Rathauscafe auf dem Marktplatz, Rathaus, historischer Stadtkern Cochem, Town hall cafe, people sitting at the market place

Rathauscafe auf dem Marktplatz, Rathaus, historischer Stadtkern Cochem, Town hall cafe, people sitting at the market place Stock Photo

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Helmut Corneli / Alamy Stock Photo

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File size:

60.2 MB (4.3 MB Compressed download)


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5616 x 3744 px | 47.5 x 31.7 cm | 18.7 x 12.5 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

28 October 2010


Cochem Mittelmosel Rheinland-Pfalz Deutschland Europa, Moselle Rhineland-Palatinate Germany Europe

More information:

Menschen sitzen in der Aussengastronomie des Rathauscafes auf dem Marktplatz, Rathaus, historischer Stadtkern, Cochem, Mosel, Mittelmosel, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland, Europa | Town hall cafe, people sitting at the market place, town hall, market square, old town, Cochem, Moselle, Mosel river, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe