B&Q extra warehouse store and disabled free car parking facilities

B&Q extra warehouse store and disabled free car parking facilities Stock Photo

Image details


Justin Kase ztwoz / Alamy Stock Photo

Image ID:


File size:

56.4 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download)


Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?


3617 x 5446 px | 30.6 x 46.1 cm | 12.1 x 18.2 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

10 October 2008


Romford London Borough of Havering England UK

More information:

Note that Romford has for some years been in the London Borough of Havering and is now within the Greater London area. It was previously part of Essex, and some of the media (including the BBC) still refer regularly to "Romford Essex". For this reason Essex is included in the keywording for this image.