London UK 01 April 2017 The EDL (English Defence League) and Britain First staged a march trough central London to protest at what they see a weak response to the terrorist act committed in London few weeks ago and to what they see as the Islamic Threat,Counter Demonstrators from the AFL (Anti Fascist League ) clashed with police. Credit: Paul Quezada-Neiman/Alamy Live News Image details File size:
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Credit: Paul Quezada-Neiman/Alamy Live News Stock Photo https://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1 https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-london-uk-01-april-2017-the-edl-english-defence-league-and-britain-137124982.html RM HY2G8P – London UK 01 April 2017 The EDL (English Defence League) and Britain First staged a march trough central London to protest at what they see a weak response to the terrorist act committed in London few weeks ago and to what they see as the Islamic Threat,Counter Demonstrators from the AFL (Anti Fascist League ) clashed with police. Credit: Paul Quezada-Neiman/Alamy Live News