View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance. Stock Photo
RMF51T75–View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance.
aerial view of the White Horse Kilburn near Thirsk, North Yorkshire Stock Photo
RMTX5D6E–aerial view of the White Horse Kilburn near Thirsk, North Yorkshire
Iconic Super Luxury Yacht Carinthia VII at Venice Port, Venice, Italy Stock Photo
RFK1Y29W–Iconic Super Luxury Yacht Carinthia VII at Venice Port, Venice, Italy
. Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. evel is 100 feet long an<l has an • Stat.p. 20.3 204. It XI. p 34.T ; XIII, p. 204. It XVII. p. 318. LOS ANOIiLES FIEIiD DIVISION. 315 averafjo widtli ol 25 feet. Development consists of a 3-compartinentvertical shaft 525 feet deep, with levels driven on the vein at 400 and500 feet. The upper ore-shoot was worked through a tunnel and winzeto the 400-foot level. The total amount of underground workingsamounts to 5000 feet. The daily production of the mine when visitedwas 40 Stock Photo
RM2AFTD45–. Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ... session of the Legislature of the State of California. evel is 100 feet long an<l has an • Stat.p. 20.3 204. It XI. p 34.T ; XIII, p. 204. It XVII. p. 318. LOS ANOIiLES FIEIiD DIVISION. 315 averafjo widtli ol 25 feet. Development consists of a 3-compartinentvertical shaft 525 feet deep, with levels driven on the vein at 400 and500 feet. The upper ore-shoot was worked through a tunnel and winzeto the 400-foot level. The total amount of underground workingsamounts to 5000 feet. The daily production of the mine when visitedwas 40
. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 318 ASCLEPIADACEAE {MILKWEED FAMILY) The horizontal creeping rootstock which makes this plant such a noxious weed is often six or eight feet long, wrinkled, cylindrical, white inside, with a grayish brown bark, warty with the scars of former stems. It is medicinally valuable, and, when collected in autumn, cleaned, transversely sliced and dried, is worth six to eight cents a pound in the drug market. Stock Photo
RMPG1HJC–. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 318 ASCLEPIADACEAE {MILKWEED FAMILY) The horizontal creeping rootstock which makes this plant such a noxious weed is often six or eight feet long, wrinkled, cylindrical, white inside, with a grayish brown bark, warty with the scars of former stems. It is medicinally valuable, and, when collected in autumn, cleaned, transversely sliced and dried, is worth six to eight cents a pound in the drug market.
Earthquakes and other earth movements Earthquakes and other earth movements earthquakesother00miln Year: 1886 318 EARTHQUAKES. wire. This iiistrumeat is shown drawing. in the accompanying Another apparatus is the Microseismograph of Professor Rossi. Here we have an arran gement which gives automatic records of sh'ght motions. It consists of four pendulums, each, about three feet long, sus- pended so that they form the corners of a square platform. In the centre of this platform a fifth, but rather longer, pendulum is suspended. The four pen- dulums are each connected just above their bobs Stock Photo
RMT0CXH4–Earthquakes and other earth movements Earthquakes and other earth movements earthquakesother00miln Year: 1886 318 EARTHQUAKES. wire. This iiistrumeat is shown drawing. in the accompanying Another apparatus is the Microseismograph of Professor Rossi. Here we have an arran gement which gives automatic records of sh'ght motions. It consists of four pendulums, each, about three feet long, sus- pended so that they form the corners of a square platform. In the centre of this platform a fifth, but rather longer, pendulum is suspended. The four pen- dulums are each connected just above their bobs
View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance. Stock Photo
RMF51T79–View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance.
