The M777 howitzer cannon loading area looking up into the muzzle. The M777 is able to deliver up to five rounds a minute under intense firing conditions and is able to provide a sustained rate of fire of two rounds a minute. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-118 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T0–The M777 howitzer cannon loading area looking up into the muzzle. The M777 is able to deliver up to five rounds a minute under intense firing conditions and is able to provide a sustained rate of fire of two rounds a minute. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-118
5th January 2019, Carrow Road, Norfolk, England; The Emirates FA Cup, 3rd Round, Norwich City vs Portsmouth ; André Green (37) of Portsmouth enters the box ahead of scoring the winning goal to make it 0-1. Credit: Georgie Kerr/News Images English Football League images are subject to DataCo Licence Stock Photo
RMRB3W92–5th January 2019, Carrow Road, Norfolk, England; The Emirates FA Cup, 3rd Round, Norwich City vs Portsmouth ; André Green (37) of Portsmouth enters the box ahead of scoring the winning goal to make it 0-1. Credit: Georgie Kerr/News Images English Football League images are subject to DataCo Licence
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA7W–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Crawley, UK. 01st Dec, 2019. Crawley, England, April 4th 2021 Lucy Staniforth (37 Manchester United) caught offside after finding herself 1 on 1 against Megan Walsh (1 Brighton) during the Barclays FA Womens Super League game between Brighton & Hove Albion and Manchester United at The People's Pension Stadium in Crawley. Jordan Colborne/SPP Credit: SPP Sport Press Photo. /Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RM2HAF31D–Crawley, UK. 01st Dec, 2019. Crawley, England, April 4th 2021 Lucy Staniforth (37 Manchester United) caught offside after finding herself 1 on 1 against Megan Walsh (1 Brighton) during the Barclays FA Womens Super League game between Brighton & Hove Albion and Manchester United at The People's Pension Stadium in Crawley. Jordan Colborne/SPP Credit: SPP Sport Press Photo. /Alamy Live News
April 1, 2019 - SãO Paulo, Brazil - Members of the NGO Rio da Paz are holding a demonstration in memory of the victims of the dictatorship, on the morning of this sgeunda-feira, in the open space of the Masp, on Paulista Avenue, central region of the city of São Paulo. The act recalled the dead, missing, tortured and political prisoners during the period of military dictatorship in Brazil between 1964 and 1985. April 1, 2019. Credit: FáBio Vieira/FotoRua/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News Stock Photo
RMT2CKJ1–April 1, 2019 - SãO Paulo, Brazil - Members of the NGO Rio da Paz are holding a demonstration in memory of the victims of the dictatorship, on the morning of this sgeunda-feira, in the open space of the Masp, on Paulista Avenue, central region of the city of São Paulo. The act recalled the dead, missing, tortured and political prisoners during the period of military dictatorship in Brazil between 1964 and 1985. April 1, 2019. Credit: FáBio Vieira/FotoRua/ZUMA Wire/Alamy Live News
Archive image from page 316 of Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung. Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung desselben dasmikroskoptheo01ng Year: 1867 Eini-iclitung des Polarisationsmikroskops. 297 spricht. Setzt man c d stände abzuhelfen, indem er den Canadabalsani durch eine Luftschicht ersetzte. Dadurch wird für den ordentlichen Strahl der Grenzwinkel der totalen Reflexion auf 37' 5' reducirt, und die Brechungsverhältnisse stellen sich am günstigsten her- aus, wenn a in Fig. 156 = 51 ' und /9 = 70' 52', welche letztere Grosse der natürlichen Neigung ent- 1, so erhält man durch tri- Stock Photo
RMW27TN8–Archive image from page 316 of Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung. Das Mikroskop, Theorie und Anwendung desselben dasmikroskoptheo01ng Year: 1867 Eini-iclitung des Polarisationsmikroskops. 297 spricht. Setzt man c d stände abzuhelfen, indem er den Canadabalsani durch eine Luftschicht ersetzte. Dadurch wird für den ordentlichen Strahl der Grenzwinkel der totalen Reflexion auf 37' 5' reducirt, und die Brechungsverhältnisse stellen sich am günstigsten her- aus, wenn a in Fig. 156 = 51 ' und /9 = 70' 52', welche letztere Grosse der natürlichen Neigung ent- 1, so erhält man durch tri-
Archaeological survey of Egypt memoir . SCENES ON FIRST GATEWAY. MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS I. NAGA AMMON TEMPLE. PL XXII. itr *;i str ST. 23, 36, 38 ir mi JjyislQL 25 • • • ^mmp r m 0 • • • • yMM «-^- ra • • • • • • M J5 fa • • • V* • • • A *- ra tt ra I //Z// £ i ?I 3 7 ra 24«35* 37* • • • kt ///// * 77aBE V te 29 irtTl «• • 1^ m m 31 8 *P £ J 3> 0 1 Stock Photo
RM2ANDRYA–Archaeological survey of Egypt memoir . SCENES ON FIRST GATEWAY. MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS I. NAGA AMMON TEMPLE. PL XXII. itr *;i str ST. 23, 36, 38 ir mi JjyislQL 25 • • • ^mmp r m 0 • • • • yMM «-^- ra • • • • • • M J5 fa • • • V* • • • A *- ra tt ra I //Z// £ i ?I 3 7 ra 24«35* 37* • • • kt ///// * 77aBE V te 29 irtTl «• • 1^ m m 31 8 *P £ J 3> 0 1
. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. Allo. 18 Allorisma clavata. McGhesney. New Pal. Foss Chester group, recognized by J. J. Stevenson in the Siibcarboniferous rocks in the gaps of Chestnut Ridge and Laurel Hill, in West- moreland and Fayette Cos. Fa. Report KKK, p. 311.—X ^rissaa siibcnneata. (Meek & Hayden. Froc. Acad. N. S. Fhil. 1858. Fal. Upper Mis- souri 1861: p. 37, pi. 1, fig. 10) Col- lett/s Indiana of 1883, page 148, plate 31, fig. 1, 2, 3, {XIIQ found iCh^' throughout the Coa Stock Photo
RMPFY0MG–. A dictionary of the fossils of Pennsylvania and neighboring states named in the reports and catalogues of the survey ... Paleontology. Allo. 18 Allorisma clavata. McGhesney. New Pal. Foss Chester group, recognized by J. J. Stevenson in the Siibcarboniferous rocks in the gaps of Chestnut Ridge and Laurel Hill, in West- moreland and Fayette Cos. Fa. Report KKK, p. 311.—X ^rissaa siibcnneata. (Meek & Hayden. Froc. Acad. N. S. Fhil. 1858. Fal. Upper Mis- souri 1861: p. 37, pi. 1, fig. 10) Col- lett/s Indiana of 1883, page 148, plate 31, fig. 1, 2, 3, {XIIQ found iCh^' throughout the Coa
Drying Machine. Coffee-Hulling and Polishing Machines. Coffee-Washing Machine. Helix Sugar Evaporator. Fisher & Norris Trenton N. J. Incombustible Mineral Wool MACHINISTS' TOOLS. NEW HAVEN MANU FA CTURING CO. New Haven Conn. United States. MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row N. Y. N MILL FURNISHINC WORKS JOSEPH C. TODD J. C. TODD OVERING WITH 'AIR SPACE' IMPROVEMENT. STEAM BOILER Inspection & Insurance COMPANY'. Niagara Steam Pump Works. No. 23 A dams Street STEAM PUMP WORKS 92 & 94 Liberty St New York. ROCK DRILLING MACHINES Type and Printing Materials FOR S SCIENCE RECORD. „ LOLD ROLLED SHAFTING. F. ADEE Stock Photo
RM2ABWFYK–Drying Machine. Coffee-Hulling and Polishing Machines. Coffee-Washing Machine. Helix Sugar Evaporator. Fisher & Norris Trenton N. J. Incombustible Mineral Wool MACHINISTS' TOOLS. NEW HAVEN MANU FA CTURING CO. New Haven Conn. United States. MUNN & CO. 37 Park Row N. Y. N MILL FURNISHINC WORKS JOSEPH C. TODD J. C. TODD OVERING WITH 'AIR SPACE' IMPROVEMENT. STEAM BOILER Inspection & Insurance COMPANY'. Niagara Steam Pump Works. No. 23 A dams Street STEAM PUMP WORKS 92 & 94 Liberty St New York. ROCK DRILLING MACHINES Type and Printing Materials FOR S SCIENCE RECORD. „ LOLD ROLLED SHAFTING. F. ADEE
. Effects of noise of offshore oil and gas operations on marine mammals : an introductory assessment . N â 5J. >% fO CVJ o 1/1 o r- C E s- a^ ra o 1â1 «> s 0 en lO ,â 01 O 3 fO -5 .fâ in u 3 u u< ro s- -o o c s fO 0) r< +j - l/J ro n XI ^ r- o S- o 4- (O x: H- .c jx: O 0) 3 (U ca 00 Oil <k*'4^»=^ay) M.IMliSN3S A-37 Stock Photo
RMMA7229–. Effects of noise of offshore oil and gas operations on marine mammals : an introductory assessment . N â 5J. >% fO CVJ o 1/1 o r- C E s- a^ ra o 1â1 «> s 0 en lO ,â 01 O 3 fO -5 .fâ in u 3 u u< ro s- -o o c s fO 0) r< +j - l/J ro n XI ^ r- o S- o 4- (O x: H- .c jx: O 0) 3 (U ca 00 Oil <k*'4^»=^ay) M.IMliSN3S A-37
Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-080 Stock Photo
RMHEN6RY–Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-080
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AABG–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNK–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher.
. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. , 31, 36und 37) lehren, daß das besagte d Häutchen fa nicht in allen Teilen Fig. 25. gleich stark ausgebildet ist und ^^^ ^^nls während der Übertragung der Spermato- 1 T) • • phore. Der Samenpfropf s liat den Ductus ejacu- dalj es aui Cler Cler x enisrinne latorius d.e verlassen und sich zwischen Penisrinne p zugekehrten Patronenpartie ganz u°*i Deckapparat a gelagert; par, zu den Parameren , . ... 1 • 1 TT ziehende Membran. Seiteuansicht. Vergr. 4 mal. fehlt. Jiime in den gleichen J^ igu- ren gezeichnete, die Samenmasse durchsetzende Trennungslini Stock Photo
RM2AFKCKX–. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie. , 31, 36und 37) lehren, daß das besagte d Häutchen fa nicht in allen Teilen Fig. 25. gleich stark ausgebildet ist und ^^^ ^^nls während der Übertragung der Spermato- 1 T) • • phore. Der Samenpfropf s liat den Ductus ejacu- dalj es aui Cler Cler x enisrinne latorius d.e verlassen und sich zwischen Penisrinne p zugekehrten Patronenpartie ganz u°*i Deckapparat a gelagert; par, zu den Parameren , . ... 1 • 1 TT ziehende Membran. Seiteuansicht. Vergr. 4 mal. fehlt. Jiime in den gleichen J^ igu- ren gezeichnete, die Samenmasse durchsetzende Trennungslini
. Der Blendersaumschlag und sein System. Forests and forestry. 218 2. Abschnitt. Das System der Saumschlagwirtschaft. der bayr. Femelschlag, der Streifenkahlschlag usw., nicht weniger notwendig, als beim Blendersaumschlag, bei dem er trotz einfachster räumlicher Formen einen unentbehrlichen Bestandteil des Betriebsplans bildet. Die nachteiligen Folgen, die sich beim GroÃschlag für die Abnutzung der ein- zelnen Periodenschlagflächen aus dem Mangel eines solchen speziellen Hiebsfolge- Fig. 37. H i e b f ü h r u n g s p 1 a n. (Rücksicht auf Geländeneigung, allgemeine und abgelenkte Sturmvo Stock Photo
RMPFDMMA–. Der Blendersaumschlag und sein System. Forests and forestry. 218 2. Abschnitt. Das System der Saumschlagwirtschaft. der bayr. Femelschlag, der Streifenkahlschlag usw., nicht weniger notwendig, als beim Blendersaumschlag, bei dem er trotz einfachster räumlicher Formen einen unentbehrlichen Bestandteil des Betriebsplans bildet. Die nachteiligen Folgen, die sich beim GroÃschlag für die Abnutzung der ein- zelnen Periodenschlagflächen aus dem Mangel eines solchen speziellen Hiebsfolge- Fig. 37. H i e b f ü h r u n g s p 1 a n. (Rücksicht auf Geländeneigung, allgemeine und abgelenkte Sturmvo
. â â¢^, Fig. 37. Flügel. Gonioneurum varum Beck, cj- 16:1. dicht zusammengedrängt, eine entfernte Reminiszenz an die Gattung Polt/viedon. â Kopf: Augen sehr hoch gestellt; Stirne dicht weià bestäubt; Gesicht nur wenig breiter als das dritte Fühlerglied, bis um die halbe Augenhöhe noch über den unteren Augenrand hinabgeführt, fast gleich breit bis zur Spitze, silberweià glänzend. Taster braun, fast nackt, ohne Borsten. Fühler braun, unterseits mehr oder weniger rot. Hinterkopfrandborsten nuten weiÃ. Rüssel nur von mäÃiger GröÃe. â Hinterleib metal- lisch schwarzgrün; Hypopyg schwa Stock Photo
RMMCMD78–. â â¢^, Fig. 37. Flügel. Gonioneurum varum Beck, cj- 16:1. dicht zusammengedrängt, eine entfernte Reminiszenz an die Gattung Polt/viedon. â Kopf: Augen sehr hoch gestellt; Stirne dicht weià bestäubt; Gesicht nur wenig breiter als das dritte Fühlerglied, bis um die halbe Augenhöhe noch über den unteren Augenrand hinabgeführt, fast gleich breit bis zur Spitze, silberweià glänzend. Taster braun, fast nackt, ohne Borsten. Fühler braun, unterseits mehr oder weniger rot. Hinterkopfrandborsten nuten weiÃ. Rüssel nur von mäÃiger GröÃe. â Hinterleib metal- lisch schwarzgrün; Hypopyg schwa
Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-061 Stock Photo
RMHEN6RW–Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-061
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAD8–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXR0–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher.
Storia dell'Italia antica . one, De re rustica, 1, 7, II, 1, IG, e Festo inRosea; Strabene, V, G; Dionisio, I, 37; Silio Italico, III, 59G. (*) Livio. II, G2; Strabone, V, G; Testrina detta poscia Fisterna eranel territorio di Vigliano, castello diruto del contado di Aquila, nel luogodetto oggi le Cisterne. Vedi Cammilli, Su la regia strado, da costruirsijjer lAbruzzo ultra,, Napoli, 1790. Fonili è ricordata anche da Livio,XXVI, 11, e da Virgilio, Aen., VII, 714, che fa andare i suoi popoli con(|uei di Casperia in favore di Turno. Phalacrina, ove Svetonio dice chenacque Vespasiano , era a IG m Stock Photo
RM2AKR1WF–Storia dell'Italia antica . one, De re rustica, 1, 7, II, 1, IG, e Festo inRosea; Strabene, V, G; Dionisio, I, 37; Silio Italico, III, 59G. (*) Livio. II, G2; Strabone, V, G; Testrina detta poscia Fisterna eranel territorio di Vigliano, castello diruto del contado di Aquila, nel luogodetto oggi le Cisterne. Vedi Cammilli, Su la regia strado, da costruirsijjer lAbruzzo ultra,, Napoli, 1790. Fonili è ricordata anche da Livio,XXVI, 11, e da Virgilio, Aen., VII, 714, che fa andare i suoi popoli con(|uei di Casperia in favore di Turno. Phalacrina, ove Svetonio dice chenacque Vespasiano , era a IG m
. Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu leichter Erkenntniss nach dem Wuchse, den Blättern, Blüthen und Früchten zusammengestellt und für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft nach Vorkommen und Nutzen ausführlich beschrieben. Plants. l'itter"räscr I. 37 §. 33. Besclircil) Ulli;- der Arten.*) I. Schilfgräser. 1 [alm stcii', >>ci'a(l(; oder etwas schief aulVeolii, 3 â O' und luiher. Die Halme und lialmäliiiliclien, am (iiunde blattlosen Triebe stehen ein- zeln oder bilden einen lockern gleieliiörniig liohen JJestand. Einen Horst oder geschlossenenltas(ni (Kap. I. §. ü) bilde Stock Photo
RMPFAAWT–. Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu leichter Erkenntniss nach dem Wuchse, den Blättern, Blüthen und Früchten zusammengestellt und für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft nach Vorkommen und Nutzen ausführlich beschrieben. Plants. l'itter"räscr I. 37 §. 33. Besclircil) Ulli;- der Arten.*) I. Schilfgräser. 1 [alm stcii', >>ci'a(l(; oder etwas schief aulVeolii, 3 â O' und luiher. Die Halme und lialmäliiiliclien, am (iiunde blattlosen Triebe stehen ein- zeln oder bilden einen lockern gleieliiörniig liohen JJestand. Einen Horst oder geschlossenenltas(ni (Kap. I. §. ü) bilde
Back Page 61.00 a line. Inside Page 75 cents a line. FOR LEASE 186 t o 200 Lewis st. EAGLE FOOT LATHES WHIPPLE'S NO Y E' S Mill FurnishingWorks Niagara Steam PumpWorks BROOKLYN N. Y. MUNN & CO. TED NON-COMBUSTIBLE STEAM BOILER & PIPE COVERING To Roofers Builders & Property Owners. I. SMITH HOBART Preadult. Sonic. MOSS 5umeT1 SEND STAMP FA Steel al publishers and manufacturers in every state in the Union. IInTR STEC CIRCULAR. Please say where you saw this. to 67 PARK PLACE. DI. CARBOM OeserM AMT. W. C. DUYCKINCK IMPORTER MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Railway Machinists'and En gineers' Supplies Stock Photo
RM2ABWEKP–Back Page 61.00 a line. Inside Page 75 cents a line. FOR LEASE 186 t o 200 Lewis st. EAGLE FOOT LATHES WHIPPLE'S NO Y E' S Mill FurnishingWorks Niagara Steam PumpWorks BROOKLYN N. Y. MUNN & CO. TED NON-COMBUSTIBLE STEAM BOILER & PIPE COVERING To Roofers Builders & Property Owners. I. SMITH HOBART Preadult. Sonic. MOSS 5umeT1 SEND STAMP FA Steel al publishers and manufacturers in every state in the Union. IInTR STEC CIRCULAR. Please say where you saw this. to 67 PARK PLACE. DI. CARBOM OeserM AMT. W. C. DUYCKINCK IMPORTER MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Railway Machinists'and En gineers' Supplies
Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, fire a 155 mm round from a M777A2 Howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-152 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T1–Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, fire a 155 mm round from a M777A2 Howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-152
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAC1–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNX–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher.
Tests of large bridge columns. . 006-.0013 0 -.0003-.0009-.0013 o Slight creaking sound. t> Check readings 17 minutes later. c Pronounced scaling of steel. d Creaking sounds. « Scaling heavily; no deflection. / Column deflects to east -fa inch. 9 Approximate as read with a scale. h Center web buckling. i Maximum load. Falls off to 3 980 000 andthen to 3 910 000. Maximum deflection 2J4inches to east. Tests of Large Bridge Columns 37 TABLE 9.—Log of Test, Column 32S, of Silicon Steel—Continued Load,pounds Load in pounds persquare inch 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52A 75 990759 900 1 519 800 2 2 Stock Photo
RM2ANDF1R–Tests of large bridge columns. . 006-.0013 0 -.0003-.0009-.0013 o Slight creaking sound. t> Check readings 17 minutes later. c Pronounced scaling of steel. d Creaking sounds. « Scaling heavily; no deflection. / Column deflects to east -fa inch. 9 Approximate as read with a scale. h Center web buckling. i Maximum load. Falls off to 3 980 000 andthen to 3 910 000. Maximum deflection 2J4inches to east. Tests of Large Bridge Columns 37 TABLE 9.—Log of Test, Column 32S, of Silicon Steel—Continued Load,pounds Load in pounds persquare inch 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 52A 75 990759 900 1 519 800 2 2
. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... 89 Følehornene yderst korte, meget kortere end. afstanden mellem øjnenes inderrande, deres rod helt overdækket af hovedets udvidelse 4. Chilocorini (p. 109). Hovedet fortil uden eller med en meget smal, i øjet indgribende forlængelse (flg. 34, a, p. 85). 2. Oversiden tydeligt behÃ¥ret 3. Oversiden nogen 5.. £â 8xoch Fig. 37. a: Hoved og pronotum af Chilocorus bipustulatus. â b: pronotum af Exochomus flavipes. 3. Følehornene længere end hovedets største bredde 1. Goccidulini (p. 90). Følehornene meget kortere end Stock Photo
RMPFHF5J–. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... 89 Følehornene yderst korte, meget kortere end. afstanden mellem øjnenes inderrande, deres rod helt overdækket af hovedets udvidelse 4. Chilocorini (p. 109). Hovedet fortil uden eller med en meget smal, i øjet indgribende forlængelse (flg. 34, a, p. 85). 2. Oversiden tydeligt behÃ¥ret 3. Oversiden nogen 5.. £â 8xoch Fig. 37. a: Hoved og pronotum af Chilocorus bipustulatus. â b: pronotum af Exochomus flavipes. 3. Følehornene længere end hovedets største bredde 1. Goccidulini (p. 90). Følehornene meget kortere end
Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division fire a 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-207 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T6–Soldiers from Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division fire a 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-207
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAD1–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNJ–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher.
Esemplare, o sia, Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto sopra il canto fermo . pra ,viene neceflariamente ad eiFer fimile e dIntervalli, e di Sìllabe (. purché la Rifpo-fta incominci dall iltefla Sillaba della Propella) , come chiaramente può iifcontrarfidal feguente Efempio : Proprietà di B quadro .Z-—-—-^-ih-^-^h Do re mi fa fol la y < & , Proprietà di B molle. iffe1^»^1—-dTTer^ .—- — j Do re mi fa fol la Proprietà di Natura. 35 *Q q . *——* ? HLo re mi fa fol la E qui cade in acconcio 1* avvertimento del Canonico D. Angelo Berardi ( Doeum.Armon. Docum XVI. cap. 37. ) il quale Stock Photo
RM2AJKNAT–Esemplare, o sia, Saggio fondamentale pratico di contrappunto sopra il canto fermo . pra ,viene neceflariamente ad eiFer fimile e dIntervalli, e di Sìllabe (. purché la Rifpo-fta incominci dall iltefla Sillaba della Propella) , come chiaramente può iifcontrarfidal feguente Efempio : Proprietà di B quadro .Z-—-—-^-ih-^-^h Do re mi fa fol la y < & , Proprietà di B molle. iffe1^»^1—-dTTer^ .—- — j Do re mi fa fol la Proprietà di Natura. 35 *Q q . *——* ? HLo re mi fa fol la E qui cade in acconcio 1* avvertimento del Canonico D. Angelo Berardi ( Doeum.Armon. Docum XVI. cap. 37. ) il quale
. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern. Gauss (Ship); Scientific expeditions. Nr. 575. 8. März 1903. n . i 11 V 'âiââ¢â^fâ - T j;;4fr jWilterungs-Ub ersieht Hoch 11 HO liiir v. '.:,-:â 5' S. Tief ))â -â reo 17.'i-17n y. r^- s 2) C 700 105* 45* HO i:i:,-i:;ii 55* ,n, 1 770 85" 37* (O) 8) ä 758 115* W 4) o 7*5 70-65' 65-70° (KO) 4) O 725 80* W (0, 5i w 765 4.. März 1908 atr tvr utr. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these i Stock Photo
RMPF9CYA–. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern. Gauss (Ship); Scientific expeditions. Nr. 575. 8. März 1903. n . i 11 V 'âiââ¢â^fâ - T j;;4fr jWilterungs-Ub ersieht Hoch 11 HO liiir v. '.:,-:â 5' S. Tief ))â -â reo 17.'i-17n y. r^- s 2) C 700 105* 45* HO i:i:,-i:;ii 55* ,n, 1 770 85" 37* (O) 8) ä 758 115* W 4) o 7*5 70-65' 65-70° (KO) 4) O 725 80* W (0, 5i w 765 4.. März 1908 atr tvr utr. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these i
Pfc. Joseph Nettles, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, organizes 155 mm high explosive rounds at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-247 Stock Photo
RMHEN6TA–Pfc. Joseph Nettles, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, organizes 155 mm high explosive rounds at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-247
Lt. Col. Rory A. Crooks, commander of 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., retires the unit's colors with Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas C. Reitmeier during a Transfer of Authority ceremony held on Forward Operating Base Lagman, Afghanistan, Nov. 27, 2012. During their deployment, the 1-37 FA conducted more than 900 patrols including explosive ordnance disposal patrols, partnered combat patrols and security patrols. The 1-37 FA fired more than 1,800 artillery rounds and partnered with the 2nd Kandak, 205th Corps, Afghan National Army to enable their co Stock Photo
RMHEMC94–Lt. Col. Rory A. Crooks, commander of 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., retires the unit's colors with Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas C. Reitmeier during a Transfer of Authority ceremony held on Forward Operating Base Lagman, Afghanistan, Nov. 27, 2012. During their deployment, the 1-37 FA conducted more than 900 patrols including explosive ordnance disposal patrols, partnered combat patrols and security patrols. The 1-37 FA fired more than 1,800 artillery rounds and partnered with the 2nd Kandak, 205th Corps, Afghan National Army to enable their co
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AABB–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Pfc. Bryan Kicklighter (left), of Manassas, Va., and Pvt. Michael Cuff, of Klamath Falls, Ore., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, load a round into M777A2 Howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-174 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T2–Pfc. Bryan Kicklighter (left), of Manassas, Va., and Pvt. Michael Cuff, of Klamath Falls, Ore., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, load a round into M777A2 Howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-174
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXRR–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher.
. Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar. Grämt ofHaUntypav. LV.Wj Granit af Jämshögs fy?. GramU of the Haten, type. u ° ° GraniU of the Jämshög t HÃMdTinlaiuäs. I I Gn«*. H I Gna» m«d jr^ btn&i ftnt.grairua.gnäss. I I Gn«M«. I 1 Givass â with granUi. I I Orsjögjuis. Gnass of the. Ãrsjö type.Ritad, of G- v. Friesendorff,LqjtTL. | I &Zm* nät special stuled. I I JtonphOohU. k---,-.J Gr*****- Kritors temet . Gen,. Stah. Lit . j4n*t. TAFL. 2. K. Sv. Vet. Ãltad. Handl. Tafl. 2. Fig. 1. 37 gÃ¥ngers förstoring. Korsade nikoler.Granit, 2 km. NO om Orlundens södra ända, Jemshö Stock Photo
RM2AFPTPJ–. Swenska wetenskaps academiens handlingar. Grämt ofHaUntypav. LV.Wj Granit af Jämshögs fy?. GramU of the Haten, type. u ° ° GraniU of the Jämshög t HÃMdTinlaiuäs. I I Gn«*. H I Gna» m«d jr^ btn&i ftnt.grairua.gnäss. I I Gn«M«. I 1 Givass â with granUi. I I Orsjögjuis. Gnass of the. Ãrsjö type.Ritad, of G- v. Friesendorff,LqjtTL. | I &Zm* nät special stuled. I I JtonphOohU. k---,-.J Gr*****- Kritors temet . Gen,. Stah. Lit . j4n*t. TAFL. 2. K. Sv. Vet. Ãltad. Handl. Tafl. 2. Fig. 1. 37 gÃ¥ngers förstoring. Korsade nikoler.Granit, 2 km. NO om Orlundens södra ända, Jemshö
. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern. Gauss (Ship); Scientific expeditions. n . i 11 V 'âiââ¢â^fâ - T j;;4fr jWilterungs-Ub ersieht Hoch 11 HO liiir v. '.:,-:â 5' S. Tief ))â -â reo 17.'i-17n y. r^- s 2) C 700 105* 45* HO i:i:,-i:;ii 55* ,n, 1 770 85" 37* (O) 8) ä 758 115* W 4) o 7*5 70-65' 65-70° (KO) 4) O 725 80* W (0, 5i w 765 4.. März 1908 atr tvr utr. Kr. .".;«. ». März 1908. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance o Stock Photo
RMPF9CY8–. Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern. Gauss (Ship); Scientific expeditions. n . i 11 V 'âiââ¢â^fâ - T j;;4fr jWilterungs-Ub ersieht Hoch 11 HO liiir v. '.:,-:â 5' S. Tief ))â -â reo 17.'i-17n y. r^- s 2) C 700 105* 45* HO i:i:,-i:;ii 55* ,n, 1 770 85" 37* (O) 8) ä 758 115* W 4) o 7*5 70-65' 65-70° (KO) 4) O 725 80* W (0, 5i w 765 4.. März 1908 atr tvr utr. Kr. .".;«. ». März 1908. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance o
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAAM–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Staff Sgt. Kellin Banks (left-foreground), of Convent, La., gun chief, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, verifies a round, fuse and charge held by Pvt. Michael Cuff, of Klamath Falls, Ore., prior to shooting Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises at Yakima Training Center, Wash., in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-194 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T4–Staff Sgt. Kellin Banks (left-foreground), of Convent, La., gun chief, Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, verifies a round, fuse and charge held by Pvt. Michael Cuff, of Klamath Falls, Ore., prior to shooting Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises at Yakima Training Center, Wash., in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-194
Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher, the incoming 210th Field Artillery Brigade command sergeant major, delivers a speech during 210th FA BDE change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. The ceremony honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Macher. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNW–Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher, the incoming 210th Field Artillery Brigade command sergeant major, delivers a speech during 210th FA BDE change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. The ceremony honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Macher.
Géographie de l'empire de Chine : cours inférieur = Fa wen Chung-kuo kun yü lüeh chih . •ASUj. daprès Kichthofen Le8 terrasses du Chan-si * 110 % CHAPITRE III. LE CHAN-SI. 37 1°, Chan-si UTg Superficie. — 212 000 kil. carrés. Nombre des habitants. — 12 200 000 hab., soit 57au kil. carré. Le nom-—Chan-si il]*^ signifie Ouest des montagnes.De quelles montagnes sagit-il ? Peut-être des crêtes quilimitent, en effet, à lE., lensemble du plateau du Chan-si: Mts Tai-hang^^f, par ex.. On dirait plus exactementmontagnes de lO., par rapport au Tche-li ]j[ J|, commeaussi, pour le Chan-tong ^^, montagnes Stock Photo
RM2AN64RF–Géographie de l'empire de Chine : cours inférieur = Fa wen Chung-kuo kun yü lüeh chih . •ASUj. daprès Kichthofen Le8 terrasses du Chan-si * 110 % CHAPITRE III. LE CHAN-SI. 37 1°, Chan-si UTg Superficie. — 212 000 kil. carrés. Nombre des habitants. — 12 200 000 hab., soit 57au kil. carré. Le nom-—Chan-si il]*^ signifie Ouest des montagnes.De quelles montagnes sagit-il ? Peut-être des crêtes quilimitent, en effet, à lE., lensemble du plateau du Chan-si: Mts Tai-hang^^f, par ex.. On dirait plus exactementmontagnes de lO., par rapport au Tche-li ]j[ J|, commeaussi, pour le Chan-tong ^^, montagnes
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAA4–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Pvt. Michael Cuff (loading-left), of Klamath Falls, Ore., and Pfc. Bryan Kicklighter (loading-right), of Manassas, Va., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-202 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T5–Pvt. Michael Cuff (loading-left), of Klamath Falls, Ore., and Pfc. Bryan Kicklighter (loading-right), of Manassas, Va., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, load a round into M777A2 howitzer cannon at Yakima Training Center, Wash., Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-202
210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon (left) and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher (right). Stock Photo
RMPTEXR7–210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division holds a change of responsibility ceremony at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. 210th FA Bde. honored the outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon (left) and welcomed Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher (right).
. Sveriges forntid; försök till framställning af den svenska fornforskningens resultat. ¤rke efter skaftet, f iSkÃ¥ne. ^/3. Andra stenyxor (t. ex. Atl. 36 och 37) äro vid eller tätt ofvan-om midten omgifna af en rännformig fördjupning, i hvilken skaftethvilat. Dessa yxor, hvilka i Skandinavien äro jemförelsevis sällsynta,3 1 I Bruzelii Svenska fornlemningar (1, sid. 26). omtalas en i en skÃ¥nsk stendösfunnen flintyxa med tre qvarter lÃ¥ngt skaft, som dock var förmultnadt. 2 Dylika stenyxor frÃ¥n Danmark ses fig. 15 i Worsaaes Nord. Oldsager, samt fig. 5och 6 Ã¥ pl. 30 i Madsens Ste Stock Photo
RM2AFJ1GE–. Sveriges forntid; försök till framställning af den svenska fornforskningens resultat. ¤rke efter skaftet, f iSkÃ¥ne. ^/3. Andra stenyxor (t. ex. Atl. 36 och 37) äro vid eller tätt ofvan-om midten omgifna af en rännformig fördjupning, i hvilken skaftethvilat. Dessa yxor, hvilka i Skandinavien äro jemförelsevis sällsynta,3 1 I Bruzelii Svenska fornlemningar (1, sid. 26). omtalas en i en skÃ¥nsk stendösfunnen flintyxa med tre qvarter lÃ¥ngt skaft, som dock var förmultnadt. 2 Dylika stenyxor frÃ¥n Danmark ses fig. 15 i Worsaaes Nord. Oldsager, samt fig. 5och 6 Ã¥ pl. 30 i Madsens Ste
. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 112 //, ;'. Fickcr. Naclun. Innsbruck Igis .... I Icilij4cnvassci PatsclKikolcl I), .... Dj .... I)., .... 8-0 4-9 - 3 - 5' 3' 2 d 8-0 4'9 2-4 50 2-5 7'4 53 2-7 4-7 3'3 2-6 7-4 7-9 4-9 i-S 4 9 30 3'' 0-7 7-8 4-9 'â¢5 -50 29 34 6-5 7-5 4'9 [ â 2 -SO 26 3-7 6'2 7'" 4-7 09 50 2-4 3« 5'9 7-4 4-5 0-8 4-9 2-9 3'7 57 4-5 0-4 -0-7 51 4' 1 I ' I 4'4 3-9 0-8 -I â () ()-2 3' ' 2 -2 4'> II 3-6 0'2 -20 -7'2 3'4 22 S'2 30 02 â 2'2 -7-8 2-8 2-4 5-0 Föhn am 17. Februar; Am 1(1/11. Liin I 1''p. Stock Photo
RMPFEA71–. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. 112 //, ;'. Fickcr. Naclun. Innsbruck Igis .... I Icilij4cnvassci PatsclKikolcl I), .... Dj .... I)., .... 8-0 4-9 - 3 - 5' 3' 2 d 8-0 4'9 2-4 50 2-5 7'4 53 2-7 4-7 3'3 2-6 7-4 7-9 4-9 i-S 4 9 30 3'' 0-7 7-8 4-9 'â¢5 -50 29 34 6-5 7-5 4'9 [ â 2 -SO 26 3-7 6'2 7'" 4-7 09 50 2-4 3« 5'9 7-4 4-5 0-8 4-9 2-9 3'7 57 4-5 0-4 -0-7 51 4' 1 I ' I 4'4 3-9 0-8 -I â () ()-2 3' ' 2 -2 4'> II 3-6 0'2 -20 -7'2 3'4 22 S'2 30 02 â 2'2 -7-8 2-8 2-4 5-0 Föhn am 17. Februar; Am 1(1/11. Liin I 1''p.
