Dental Instruments, 16th Century

Dental Instruments, 16th Century Stock Photo

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Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo

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39 MB (1.3 MB Compressed download)


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3300 x 4129 px | 27.9 x 35 cm | 11 x 13.8 inches | 300dpi


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Ambroise Par̩ (1510 - December 20, 1590) was a French surgeon, anatomist and inventor. He was royal surgeon for kings Henry II, Francis II, Charles IX and Henry III and is considered one of the fathers of surgery and modern forensic pathology. The 1585 edition of Par̩'s Oeuvres (Collected Works) represents the final summary of his life's work. It has over twelve hundred folio pages, with nearly four hundred illustrations drawing upon a lifetime of practice. The illustration of these dental instruments is preceded in the text by an earnest discussion of the importance of dental hygiene.