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London, UK. 11th June 2016. HM Queen Elizabeth II takes the salute and inspects the parade at this year’s Queen's Birthday Parade which is held on the second Saturday in June to mark Her Majesty's Official Birthday. 
The Queen’s Birthday Parade, more popularly known as Trooping the Colour, is when the Queen’s Colour is “Trooped” in front of Her Majesty The Queen and all the Royal Colonels. This year the honour falls to No 7 Company of The Coldstream Guards. Credit: LondonView/Alamy Live News

London, UK. 11th June 2016. HM Queen Elizabeth II takes the salute and inspects the parade at this year’s Queen's Birthday Parade which is held on the second Saturday in June to mark Her Majesty's Official Birthday. 
The Queen’s Birthday Parade, more popularly known as Trooping the Colour, is when the Queen’s Colour is “Trooped” in front of Her Majesty The Queen and all the Royal Colonels. This year the honour falls to No 7 Company of The Coldstream Guards. Credit:  LondonView/Alamy Live News Stock Photo

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Malcolm Park / Alamy Stock Photo

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51.1 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download)


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5139 x 3473 px | 43.5 x 29.4 cm | 17.1 x 11.6 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

11 June 2016

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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

Horse Guards Parade, London, UK. 11th June 2016. HM Queen Elizabeth II takes the salute and inspects the parade at this year’s Queen's Birthday Parade which is held on the second Saturday in June to mark Her Majesty's Official Birthday. 
The Queen’s Birthday Parade, more popularly known as Trooping the Colour, is when the Queen’s Colour is “Trooped” in front of Her Majesty The Queen and all the Royal Colonels. This year the honour falls to No 7 Company of The Coldstream Guards. The Colour being paraded was presented to the Battalion at Windsor Castle by HM The Queen in 2012. © LondonView/Alamy Live News.

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