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AACW–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Pvt. Michael Cuff (middle), of Klamath Falls, Ore., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, carries a 155 mm round to his gun chief, Staff Sgt. Kellin Banks (left), of Convent, La., for verification prior to shooting Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises at Yakima Training Center, Wash., in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-193 Stock Photo
RMHEN6T3–Pvt. Michael Cuff (middle), of Klamath Falls, Ore., Battery C, 1st Battalion, 37th Infantry Regiment, 3-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, carries a 155 mm round to his gun chief, Staff Sgt. Kellin Banks (left), of Convent, La., for verification prior to shooting Oct. 9. The 'Red Lions' are conducting live-fire exercises at Yakima Training Center, Wash., in support of infantry operations being conducted elsewhere on YTC. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-193
Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th Field Artillery Brigade commander, presents the Ancient Order of St. Barbara to 210th FA Bde. outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. Signed by Maj. Gen. Brian J. McKiernan, the commander of the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, the Ancient Order is the most distinguished level of the Military Society of Saint Barbara. Stock Photo
RMPTEXN6–Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th Field Artillery Brigade commander, presents the Ancient Order of St. Barbara to 210th FA Bde. outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. Signed by Maj. Gen. Brian J. McKiernan, the commander of the U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence, the Ancient Order is the most distinguished level of the Military Society of Saint Barbara.
Spalding's official college base ball annual1911- . —P.M.A. 313—Manning 3 Sch. 3-Sumter 1 -Univ. of Alabama-Univ. of Alabama 5 -Marion 1,-Marion 4-C.F.S. 4 CHESTNUT HILL (FA.) ACADEIVIY. 13—City Troop A 5 5—Germantown 4 11—^Penna. Inst, forDeaf 105—Penn Charter 36—Gilman County Sch. 4 1—St. Lukes 12 4—St. Lukes 11 2—Cedarcroft 4 11—Swarthmore 2 9—Cathedral 108—Collingswodd H.S.7—Cedarcroft 814—Alumni 3 COLBY COLLEGE, WATERVILLE, ME. r>—Mass. Agri. Coll. 12 (^—Bowdoin 3 2—Holv Cross 11 2—Maine Centrals 3 0—Harvard 7 G—Bowdoin 0 3—Univ. of Maine 4 2—Univ. of Maine 7 2—Bates 37—Bates 29—Coombs Stock Photo
RM2AX45XP–Spalding's official college base ball annual1911- . —P.M.A. 313—Manning 3 Sch. 3-Sumter 1 -Univ. of Alabama-Univ. of Alabama 5 -Marion 1,-Marion 4-C.F.S. 4 CHESTNUT HILL (FA.) ACADEIVIY. 13—City Troop A 5 5—Germantown 4 11—^Penna. Inst, forDeaf 105—Penn Charter 36—Gilman County Sch. 4 1—St. Lukes 12 4—St. Lukes 11 2—Cedarcroft 4 11—Swarthmore 2 9—Cathedral 108—Collingswodd H.S.7—Cedarcroft 814—Alumni 3 COLBY COLLEGE, WATERVILLE, ME. r>—Mass. Agri. Coll. 12 (^—Bowdoin 3 2—Holv Cross 11 2—Maine Centrals 3 0—Harvard 7 G—Bowdoin 0 3—Univ. of Maine 4 2—Univ. of Maine 7 2—Bates 37—Bates 29—Coombs
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAAX–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-003 Stock Photo
RMHEN6RH–A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-003
Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, the outgoing command sergeant major for 210th Field Artillery Brigade, relinquishes responsibility of the brigade to incoming command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher by passing the brigade colors to Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th FA Bde. Commander, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. During the change of responsibility ceremony, the brigade honored Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Macher to the unit. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNN–Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, the outgoing command sergeant major for 210th Field Artillery Brigade, relinquishes responsibility of the brigade to incoming command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher by passing the brigade colors to Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th FA Bde. Commander, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. During the change of responsibility ceremony, the brigade honored Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Macher to the unit.
Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the .. session of the Legislature of the State of California . Hr-H (.H ^ ** ^ 22c c s^ ?S eS C fa a> 03 ?efa-- C fe tUDoSC - 0 REPORT OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. 37 00tC0OH.-lr-l=0O(M^OC0C>)CDTjC00C000C0i5S >TJ O C1 lO T-l CO t-l =0 ococo -i o ?o m0300TtCT>C:5 -t< OS lO CI M lO 05 t-- IM -J CO ODO CD O 1—^Oi t-^iO O O -^ Oi Ci C! -^co t^ocrt-^coio^!MQc cd-t o5;t^OiOcococoCTj—Ooor^-^ ^ t^ CO Tfi lo ^ lO CO COCOO-^-!—<®-»»t^l oo CO I OJ* (-. - . - . 05 in 00 o o CO m I ) lO 05 •* HelO-*CDCOh-tO<MtDCO-:DQOiO-ICD Stock Photo!-co-tocrt-coio!mqc-cd-t-o5toiococococtjooor-t-co-tfi-lo-lo-co-cocoo-!lt-tl-oo-co-i-oj-05-in-00-o-o-co-m-i-lo-05-helo-cdcoh-toltmtdco-dqoio-icd-image338512806.html
RM2AJMGF2–Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the .. session of the Legislature of the State of California . Hr-H (.H ^ ** ^ 22c c s^ ?S eS C fa a> 03 ?efa-- C fe tUDoSC - 0 REPORT OF THE INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. 37 00tC0OH.-lr-l=0O(M^OC0C>)CDTjC00C000C0i5S >TJ O C1 lO T-l CO t-l =0 ococo -i o ?o m0300TtCT>C:5 -t< OS lO CI M lO 05 t-- IM -J CO ODO CD O 1—^Oi t-^iO O O -^ Oi Ci C! -^co t^ocrt-^coio^!MQc cd-t o5;t^OiOcococoCTj—Ooor^-^ ^ t^ CO Tfi lo ^ lO CO COCOO-^-!—<®-»»t^l oo CO I OJ* (-. - . - . 05 in 00 o o CO m I ) lO 05 •* HelO-*CDCOh-tO<MtDCO-:DQOiO-ICD
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA7X–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-008 Stock Photo
RMHEN6RJ–A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-008
Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher, the incoming command sergeant major for 210th Field Artillery Brigade, receives the brigade colors from Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th FA Bde. commander, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, signifying his role as the new command sergeant major for the brigade, July 12, 2017. During the change of responsibility ceremony, the brigade honored outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Macher to the unit. Stock Photo
RMPTEXNM–Command Sgt. Major Erick R. Macher, the incoming command sergeant major for 210th Field Artillery Brigade, receives the brigade colors from Col. John B. Mountford, the 210th FA Bde. commander, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, signifying his role as the new command sergeant major for the brigade, July 12, 2017. During the change of responsibility ceremony, the brigade honored outgoing command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Gonzalez-Pabon and welcomed Macher to the unit.
