The Yeti Mark two - seven foot tall monsters with light eyes, electrical nervous system, electronic roars, and assisted by a fungoid mist have taken over London for the TV series Dr Who. The yeti's are played by actors Gordon Stothard, John Lord, Colin Warman and John Levene, wearing suits made from Yak fur and wool with eyes that light up.;Our Picture Shows: Yeti's near Goodge Street underground station in London. Dec 1967;X11800

The Yeti Mark two - seven foot tall monsters with light eyes, electrical nervous system, electronic roars, and assisted by a fungoid mist have taken over London for the TV series Dr Who. The yeti's are played by actors Gordon Stothard, John Lord, Colin Warman and John Levene, wearing suits made from Yak fur and wool with eyes that light up.;Our Picture Shows: Yeti's near Goodge Street underground station in London. Dec 1967;X11800 Stock Photo

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Trinity Mirror / Mirrorpix / Alamy Stock Photo

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26.2 MB (1.5 MB Compressed download)


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3714 x 2461 px | 31.4 x 20.8 cm | 12.4 x 8.2 inches | 300dpi



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This image could have imperfections as it’s either historical or reportage.

The Yeti Mark two - seven foot tall monsters with light eyes, electrical nervous system, electronic roars, and assisted by a fungoid mist have taken over London for the TV series Dr Who. The yeti's are played by actors Gordon Stothard, John Lord, Colin Warman and John Levene, wearing suits made from Yak fur and wool with eyes that light up.;Our Picture Shows: Yeti's near Goodge Street underground station in London. Dec 1967;X11800

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