Loughborough Design School, Loughborough, United Kingdom. Architect: Burwell Deakins Architects, 2011. Comprehensive vertical pa

Loughborough Design School, Loughborough, United Kingdom. Architect: Burwell Deakins Architects, 2011. Comprehensive vertical pa Stock Photo

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Hufton+Crow-VIEW / Alamy Stock Photo

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3160 x 5307 px | 26.8 x 44.9 cm | 10.5 x 17.7 inches | 300dpi

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This is a 7, 920 square metre building comprising teaching spaces, research laboratories, workshops, computer suites, offices and cafe, and is located on the existing university campus. It is a deep-plan building on a roughly triangular footprint. Environmentally, the inclusion of chimneys within the heart of the plan has helped the building to achieve a BREEAM Excellent rating. Structurally, the choice of concrete works well, offering both a robust and beautiful quality of finish to the interior spaces.