SAN DIEGO (June 16, 2018) Commander, Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC) Rear Adm. Dave Welch responds to a question during an in studio interview on KUSI News' Good Morning San Diego. SMWDC is one of the Navy's five Warfighting Development Centers and its mission is to increase the lethality and tactical proficiency of the Surface Force across all domains. (U.S. Navy photo by Clinton Beaird/Released)

SAN DIEGO (June 16, 2018) Commander, Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center (SMWDC) Rear Adm. Dave Welch responds to a question during an in studio interview on KUSI News' Good Morning San Diego. SMWDC is one of the Navy's five Warfighting Development Centers and its mission is to increase the lethality and tactical proficiency of the Surface Force across all domains. (U.S. Navy photo by Clinton Beaird/Released) Stock Photo

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