Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Georgian violinist Lisa Batiashvili poses after an interview with German news agency dpa in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Photo: PAUL ZINKEN/dpa/Alamy Live News Image details File size:
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Similar stock images Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Soprano Claudia Roick singing during the Fete de la Musique festival at Lustgarten in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-soprano-claudia-roick-singing-during-106484312.html RM G56NR4 – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Soprano Claudia Roick singing during the Fete de la Musique festival at Lustgarten in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Bloody battles on the Eastern Front, suffering of war prisoners and extermination of Jews and Roma people commemorates an exhibition on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22. Exhibition is seen in Berlin, Germany, June 21, 2016. The Second World War claimed around 27 million lives, mostly civilians, in the Soviet Union. © Martin Weiser/CTK Photo/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-bloody-battles-on-the-eastern-front-106828334.html RM G5PCHJ – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Bloody battles on the Eastern Front, suffering of war prisoners and extermination of Jews and Roma people commemorates an exhibition on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22. Exhibition is seen in Berlin, Germany, June 21, 2016. The Second World War claimed around 27 million lives, mostly civilians, in the Soviet Union. © Martin Weiser/CTK Photo/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. German supporters cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-german-supporters-cheer-at-fan-106485292.html RM G56R24 – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. German supporters cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-the-political-art-group-center-106485181.html RM G56PX5 – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Soprano Claudia Roick singing during the Fete de la Musique festival at Lustgarten in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-soprano-claudia-roick-singing-during-106484305.html RM G56NPW – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Soprano Claudia Roick singing during the Fete de la Musique festival at Lustgarten in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Bloody battles on the Eastern Front, suffering of war prisoners and extermination of Jews and Roma people commemorates an exhibition on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22. Exhibition is seen in Berlin, Germany, June 21, 2016. The Second World War claimed around 27 million lives, mostly civilians, in the Soviet Union. © Martin Weiser/CTK Photo/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-bloody-battles-on-the-eastern-front-106828332.html RM G5PCHG – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Bloody battles on the Eastern Front, suffering of war prisoners and extermination of Jews and Roma people commemorates an exhibition on the occasion of 75th anniversary of the attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22. Exhibition is seen in Berlin, Germany, June 21, 2016. The Second World War claimed around 27 million lives, mostly civilians, in the Soviet Union. © Martin Weiser/CTK Photo/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. German supporters cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-german-supporters-cheer-at-fan-106485301.html RM G56R2D – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. German supporters cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-the-political-art-group-center-106485190.html RM G56PXE – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The 'Tango Element Project' performs as part of the Fete de la Musique festival in front of the restaurant Ganymed in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-the-tango-element-project-performs-as-106484231.html RM G56NM7 – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The 'Tango Element Project' performs as part of the Fete de la Musique festival in front of the restaurant Ganymed in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. A German supporter cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-a-german-supporter-cheer-at-fan-106485294.html RM G56R26 – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. A German supporter cheer at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Spectators react to the tigers in the cage. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-spectators-react-to-the-tigers-106485185.html RM G56PX9 – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. Spectators react to the tigers in the cage. The political art group 'Center for Political Beauty' (Zentrum für Politische Schönheit, ZPS) sets up Roman-style arena for refugees to be devoured by tigers in outside the Maxim Gorki theater in Berlin. © Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The 'Tango Element Project' performs as part of the Fete de la Musique festival in front of the restaurant Ganymed in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-the-tango-element-project-performs-as-106484190.html RM G56NJP – Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. The 'Tango Element Project' performs as part of the Fete de la Musique festival in front of the restaurant Ganymed in Berlin, Germany, 21 June 2016. Musicians play music for free at different locations in the city. The idea comes from France and is celebrated in Berlin annualy since 1995. PHOTO: JENS KALAENE/dpa/Alamy Live News Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. A German supporter with a hat at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-berlin-berlin-germany-21st-june-2016-a-german-supporter-with-a-hat-106485296.html RM G56R28 – Berlin, Berlin, Germany. 21st June, 2016. A German supporter with a hat at fan zone in Berlin ahead of Germany vs Northern Ireland. Credit: Jan Scheunert/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News