An anti-hijacking exercise conducted by the 60th Air Mobility Wing and other outside agencies played out at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., June 23, 2015. A C-17 Globemaster played the role of the hijacked aircraft where a crew member took control trying to get to the Philippines to join the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS). The aircraft was intercepted and turned back to Travis AFB by two Western Air Defense Air National Guard F-15 Eagles out of Fresno, California and forced to land. After a brief negotiation process, members of the 60 Security Forces Squadron stormed the plane, neutralized the
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PJF Military Collection / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
HEA69EFile size:
7.1 MB (344.6 KB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
1903 x 1313 px | 32.2 x 22.2 cm | 12.7 x 8.8 inches | 150dpiDate taken:
23 June 2015More information:
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An anti-hijacking exercise conducted by the 60th Air Mobility Wing and other outside agencies played out at Travis Air Force Base, Calif., June 23, 2015. A C-17 Globemaster played the role of the hijacked aircraft where a crew member took control trying to get to the Philippines to join the Islamic State of Iraq (ISIS). The aircraft was intercepted and turned back to Travis AFB by two Western Air Defense Air National Guard F-15 Eagles out of Fresno, California and forced to land. After a brief negotiation process, members of the 60 Security Forces Squadron stormed the plane, neutralized the hijacker and secured the release of the "hostages". ( Heide Couch