Journal of a Voyage to the East Indies, in the Ship Grenville, Captain Burnet Abercrombie, in the Year 1775By Alexander Dalrymple, EsqFRSCommunicated by the Honourable Henry Cavendish, FRS. . fome 1makir ? ^ appeal g^ Light5 Eaftw 17- 7 14.28 12.4s 17-34 13. 0* 444 45. 44.6 44-3 Very fteady. 82 in the jz fa ^ noon^ , ? . ! . r Firft ai 16.49 13-57 12.12 17.19 12.37* 12.44* 436 44. 43-7 43 4 37 fiihafcK Sound 8 A.I^ gjTouni ** Light { • , . midni 16.39 13.26 11.43 17.12 12.36^ 42.6 43-4 43-1 42.6 Very fleady. 3a J luinining libirds.. liketl , ? 1 *? { Moft 1 hard 3iightn 16.44 ^ - 12.22 10.4 Stock Photo!-r-firft-ai-1649-13-57-1212-1719-1237-1244-436-44-43-7-43-4-37-fiihafck-sound-8-ai-gjtouni-light-midni-1639-1326-1143-1712-1236-426-43-4-43-1-426-very-fleady-3a-j-luinining-libirds-liketl-1-moft-1-hard-3iightn-1644-1222-104-image340303299.html
RM2ANJ497–Journal of a Voyage to the East Indies, in the Ship Grenville, Captain Burnet Abercrombie, in the Year 1775By Alexander Dalrymple, EsqFRSCommunicated by the Honourable Henry Cavendish, FRS. . fome 1makir ? ^ appeal g^ Light5 Eaftw 17- 7 14.28 12.4s 17-34 13. 0* 444 45. 44.6 44-3 Very fteady. 82 in the jz fa ^ noon^ , ? . ! . r Firft ai 16.49 13-57 12.12 17.19 12.37* 12.44* 436 44. 43-7 43 4 37 fiihafcK Sound 8 A.I^ gjTouni ** Light { • , . midni 16.39 13.26 11.43 17.12 12.36^ 42.6 43-4 43-1 42.6 Very fleady. 3a J luinining libirds.. liketl , ? 1 *? { Moft 1 hard 3iightn 16.44 ^ - 12.22 10.4
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAB1–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-013 Stock Photo
RMHEN6RK–A 155 mm round from a M777A2 howitzer cannon hits its target in the Impact Zone at Yakima Training Center, Oct. 9, 2013. (U.S. Army picture by Staff Sgt. Chris McCullough) 1-37 FA rains down steel on Yakima Training Center 131009-A-ET795-013
Maj. Gen. Theodore D. Martin, the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Edward W. Mitchell, the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division command sergeant major, presents the United States of American Legion of Merit Award to outgoing 210th Field Artillery Brigade command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. Gonzalez-Pabon earned the award for his contributions to 210th FA Bde. and 2ID while serving as the brigade command sergeant major from July 2015 to July 2017. Stock Photo
RMPTEXN9–Maj. Gen. Theodore D. Martin, the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division commander, and Command Sgt. Maj. Edward W. Mitchell, the 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division command sergeant major, presents the United States of American Legion of Merit Award to outgoing 210th Field Artillery Brigade command sergeant major, Command Sgt. Maj. Carlos G. Gonzalez-Pabon, at Carey Gym, Camp Casey, South Korea, July 12, 2017. Gonzalez-Pabon earned the award for his contributions to 210th FA Bde. and 2ID while serving as the brigade command sergeant major from July 2015 to July 2017.
Staff Sgt. Benjamin Block, a fire support specialist from 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, recertifies for his Joint Fire Observer skill identifier at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Aug. 4, 2014. Block executed a variety of simulated combat missions on the Call For Fire Trainer, which marries computer technology with the equipment used in the field to give Soldiers the best opportunity train on basic fire support skills. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Spradlin, 19th Public Affairs Detachment) 1-37 FA Soldiers recertify their JFO status, skills 140804-A-OP586-204 Stock Photo
RMHENNPG–Staff Sgt. Benjamin Block, a fire support specialist from 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, recertifies for his Joint Fire Observer skill identifier at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Aug. 4, 2014. Block executed a variety of simulated combat missions on the Call For Fire Trainer, which marries computer technology with the equipment used in the field to give Soldiers the best opportunity train on basic fire support skills. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Spradlin, 19th Public Affairs Detachment) 1-37 FA Soldiers recertify their JFO status, skills 140804-A-OP586-204
Essai sur la gamme . Tableau du n kH, les formules de ces secondes, en système z.ii..r, sontrespectivement : </„ /?:? lui fa sol 1,1 si do zux zii z zii.v zii zn.r z Donc, si pour représenter la note do nous adoptons lorigine o des trois axes coordon-nés ozitx (voir fis;. 37^), le 11° degré de la gamme, ([uifait avec do lintervalle zu.x serareprésenté par le point ré situé à un élément -, à un élément 11 et à un élément j* dupoint do ; de même, le IIP degré de la gamme, ([ui fait avec le IP lintervalle zu, sera repré- ( ) Ce qui euractùrisL les vocteui-s de commas, cest ([uils sniit très p Stock Photo
RM2AWH1XP–Essai sur la gamme . Tableau du n kH, les formules de ces secondes, en système z.ii..r, sontrespectivement : </„ /?:? lui fa sol 1,1 si do zux zii z zii.v zii zn.r z Donc, si pour représenter la note do nous adoptons lorigine o des trois axes coordon-nés ozitx (voir fis;. 37^), le 11° degré de la gamme, ([uifait avec do lintervalle zu.x serareprésenté par le point ré situé à un élément -, à un élément 11 et à un élément j* dupoint do ; de même, le IIP degré de la gamme, ([ui fait avec le IP lintervalle zu, sera repré- ( ) Ce qui euractùrisL les vocteui-s de commas, cest ([uils sniit très p
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA8D–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Archive image from page 52 of Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu. Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu leichter Erkenntniss nach dem Wuchse, den Blättern, Blüthen und Früchten zusammengestellt und für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft nach Vorkommen und Nutzen ausführlich beschrieben . deutschlandsgr00jess Year: den Blättern l'itter'räscr I. 37 §. 33. Besclircil) Ulli;- der Arten.) I. Schilfgräser. 1 [alm stcii', >>ci'a(l(; oder etwas schief aulVeolii, 3 â O' und luiher. Die Halme und lialmäliiiliclien, am (iiunde blattlosen Triebe stehen ein- zeln oder bilden einen lo Stock Photo
RMW1C45B–Archive image from page 52 of Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu. Deutschlands Gräser und Getreidearten zu leichter Erkenntniss nach dem Wuchse, den Blättern, Blüthen und Früchten zusammengestellt und für die Land- und Forstwirtschaft nach Vorkommen und Nutzen ausführlich beschrieben . deutschlandsgr00jess Year: den Blättern l'itter'räscr I. 37 §. 33. Besclircil) Ulli;- der Arten.) I. Schilfgräser. 1 [alm stcii', >>ci'a(l(; oder etwas schief aulVeolii, 3 â O' und luiher. Die Halme und lialmäliiiliclien, am (iiunde blattlosen Triebe stehen ein- zeln oder bilden einen lo
Staff Sgt. Benjamin Block, a fire support specialist from 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, acquires a target during Joint Fires Observer recertification at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Aug. 4, 2014. Block executed a variety of simulated combat missions on the Call For Fire Trainer, which marries computer technology with the equipment used in the field to give Soldiers the best opportunity train on basic fire support skills. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Spradlin, 19th Public Affairs Detachment) 1-37 FA Soldiers recertify their JFO status, skills 140804-A-OP586-430 Stock Photo
RMHENNPF–Staff Sgt. Benjamin Block, a fire support specialist from 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, acquires a target during Joint Fires Observer recertification at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., Aug. 4, 2014. Block executed a variety of simulated combat missions on the Call For Fire Trainer, which marries computer technology with the equipment used in the field to give Soldiers the best opportunity train on basic fire support skills. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Spradlin, 19th Public Affairs Detachment) 1-37 FA Soldiers recertify their JFO status, skills 140804-A-OP586-430
Archaeological survey of Egypt memoir . 23, 36, 38 ir mi JjyislQL 25 • • • ^mmp r m 0 • • • • yMM «-^- ra • • • • • • M J5 fa • • • V* • • • A *- ra tt ra I //Z// £ i ?I 3 7 ra 24«35* 37* • • • kt ///// * 77aBE V te 29 irtTl «• • 1^ m m 31 8 *P £ J 3> 0 1. ft• • • It in 32 # y * • * n 3> Vj M INSCRIPTIONS. FIRST GATEWAY, NOS. 23—32. SECOND GATEWAY, NOS. 35- 36- THIRD GATEWAY, NOS. 37» 38- MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS I. NAGA, AMMON TEMPLE and TEMPLE f PL. XXIII. Stock Photo
RM2ANDP3C–Archaeological survey of Egypt memoir . 23, 36, 38 ir mi JjyislQL 25 • • • ^mmp r m 0 • • • • yMM «-^- ra • • • • • • M J5 fa • • • V* • • • A *- ra tt ra I //Z// £ i ?I 3 7 ra 24«35* 37* • • • kt ///// * 77aBE V te 29 irtTl «• • 1^ m m 31 8 *P £ J 3> 0 1. ft• • • It in 32 # y * • * n 3> Vj M INSCRIPTIONS. FIRST GATEWAY, NOS. 23—32. SECOND GATEWAY, NOS. 35- 36- THIRD GATEWAY, NOS. 37» 38- MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS I. NAGA, AMMON TEMPLE and TEMPLE f PL. XXIII.
