Staff Sgt. Ryan Kelly, 460th Security Forces Squadron military working dog trainer, hides a training device March 20, 2013, at a training facility on Buckley Air Force Base, Colo. Several K-9 teams from the 460th SFS, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Denver Sheriff Department and Transportation Security Administration participated in a K-9 training exercise hosted by the 460th SFS. Airman 1st Class Riley Johnson

Staff Sgt. Ryan Kelly, 460th Security Forces Squadron military working dog trainer, hides a training device March 20, 2013, at a training facility on Buckley Air Force Base, Colo. Several K-9 teams from the 460th SFS, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, Denver Sheriff Department and Transportation Security Administration participated in a K-9 training exercise hosted by the 460th SFS.  Airman 1st Class Riley Johnson Stock Photo

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PJF Military Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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1290 x 1938 px | 21.8 x 32.8 cm | 8.6 x 12.9 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

20 March 2013

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