NEW YORK – New York Army National Guard color guard Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry depart St. Patrick’s Cathedral for the start of the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade here March 16. A mass is held here prior to the start of the city parade to celebrate the Irish heritage of New York and bless the 69th Infantry for their unique role in Irish American history. The 69th Infantry has led the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade since for the past 162 years, including the years of the regiment’s wartime service in WWI, WWII and Iraq. The troops wear a sprig of boxwood as a r
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1295 x 1929 px | 21.9 x 32.7 cm | 8.6 x 12.9 inches | 150dpiDate taken:
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NEW YORK – New York Army National Guard color guard Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 69th Infantry depart St. Patrick’s Cathedral for the start of the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade here March 16. A mass is held here prior to the start of the city parade to celebrate the Irish heritage of New York and bless the 69th Infantry for their unique role in Irish American history. The 69th Infantry has led the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade since for the past 162 years, including the years of the regiment’s wartime service in WWI, WWII and Iraq. The troops wear a sprig of boxwood as a reminder of the regiment's charge against Confederate lines at the Battle of Fredericksburg during the Civil War. Gen. Frank Grass, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, joined the parade as a guest of the regiment this year. U.S. Army photo by Col. Richard Goldenberg, New York Army National Guard.