salad with Mediterranean and American ingredients. Green-yellow avocado, green spinach, red onion, stewed lentils, chopped tomato, sesame and poppy se
![salad with Mediterranean and American ingredients. Green-yellow avocado, green spinach, red onion, stewed lentils, chopped tomato, sesame and poppy se Stock Photo](
Image details
Tomás Llamas Quintas / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
2GK8Y1DFile size:
33.6 MB (1.1 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4200 x 2800 px | 35.6 x 23.7 cm | 14 x 9.3 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
8 July 2019Location:
spainMore information:
salad with Mediterranean and American ingredients. Green-yellow avocado, green spinach, red onion, stewed lentils, chopped tomato, sesame and poppy seeds and olive oil with parsley