The entrance on the French side of the Mont Blanc tunnel in Chamonix lies in the afternoon sun. The Mont Blanc Tunnel connects the Mont Blanc massif, Chamonix in France to Courmayeur in Italy's Aosta Valley. | usage worldwide

The entrance on the French side of the Mont Blanc tunnel in Chamonix lies in the afternoon sun. The Mont Blanc Tunnel connects the Mont Blanc massif, Chamonix in France to Courmayeur in Italy's Aosta Valley. | usage worldwide Stock Photo

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dpa picture alliance / Alamy Stock Photo

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34.5 MB (2.1 MB Compressed download)


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4256 x 2832 px | 36 x 24 cm | 14.2 x 9.4 inches | 300dpi

Date taken:

24 June 2011



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