of 1903 America's Cup] Image shows gaff cutter designed by Nathanael Greene Herreshoff and built by Herreshoff Manufacturing Company, Bristol, Rhode Island, for the 1903 America's Cup. Burton, James, photographer [1903 ]Reliance (Yacht)--1900-1910 -  America's Cup--(12th :--1903 :--New York, N.Y.)--Equipment & supplies -  Sailboats--American--1900-1910 Yachts--American--1900-1910 -  Sailing--1900-1910 Stock Photo

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Shawshots / Alamy Stock Photo

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81.3 MB (3.2 MB Compressed download)


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4861 x 5849 px | 41.2 x 49.5 cm | 16.2 x 19.5 inches | 300dpi

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New York USA

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