Holly berries and leaves from an American Holly Tree.

Holly berries and leaves from an American Holly Tree. Stock Photo

Image details


Aubrey Huggins / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

51.3 MB (1.9 MB Compressed download)


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5184 x 3456 px | 43.9 x 29.3 cm | 17.3 x 11.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

25 December 2014


Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

More information:

American Holly is a small tree or large shrub which is very easy to identify. It grows up to 60 feet tall, but is usually much smaller. American Holly leaves are dark green, tough, and leathery. Sometimes they are very shiny. Underneath, they are yellowish-green. Holly leaves have several "prickles" on the edges.Fruits of this tree are called drupes. The drupes are green and berry-like, turning to bright red. Drupes grow from September to November and stay on the tree through the winter.