CISEENG, BOGOR, INDONESIA - AUGUST 16, 2004 View of power lines and towers around rural and village areas in South Jakarta and Bogor, West Java. Poor people have left Jakarta due to high cost of land then dwell on free land such as one underneath power lines and structures. They risk their life, as

CISEENG, BOGOR, INDONESIA - AUGUST 16, 2004  View of power lines and towers around rural and village areas in South Jakarta and Bogor, West Java. Poor people have left Jakarta due to high cost of land then dwell on free land such as one underneath power lines and structures. They risk their life, as Stock Photo

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ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

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9.6 MB (583.5 KB Compressed download)


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2269 x 1480 px | 38.4 x 25.1 cm | 15.1 x 9.9 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

10 August 2004



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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

CISEENG, BOGOR, INDONESIA - AUGUST 16, 2004 View of power lines and towers around rural and village areas in South Jakarta and Bogor, West Java. Poor people have left Jakarta due to high cost of land then dwell on free land such as one underneath power lines and structures. They risk their life, as it is extremely dangerous due to the high voltage and other risks like electrocution during rains. Photo by Yusnirsyah Sirin/JiwaFoto

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