Capt. Doug Zembiec, the commanding officer of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, gives orders to his men over a radio prior to leaving their secured compound for a short patrol in Fallujah, Iraq April 8, 2004.The company entered Fallujah April 6 to begin the effort of destroying enemy holded up in the city. (Official USMC photo by Sgt. Jose E. Guillen) Zembiec-fallujah

Capt. Doug Zembiec, the commanding officer of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, gives orders to his men over a radio prior to leaving their secured compound for a short patrol in Fallujah, Iraq April 8, 2004.The company entered Fallujah April 6 to begin the effort of destroying enemy holded up in the city. (Official USMC photo by Sgt. Jose E. Guillen) Zembiec-fallujah Stock Photo

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PJF Military Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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7.1 MB (256.2 KB Compressed download)


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1938 x 1289 px | 32.8 x 21.8 cm | 12.9 x 8.6 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

8 April 2004

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