Female Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) and tourist, who might be feeling a bit uneasy, in Jasper National Park, Rocky Mountains, Canada.
RMID:Image ID:CX4N82
Image details
Ashley Cooper pics / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
CX4N82File size:
60.2 MB (2.6 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
3744 x 5616 px | 31.7 x 47.5 cm | 12.5 x 18.7 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
19 August 2012More information:
Female Big Horn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) and tourist, who might be feeling a bit uneasy, in Jasper National Park, Rocky Mountains, Canada.