Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Image details File size:
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5430 x 3620 px | 46 x 30.6 cm | 18.1 x 12.1 inches | 300dpi
Date taken:
30 January 2016
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Similar stock images Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Tribute to the victims killed by the Francoist repression in the cemetery of Guadalajara. Timoteo Mendieta Alcala was executed against Guadalajara's cemetery wall on 16 November 1939 - one of an estimated 822 executions carried out at the cemetery from 1939 to 1944. The father-of-seven had been the local leader of the socialist UGT union in the village of Sacedon, where he had worked as a butcher. During the Franco era, his family did not dare ask to have his remains removed from the grave in which he and 21 other men were buried. (Credit Image: © Nacho Gua Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-tribute-to-the-victims-killed-by-the-144322535.html RM JAPCT7 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Tribute to the victims killed by the Francoist repression in the cemetery of Guadalajara. Timoteo Mendieta Alcala was executed against Guadalajara's cemetery wall on 16 November 1939 - one of an estimated 822 executions carried out at the cemetery from 1939 to 1944. The father-of-seven had been the local leader of the socialist UGT union in the village of Sacedon, where he had worked as a butcher. During the Franco era, his family did not dare ask to have his remains removed from the grave in which he and 21 other men were buried. (Credit Image: © Nacho Gua Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325254.html RM FDCTR2 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. During a tribute to the victims on January 30, 2016. Ascension Mendieta right and Ana Mesutti, lawyer of the family, left. Timoteo Mendieta Alcala was executed against Guadalajara's cemetery wall on 16 November 1939 - one of an estimated 822 executions carried out at the cemetery from 1939 to 1944. The father-of-seven had been the local leader of the socialist UGT union in the village of Sacedon, where he had worked as a butcher. During the Franco era, his family did not dare ask to have his remains removed from the grave in which he and 21 other men were b Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-during-a-tribute-to-the-victims-on-144322591.html RM JAPCX7 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. During a tribute to the victims on January 30, 2016. Ascension Mendieta right and Ana Mesutti, lawyer of the family, left. Timoteo Mendieta Alcala was executed against Guadalajara's cemetery wall on 16 November 1939 - one of an estimated 822 executions carried out at the cemetery from 1939 to 1944. The father-of-seven had been the local leader of the socialist UGT union in the village of Sacedon, where he had worked as a butcher. During the Franco era, his family did not dare ask to have his remains removed from the grave in which he and 21 other men were b Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325672.html RM FDCWA0 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325247.html RM FDCTPR – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325264.html RM FDCTRC – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325251.html RM FDCTPY – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-daughter-of-timoteo-94325257.html RM FDCTR5 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta, daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta (C), daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-ascension-mendieta-c-daughter-of-timoteo-94325256.html RM FDCTR4 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Ascension Mendieta (C), daughter of Timoteo Mendieta, during the day of the exhumation of her fathers' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939 Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-exhumation-of-timoteo-mendietas-rests-94325258.html RM FDCTR6 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-exhumation-of-timoteo-mendietas-rests-94325259.html RM FDCTR7 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-guadalajara-spain-30th-jan-2016-exhumation-of-timoteo-mendietas-rests-94325260.html RM FDCTR8 – Guadalajara, Spain. 30th Jan, 2016. Exhumation of Timoteo Mendietas' rests, which were buried in a common grave after being murder by Francos' forces in 1939. The grave, more than 3 meters deep gathers the rest of 22 bodies. Credit: Marcos del Mazo/Pacific Press/Alamy Live News