Coastal town of Wonsan
Image details
Sueddeutsche Zeitung Photo / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
GDXNG2File size:
34.5 MB (1.3 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
4256 x 2832 px | 36 x 24 cm | 14.2 x 9.4 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
8 December 2012Location:
North KoreaPhotographer:
Olaf Schülke/Süddeutsche Zeitung PhotoMore information:
This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.
Coastal town of Wonsan. NORTH KOREA, Wonsan, August 12, 2012. A view of the North Korean coastal town of Wonsan. The town on the east coast of the country is a popular holiday destination for the few North Koreans who can afford a short vacation.