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. The future water supply of San Francisco; a report to the Honorable the secretary of the interior and the Advisory board of engineers of the United States army . Jc?n /2 /9// 4FMGage-45. Jcfn 14 /9// /PM Ca/avera^ CreekF/oa/ Oa^/n^ Fesu/h. P/afe-3 /d A SERIES OF FLOAT MEASUREMENTS AT CALAVERAS WERE USED TO DETERMINE THE RE-LATION BETWEEN SURFACE AND MEAN STREAM VELOCITY. 317 318 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. some of his reports, which show this character,are given in Plates B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15 andB-16. His records are so replete with notes ofvalue, as to inspire the utmost con Stock Photo
RM2CDA32A–. The future water supply of San Francisco; a report to the Honorable the secretary of the interior and the Advisory board of engineers of the United States army . Jc?n /2 /9// 4FMGage-45. Jcfn 14 /9// /PM Ca/avera^ CreekF/oa/ Oa^/n^ Fesu/h. P/afe-3 /d A SERIES OF FLOAT MEASUREMENTS AT CALAVERAS WERE USED TO DETERMINE THE RE-LATION BETWEEN SURFACE AND MEAN STREAM VELOCITY. 317 318 THE FUTURE WATER SUPPLY OF SAN FRANCISCO. some of his reports, which show this character,are given in Plates B-12, B-13, B-14, B-15 andB-16. His records are so replete with notes ofvalue, as to inspire the utmost con
AUTOMATIC IN FUEL AND WATER SUPPLY. The Shipman Automatic Steam Engine STATIONARY AND MARINE. Petroleum Kerosene Oil and Natural Gas Fuel. Horse Power Single. SHIPMAN ENCINE CO. 210 Summer St. BOSTON '3.0verti9ements. Back Page each insertion 81.00 a line. Forty-first Annual Statement MONTPELIER VERMONT. January 1 1891. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. MAKERS CHICOPEE FALLS MASS. JENKINS BROS. VALVES! ELECTRO PLATING DYNAMO. SMALL ELECTRIC MOTOR AMERICANIZIL T:1201:00. 95 MILK ST. BOSTON MASS. ALLEAB GATE VALVE 15 & 17 E. 8th St. Cincinnati 0. FELT & TARRANT MFG.00. 52-56 Illinois St Chicago. W0 ASUSTOS Stock Photo!-electro-plating-dynamo-small-electric-motor-americanizil-t120100-95-milk-st-boston-mass-alleab-gate-valve-15-17-e-8th-st-cincinnati-0-felt-tarrant-mfg00-52-56-illinois-st-chicago-w0-asustos-image334334575.html
RM2ABX74F–AUTOMATIC IN FUEL AND WATER SUPPLY. The Shipman Automatic Steam Engine STATIONARY AND MARINE. Petroleum Kerosene Oil and Natural Gas Fuel. Horse Power Single. SHIPMAN ENCINE CO. 210 Summer St. BOSTON '3.0verti9ements. Back Page each insertion 81.00 a line. Forty-first Annual Statement MONTPELIER VERMONT. January 1 1891. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. MAKERS CHICOPEE FALLS MASS. JENKINS BROS. VALVES! ELECTRO PLATING DYNAMO. SMALL ELECTRIC MOTOR AMERICANIZIL T:1201:00. 95 MILK ST. BOSTON MASS. ALLEAB GATE VALVE 15 & 17 E. 8th St. Cincinnati 0. FELT & TARRANT MFG.00. 52-56 Illinois St Chicago. W0 ASUSTOS
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RM2ABXPBM–BACKUS GAS & GASOLINE ENGINE Simple Economical Durable. Suitable for all kinds of work. BACKUS WATER MOTOR cheapest Power known BACKUS WATER MOTOR CO. Newark N.L.U.S.A. ROLLER BEARINGS A PERFECT BEARING. DURABLE. GUARAN1EED. AMERICAN ROLLER BEARIN COM PA NY Complete line ranging from for light work to 42 Inch Back (feared Self Feed Drill PARSELL WEED 129.181 West Oist St. New York. IIAI-?IJWARE SPE CIALTIES Contract Manufacturers Difficult Pa.rts or Finished Articles UNION MFG. & SPECIALTY CO. INDUCTION 1007 1019 1014. 1015 1016 1021 :15 103 1052 1064. 1071 1072 1081 1053 1084. 1055 1050. 04
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