London UK. 22nd June 2017. Comedian and writer Bridget Christie performing at The Red Imp Comedy Club @ The Rose and Crown Pub Walthamstow, London E17. Red Imp is an independent comedy club founded and hosted by comedian Susan Murray it attracts a wealth of A list comedy talent many of whom use the venue as an opportunity to test out new material.

London UK. 22nd June 2017. Comedian and writer Bridget Christie performing at The Red Imp Comedy Club @ The Rose and Crown Pub Walthamstow, London E17.   Red Imp is an independent comedy club founded and hosted by comedian Susan Murray it attracts a wealth of A list comedy talent many of whom use the venue as an opportunity to test out new material. Stock Photo

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roger parkes / Alamy Stock Photo

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103.4 MB (11 MB Compressed download)


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4912 x 7360 px | 41.6 x 62.3 cm | 16.4 x 24.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

22 June 2017

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