U.S. Air Force Academy boxing coach Edward Weichers fastens Cadet Second Class Glenn Miltenberg head gear during his bout against U.S. Army West Point Cadet Sebastian Mimms on November 4, 2011at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cadet Second Class Glenn Miltenberg ended up loosing his bout. The Army cadets ended up winning the overall competition taking five of the eight bouts.(U.S. Air Force Photo by: MSgt Jeremy Lock) (Released) 111104-F-JQ435-005 by AirmanMagazine

U.S. Air Force Academy boxing coach Edward Weichers fastens Cadet Second Class Glenn Miltenberg head gear during his bout against U.S. Army West Point Cadet Sebastian Mimms on November 4, 2011at the Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. Cadet Second Class Glenn Miltenberg ended up loosing his bout. The Army cadets ended up winning the overall competition taking five of the eight bouts.(U.S. Air Force Photo by: MSgt Jeremy Lock) (Released) 111104-F-JQ435-005 by AirmanMagazine Stock Photo

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Military Collection / Alamy Stock Photo

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1938 x 1289 px | 32.8 x 21.8 cm | 12.9 x 8.6 inches | 150dpi

Date taken:

4 November 2011

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