DADDY DAY CAMP, Taggart Hurtubise, 2007. ©Sony Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection Image details File size:
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2336 x 3504 px | 19.8 x 29.7 cm | 7.8 x 11.7 inches | 300dpi
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DADDY DAY CAMP, Taggart Hurtubise, 2007. ©Sony Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection
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Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-release-date-august-8-2007-movie-title-daddy-day-camp-studio-tristar-90176838.html RM F6KWDA – RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2007. MOVIE TITLE: Daddy Day Camp. STUDIO: TriStar Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment. PLOT: The sequel to 'Daddy Day Care' - a story about two dads, Charlie Hinton (Gooding Jr.) and Phil Ryerson (Rae), who find themselves unprepared to take on the responsibility of running, and rescuing, a troubled summer day camp. PICTURED: TAGGART HURTUBISE as Carl. RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2007. MOVIE TITLE: Daddy Day Camp. STUDIO: TriStar Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment. PLOT: The sequel to 'Daddy Day Care' - a story about two dads, Charlie Hinton (Gooding Jr.) and Phil Ryerson (Rae), who find themselves unprepared to take on the responsibility of running, and rescuing, a troubled summer day camp. PICTURED: TAGGART HURTUBISE as Carl. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-release-date-august-8-2007-movie-title-daddy-day-camp-studio-tristar-90176837.html RM F6KWD9 – RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2007. MOVIE TITLE: Daddy Day Camp. STUDIO: TriStar Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment. PLOT: The sequel to 'Daddy Day Care' - a story about two dads, Charlie Hinton (Gooding Jr.) and Phil Ryerson (Rae), who find themselves unprepared to take on the responsibility of running, and rescuing, a troubled summer day camp. PICTURED: TAGGART HURTUBISE as Carl. RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2007. MOVIE TITLE: Daddy Day Camp - STUDIO: TriStar Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment. PLOT: The sequel to 'Daddy Day Care' - a story about two dads, Charlie Hinton (Gooding Jr.) and Phil Ryerson (Rae), who find themselves unprepared to take on the responsibility of running, and rescuing, a troubled summer day camp. PICTURED: TELISE GALANIS, SPENCIR BRIDGES, ZACHARY ALLEN, TYGER RAWLINGS, TAGGART HURTUBISE, DALLIN BOYCE, TAD D'AGOSTINO, MOLLY JEPSON. Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-release-date-august-8-2007-movie-title-daddy-day-camp-studio-tristar-90176854.html RM F6KWDX – RELEASE DATE: August 8, 2007. MOVIE TITLE: Daddy Day Camp - STUDIO: TriStar Pictures/Sony Pictures Entertainment. PLOT: The sequel to 'Daddy Day Care' - a story about two dads, Charlie Hinton (Gooding Jr.) and Phil Ryerson (Rae), who find themselves unprepared to take on the responsibility of running, and rescuing, a troubled summer day camp. PICTURED: TELISE GALANIS, SPENCIR BRIDGES, ZACHARY ALLEN, TYGER RAWLINGS, TAGGART HURTUBISE, DALLIN BOYCE, TAD D'AGOSTINO, MOLLY JEPSON.