Lt. Col. Rory A. Crooks, commander of 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., retires the unit's colors with Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas C. Reitmeier during a transfer of authority ceremony held on Forward Operating Base Lagman, Afghanistan, Nov. 27, 2012. During their deployment, the 1-37 FA conducted more than 900 patrols including explosive ordnance disposal patrols, partnered combat patrols and security patrols. The 1-37 FA fired more than 1,800 artillery rounds and partnered with the 2nd Kandak, 205th Corps, Afghan National Army to enable their co Stock Photo
RMHEMC96–Lt. Col. Rory A. Crooks, commander of 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., retires the unit's colors with Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas C. Reitmeier during a transfer of authority ceremony held on Forward Operating Base Lagman, Afghanistan, Nov. 27, 2012. During their deployment, the 1-37 FA conducted more than 900 patrols including explosive ordnance disposal patrols, partnered combat patrols and security patrols. The 1-37 FA fired more than 1,800 artillery rounds and partnered with the 2nd Kandak, 205th Corps, Afghan National Army to enable their co
A canon crew member with 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Division Artillery, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., prepares 155 mm artillery shells to be fired at Yakima Training Center, Yakima, Wash., Feb. 24. Canon crew members with 1-37 FA were participating in a combined arms exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Cody Quinn/28th Public Affairs Detachment) Stock Photo
RMPF1Y4Y–A canon crew member with 1st Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Division Artillery, 7th Infantry Division, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., prepares 155 mm artillery shells to be fired at Yakima Training Center, Yakima, Wash., Feb. 24. Canon crew members with 1-37 FA were participating in a combined arms exercise. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Cody Quinn/28th Public Affairs Detachment)
A U.S. Army nurse from Madigan Army Medical Center communicates with a simulated patient during Operation Alaska Shield near McChord flight line April 1, 2014. This exercise simulated a 9.2 earthquake similar to the one that struck Anchorage, Alaska, March 27, 1964. Throughout the process, from loading the patients at the scene of the disaster to offloading them at the point of disembark, patient communication was necessary. 'If I don't communicate with my patients, their outcomes could be worse. If I don't tell them what's going on, what to expect and how we're trying to help them, they're go Stock Photo
RMHENDWG–A U.S. Army nurse from Madigan Army Medical Center communicates with a simulated patient during Operation Alaska Shield near McChord flight line April 1, 2014. This exercise simulated a 9.2 earthquake similar to the one that struck Anchorage, Alaska, March 27, 1964. Throughout the process, from loading the patients at the scene of the disaster to offloading them at the point of disembark, patient communication was necessary. 'If I don't communicate with my patients, their outcomes could be worse. If I don't tell them what's going on, what to expect and how we're trying to help them, they're go
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0005 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X085–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0005 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA64–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Soldiers with 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, conduct Combat Life Saver (CLS) training at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. Soldiers put their knowledge to the test during the final exercise after a week-long training on CLS by acting out real-world scenario of finding a casualty while on patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4R–Soldiers with 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, conduct Combat Life Saver (CLS) training at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. Soldiers put their knowledge to the test during the final exercise after a week-long training on CLS by acting out real-world scenario of finding a casualty while on patrol and applying medical aide.
. Storia dell'Italia antica. c-ciante catene, è permesso aprire il cuore alla gioia:ognuno ora è felice, e debbo godere, cantare, danzare,ridere, banchettare, bevere, incoronarsi di mirto E COSI tripudiando fa versi come li bramano i suoiprotettori; canzoni voluttuose alle sue donne, agli amici;versi scherzosi per divertire Mecenate; odi per frenarela indomita licenza, per lodare la vita frugale e la san- 1 Od.^ 1,9, 5-24, e II, li. 2 Od., I, 4, l, 7, 17-21, 1, li, I, IS, II, 3, II, II, III, 19, UT 21, IV, 1, IV. 12, Epod.XIII, 1-10, Ej)ist., I, -1, 15-lG, I, 5, I, G, ecc. 3 Od.. I, 37 e 3S, Stock Photo
RM2AG4PHY–. Storia dell'Italia antica. c-ciante catene, è permesso aprire il cuore alla gioia:ognuno ora è felice, e debbo godere, cantare, danzare,ridere, banchettare, bevere, incoronarsi di mirto E COSI tripudiando fa versi come li bramano i suoiprotettori; canzoni voluttuose alle sue donne, agli amici;versi scherzosi per divertire Mecenate; odi per frenarela indomita licenza, per lodare la vita frugale e la san- 1 Od.^ 1,9, 5-24, e II, li. 2 Od., I, 4, l, 7, 17-21, 1, li, I, IS, II, 3, II, II, III, 19, UT 21, IV, 1, IV. 12, Epod.XIII, 1-10, Ej)ist., I, -1, 15-lG, I, 5, I, G, ecc. 3 Od.. I, 37 e 3S,
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0004 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X084–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0004 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAA2–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Pv2.Damian Hostetler, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division applies medical aide to a simulated casualty at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4K–Pv2.Damian Hostetler, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division applies medical aide to a simulated casualty at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide.
Spalding's official college base ball annual1911- . —Kansas Univ. 10 KEARNEY (NEB.) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 8—GVand Island Coll. 2 2—Peru Nor. 5 O—Peru Nor. 2 2—Doane Coll. 3 2—Nebraska Univ. 9 8-Grand Island Coll. 0 5—-Weslevan tTniv. 13 0—W^esleyan Univ. 1 9—Cotner Univ. 5 3—Cotner Univ. 12 21—York Coll. 10 KINGSLEY SCHOOL, ESSEX FELLS, N. J. 4—Orange H.S. 13 9—Morristown Sch. 11 11—Hoboken H.S. 4 5—Summit H.S. 3 4—Newark Acad. 16 17—Leal Sch. 5 5—Morristown H.S. 4 8—Caldwell H.S. 11 9—Alumni 413—N. J. Mil. Acad. 10 KISKIMINETAS SPRINGS SCHOOL, SALTSBURG, FA. 12—Avonmore 02—Duquesne Univ. 37—St Stock Photo
RM2AX42G7–Spalding's official college base ball annual1911- . —Kansas Univ. 10 KEARNEY (NEB.) STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. 8—GVand Island Coll. 2 2—Peru Nor. 5 O—Peru Nor. 2 2—Doane Coll. 3 2—Nebraska Univ. 9 8-Grand Island Coll. 0 5—-Weslevan tTniv. 13 0—W^esleyan Univ. 1 9—Cotner Univ. 5 3—Cotner Univ. 12 21—York Coll. 10 KINGSLEY SCHOOL, ESSEX FELLS, N. J. 4—Orange H.S. 13 9—Morristown Sch. 11 11—Hoboken H.S. 4 5—Summit H.S. 3 4—Newark Acad. 16 17—Leal Sch. 5 5—Morristown H.S. 4 8—Caldwell H.S. 11 9—Alumni 413—N. J. Mil. Acad. 10 KISKIMINETAS SPRINGS SCHOOL, SALTSBURG, FA. 12—Avonmore 02—Duquesne Univ. 37—St
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0008 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X089–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0008 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA8F–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Spc. Jorge H. Garatecarabajo, a wheeled-vehicle mechanic assigned to 579th Forward Support Company, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, secures a patient in a Skedco at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4W–Spc. Jorge H. Garatecarabajo, a wheeled-vehicle mechanic assigned to 579th Forward Support Company, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, secures a patient in a Skedco at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide.
