South Vietnamese forces escort suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem (also known as Bay Lop) on a Saigon street Feb. 1, 1968, early in the Tet Offensive. Moments later, Lem was executed by Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police. (AP Photo/Eddie Adams)

South Vietnamese forces escort suspected Viet Cong officer Nguyen Van Lem (also known as Bay Lop) on a Saigon street Feb. 1, 1968, early in the Tet Offensive. Moments later, Lem was executed by Gen. Nguyen Ngoc Loan, chief of the national police. (AP Photo/Eddie Adams) Stock Photo

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Associated Press / Alamy Stock Photo

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17.3 MB (951 KB Compressed download)


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3011 x 2004 px | 25.5 x 17 cm | 10 x 6.7 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

1 February 1968


Eddie Adams

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