J K Rowling Author leans out of a steam train named Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross railway station in London holding her fourth book in the popular children s Harry Potter series Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire This train appears in the Potter book with the new title going on sale across the world at Saturday

J K Rowling Author leans out of a steam train named Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross railway station in London holding her fourth book in the popular children s Harry Potter series Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire This train appears in the Potter book with the new title going on sale across the world at Saturday Stock Photo

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Trinity Mirror / Mirrorpix / Alamy Stock Photo

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1351 x 2065 px | 22.9 x 35 cm | 9 x 13.8 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

8 July 2000



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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

J K Rowling Author leans out of a steam train named Hogwarts Express at Kings Cross railway station in London holding her fourth book in the popular children s Harry Potter series Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire This train appears in the Potter book with the new title going on sale across the world at Saturday

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