Don Quichotte; comédie héroïque en 5 actes . ^^ ^ DQ. ter - - re na . ta - leL SANCHO /J^*-, ^ ^ ff ^ P ^ ^ rail. 3 3 a Tempo Non! non! ^mrrf ?9- •? ^P • P P lf ^ F P p P ^^ ft Mais, mon pau . vret, cest la fa.ta - le!. ffi ^^^ ] ^ / -6- S H.M ^37 avec un pâte sourire. ^ ?, g p if r pp ^ Tu nes i / 7 DQ. ^^^^ ^^Z nes quun homme enfin, tu veux vi. .vre.,. et je û •? 1 ï? n^ ^wï?fs^ ^1^ rP And*® sostenuto fièrement et simplement; en un suprêmeet sublime effort se redressant, f & ^ ï DQ. ^ meurs , . , larmoyant. SANCHO pp ^ 76 J Oui! YX, l •? Il m E P p p F PT^^ Mon maître! mon maître!. Stock Photo!-non!-mrrf-9-p-p-p-lf-f-p-p-p-ft-mais-mon-pau-vret-cest-la-chose-fata-le!-ffi-6-s-hm-37-avec-un-pte-sourire-g-p-if-r-pp-tu-nes-i-7-dq-z-nes-quun-homme-enfin-tu-veux-vi-vre-et-je-1-n-wfs-1-rp-and-sostenuto-firement-et-simplement-en-un-suprmeet-sublime-effort-se-redressant-f-dq-meurs-larmoyant-sancho-pp-76-j-oui!-yx-l-il-m-e-p-p-p-f-pt-mon-matre!-mon-matre!-image339214501.html
RM2AKTFFH–Don Quichotte; comédie héroïque en 5 actes . ^^ ^ DQ. ter - - re na . ta - leL SANCHO /J^*-, ^ ^ ff ^ P ^ ^ rail. 3 3 a Tempo Non! non! ^mrrf ?9- •? ^P • P P lf ^ F P p P ^^ ft Mais, mon pau . vret, cest la fa.ta - le!. ffi ^^^ ] ^ / -6- S H.M ^37 avec un pâte sourire. ^ ?, g p if r pp ^ Tu nes i / 7 DQ. ^^^^ ^^Z nes quun homme enfin, tu veux vi. .vre.,. et je û •? 1 ï? n^ ^wï?fs^ ^1^ rP And*® sostenuto fièrement et simplement; en un suprêmeet sublime effort se redressant, f & ^ ï DQ. ^ meurs , . , larmoyant. SANCHO pp ^ 76 J Oui! YX, l •? Il m E P p p F PT^^ Mon maître! mon maître!.
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0006 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X086–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0006 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAF7–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Pv2.Damian Hostetler, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division applies medical aide to a simulated casualty at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4H–Pv2.Damian Hostetler, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division applies medical aide to a simulated casualty at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide.
Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ..session of the Legislature of the State of California . 50 00 4,200 00 913 75 92 50 160 40 41 00 100 00 $40,472 59 $107 28 By Pavilion pay-roll By Park pay-roll By premiums at Park By premiums at Pavilion Miscellaneous By error in balance account. By jmrses paid By balance 37 Cr. $1,956 50 1,315 75 4,139 50 2,362 50 15,677 21 28 85 14,885 eo 107 28 $40,472 59 38 TRANSACTIONS OF THE O00 00 [I, h C3 51 CO :5 PQ -^ PC X a: fa CO D 95 a cS ^ u O •? ^ c o c; ;s° rt 5 5 o o o «-? i> a m ^ ^. j2 ?r S § § § § 1 C 5 3Q Cfi OS OQ CC i^^ ^tt Stock Photo
RM2AXCC9H–Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ..session of the Legislature of the State of California . 50 00 4,200 00 913 75 92 50 160 40 41 00 100 00 $40,472 59 $107 28 By Pavilion pay-roll By Park pay-roll By premiums at Park By premiums at Pavilion Miscellaneous By error in balance account. By jmrses paid By balance 37 Cr. $1,956 50 1,315 75 4,139 50 2,362 50 15,677 21 28 85 14,885 eo 107 28 $40,472 59 38 TRANSACTIONS OF THE O00 00 [I, h C3 51 CO :5 PQ -^ PC X a: fa CO D 95 a cS ^ u O •? ^ c o c; ;s° rt 5 5 o o o «-? i> a m ^ ^. j2 ?r S § § § § 1 C 5 3Q Cfi OS OQ CC i^^ ^tt
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0003 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X083–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0003 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AAFH–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Spc. Steven B. Leslie, 13M, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, pulls a simulated casualty to safety at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4N–Spc. Steven B. Leslie, 13M, assigned to Battery B, 1st Battalion, 38th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, pulls a simulated casualty to safety at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. As part of the Combat Life Savers course, Soldiers acted out real-world scenario of finding a casualty during a patrol and applying medical aide.
Le coeur du moulin : pièce lyrique en deux actes . 37 Jr V,i^v. ^^ P-(^ -0- %=^ n ff HK^ I p gatHizg F=^F= >4 so Hh) ^^ cl u ne chanson ancionno ain si quau temps pas, s Bas. I ;i 3 i I fPFr F^^rf-p p -^ # # F / V V clu ne chanson ancienne ain si quau temps pas se,-. i^CT^^ ¥^w^^^n^ î ifâ=fa ^^ VOIX liK FEMMFS INVISIBLES As.sez animé Soprani ^ a A..£^£^i? ^ Me^zo ^ ^ Jj^^ ^ V -^ ^ r/r ; Kap. ^ • • ^ a .^ 1 fe^ h) DO Hi-l Pour que tu te sou vien nos Bas. ^>^frV ^ fc^ ^^4^^P-^M ^ V Pour que tu te sou vien ±^ .UCOIES trlsmii; F r ^ Mon cœur XHHf^i. lent Stock Photo
RM2AKN6NJ–Le coeur du moulin : pièce lyrique en deux actes . 37 Jr V,i^v. ^^ P-(^ -0- %=^ n ff HK^ I p gatHizg F=^F= >4 so Hh) ^^ cl u ne chanson ancionno ain si quau temps pas, s Bas. I ;i 3 i I fPFr F^^rf-p p -^ # # F / V V clu ne chanson ancienne ain si quau temps pas se,-. i^CT^^ ¥^w^^^n^ î ifâ=fa ^^ VOIX liK FEMMFS INVISIBLES As.sez animé Soprani ^ a A..£^£^i? ^ Me^zo ^ ^ Jj^^ ^ V -^ ^ r/r ; Kap. ^ • • ^ a .^ 1 fe^ h) DO Hi-l Pour que tu te sou vien nos Bas. ^>^frV ^ fc^ ^^4^^P-^M ^ V Pour que tu te sou vien ±^ .UCOIES trlsmii; F r ^ Mon cœur XHHf^i. lent
Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0007 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team Stock Photo
RMM3X087–Soldiers of A Battery, 1-37 Field Artillery, hone their artillery skills during their Table 18 qualification Jan. 27, at Camp Roberts, California. This was part of their battalion certification prior to their National Training Center rotation. The qualification table had fire support teams directing the artillerymen's fire on simulated high-value targets such as enemy radar and anti-aircraft weapons. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Samuel Northrup) 180127-A-GJ352-0007 by 1-2 Stryker Brigade Combat Team
Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø Stock Photo
RM2X0AA8C–Aktuell 37-1-1973 : Forsvars-sjefen bryter lovenKommunene til kamp mot ulovlig hyttebygging. Nye vedtekter til bygningsloven setter en stopper for spredt og ukontrollert hyttebygging. Men enkelte tar sjansen og går utenom loven. Det kan straffe seg. Nylig ble en hytte revet i Engerdal. Og flere står for tur. En av de som har satt opp hytte uten byggetillatelse er Norges forsvarssjef Herman Zeiner-Gundersen. Forsvarssjefen kan regne med at han likevel vil få byggetillatelse, men han kan risikere en bot for sitt brudd på bygningsloven. En Oslo-advokat som bygget hytte på statens grunn på Sollerø
Spc. Jorge H. Garatecarabajo, a wheeled-vehicle mechanic assigned to 579th Forward Support Company, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, simulates applying a nasopharyngeal tube to a simulated patient at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. Soldiers put their knowledge to the test during the final exercise after a week-long training on CLS by acting out real-world scenario of finding a casualty while on patrol and applying medical aide. Stock Photo
RMPTFH4P–Spc. Jorge H. Garatecarabajo, a wheeled-vehicle mechanic assigned to 579th Forward Support Company, 6th Battalion, 37th Field Artillery Regiment, 210th Field Artillery Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-US Combined Division, simulates applying a nasopharyngeal tube to a simulated patient at Camp Casey, South Korea, July 21, 2017. Soldiers put their knowledge to the test during the final exercise after a week-long training on CLS by acting out real-world scenario of finding a casualty while on patrol and applying medical aide.
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