Shiraz or Persian tobacco, Nicotiana alata (Nicotiana persica). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Watts after an illustration by Miss Drake from Sydenham Edwards' "The Botanical Register," London, Ridgway, 1833. Sarah Anne Drake (1803-1857) drew over 1,300 plates for the botanist John Lindley, including many orchids.

Shiraz or Persian tobacco, Nicotiana alata (Nicotiana persica). Handcoloured copperplate engraving by S. Watts after an illustration by Miss Drake from Sydenham Edwards' "The Botanical Register," London, Ridgway, 1833. Sarah Anne Drake (1803-1857) drew over 1,300 plates for the botanist John Lindley, including many orchids. Stock Photo

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4180 x 6795 px | 35.4 x 57.5 cm | 13.9 x 22.7 inches | 300dpi



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