Staff Sgt. Travis Garza from 1-125th Infantry teaches Combatives to Soldiers from the 1463rd Transportation Company on Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center, June 6, 2018. The 1463rd Transportation Company out of Fort Custer, Michigan trains as one of the Michigan National Guard 4.0 units, which are aimed at increasing overall combat readiness over time through multiple organizational and cultural changes. (Michigan National Guard
![Staff Sgt. Travis Garza from 1-125th Infantry teaches Combatives to Soldiers from the 1463rd Transportation Company on Camp Grayling Joint Maneuver Training Center, June 6, 2018. The 1463rd Transportation Company out of Fort Custer, Michigan trains as one of the Michigan National Guard 4.0 units, which are aimed at increasing overall combat readiness over time through multiple organizational and cultural changes. (Michigan National Guard Stock Photo](
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