The Cathedral of Saint Helena is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Helena, Montana.
Image details
Morey Milbradt / Alamy Stock PhotoImage ID:
CC57D7File size:
35.2 MB (1.7 MB Compressed download)Releases:
Model - no | Property - noDo I need a release?Dimensions:
2892 x 4256 px | 24.5 x 36 cm | 9.6 x 14.2 inches | 300dpiDate taken:
23 June 2008Location:
Helena, Montana.More information:
The site for the building of the Cathedral church was selected by Bishop John Carroll. It was purchased in 1905 through a generous contribution made by Thomas Cruse. Mr. A. O. Von Herbulis of Washington, D.C. was commissioned to be the architect. Mr. Von Herbulis was trained abroad and was chosen because of his extensive knowledge of the Cathedrals of Europe. Mr. Von Herbulis submitted architectual sketches in two styles, Romanesque and Gothic. When the drawings were presented, the Gothic form was chosen and approved unanimously by the Building Committee and Advisory Board. Columbia Construction Company of New York began construction of the Cathedral in 1908, with the cornerstone laid on October 4th that year. On November 8, 1914 the Catholic community of Helena gathered to celebrate the Eucharist for the first time in the new church. The first funeral held in the Cathedral was that of Mr. Thomas Cruse, loyal friend and Cathedral benefactor on December 26, 1914. The Cathedral was not completed for another 10 years. In June of 1924 the Cathedral was consecrated and set aside for the exclusive worship of God.