Oklahoma Army National Guard members from Bravo Troop, 1st Squadron, 180th Cavalry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, conduct team live fire training at McGregor Range Complex, New Mexico, on Nov. 8, 2017, as part of post-mobilization training for an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. The 180th will deploy in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, where they will take part the NATO-led train, advise and assist mission known as Operation Resolute Support. (U.S. Army National Guard

Oklahoma Army National Guard members from Bravo Troop, 1st Squadron, 180th Cavalry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, conduct team live fire training at McGregor Range Complex, New Mexico, on Nov. 8, 2017, as part of post-mobilization training for an upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. The 180th will deploy in support of Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, where they will take part the NATO-led train, advise and assist mission known as Operation Resolute Support. (U.S. Army National Guard Stock Photo

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