Apr 23, 2011 - Pantukan, Compostella Valley, Philippines - Rescuers search for missing people Saturday after an avalanche of mud buried an illegal gold mining camp on Friday, April 22, 2011 in the town of Pantukan in Compostella Valley in the southern Philippines. Officials say at least three bodies

Apr 23, 2011 - Pantukan, Compostella Valley, Philippines - Rescuers search for missing people Saturday after an avalanche of mud buried an illegal gold mining camp on Friday, April 22, 2011 in the town of Pantukan in Compostella Valley in the southern Philippines. Officials say at least three bodies Stock Photo

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ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

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3888 x 2592 px | 32.9 x 21.9 cm | 13 x 8.6 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

23 April 2011



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Apr 23, 2011 - Pantukan, Compostella Valley, Philippines - Rescuers search for missing people Saturday after an avalanche of mud buried an illegal gold mining camp on Friday, April 22, 2011 in the town of Pantukan in Compostella Valley in the southern Philippines. Officials say at least three bodies have been recovered so far, 15 rescued, while 21 people are still missing. (Credit Image: © Jef Maitem/ZUMAPRESS.com)

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