. In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria . fighting,was 318 IN DARKEST AFRICA. 1887,Dec. 11. Cndus-suma. squad of men was accompanied by a large hound, ofsomewhat slender build, but courageous, and prompt toattack. The arms of the Wazamboni consisted of long bowsfive and a half feet long, and arrows twenty-eightinches long, besides a long sharp spear. Their shieldswere long and narrow generally, but there were many ofthe true Uganda type. The arrows were cruelly barbed,and the spear was similar to that of Karagwe, Uhha,Urundi, and Ihangiro.. VIEW O Stock Photo
RM2CE60WC–. In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue, and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria . fighting,was 318 IN DARKEST AFRICA. 1887,Dec. 11. Cndus-suma. squad of men was accompanied by a large hound, ofsomewhat slender build, but courageous, and prompt toattack. The arms of the Wazamboni consisted of long bowsfive and a half feet long, and arrows twenty-eightinches long, besides a long sharp spear. Their shieldswere long and narrow generally, but there were many ofthe true Uganda type. The arrows were cruelly barbed,and the spear was similar to that of Karagwe, Uhha,Urundi, and Ihangiro.. VIEW O
. Handbook of birds of eastern North America : with keys to the species and descriptions of their plumages, nests and eggs, their distribution and migration ... Birds. KEY TO FAMILIES. 53 Family 8. Mirimdinidce.—Swallows (Fig. 49), Bill short and flattened, much wider than high at the base; no bristles at the base of the bill; wings long and pointed, tips, when closed, generally reaching beyond the end of the tail; flrst primary the longest; outer tail- feathers longest; feet small, tarsus short, round in front, narrower and sharper in the back, p. 318.. Please note that these images are extra Stock Photo
RMPFYMTK–. Handbook of birds of eastern North America : with keys to the species and descriptions of their plumages, nests and eggs, their distribution and migration ... Birds. KEY TO FAMILIES. 53 Family 8. Mirimdinidce.—Swallows (Fig. 49), Bill short and flattened, much wider than high at the base; no bristles at the base of the bill; wings long and pointed, tips, when closed, generally reaching beyond the end of the tail; flrst primary the longest; outer tail- feathers longest; feet small, tarsus short, round in front, narrower and sharper in the back, p. 318.. Please note that these images are extra
View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance. Stock Photo
RMF51T78–View looking from Kilburn towards the Kilburn White Horse in The Hambleton Hills, Yorkshire, England, UK. This hill figure is cut into the hillside in the North York Moors National Park near Kilburn in North Yorkshire. The figure is 318 feet (97 m) long by 220 ft (67 m) high and covers about 1.6 acres and said to be the largest and most northerly hill figure in England. Located on the southern flank of Sutton Bank, near Roulston Scar at the edge of the Hambleton table-land, it faces south-south-west and is visible from some distance.
. Earthquakes and other earth movements. Earthquakes. 318 EARTHQUAKES. wire. This iiistrumeat is shown drawing. in the accompanying. Another apparatus is the Microseismograph of Professor Rossi. Here we have an arran gement which gives automatic records of sh'ght motions. It consists of four pendulums, each, about three feet long, sus- pended so that they form the corners of a square platform. In the centre of this platform a fifth, but rather longer, pendulum is suspended. The four pen- dulums are each connected just above their bobs to the central pendulum with loose silk threads. Fixed to t Stock Photo
RMRE66CD–. Earthquakes and other earth movements. Earthquakes. 318 EARTHQUAKES. wire. This iiistrumeat is shown drawing. in the accompanying. Another apparatus is the Microseismograph of Professor Rossi. Here we have an arran gement which gives automatic records of sh'ght motions. It consists of four pendulums, each, about three feet long, sus- pended so that they form the corners of a square platform. In the centre of this platform a fifth, but rather longer, pendulum is suspended. The four pen- dulums are each connected just above their bobs to the central pendulum with loose silk threads. Fixed to t
. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 318 ASCLEPIADACEAE {MILKWEED FAMILY) The horizontal creeping rootstock which makes this plant such a noxious weed is often six or eight feet long, wrinkled, cylindrical, white inside, with a grayish brown bark, warty with the scars of former stems. It is medicinally valuable, and, when collected in autumn, cleaned, transversely sliced and dried, is worth six to eight cents a pound in the drug market. Stock Photo
RMRD9MK0–. A manual of weeds : with descriptions of all the most pernicious and troublesome plants in the United States and Canada, their habits of growth and distribution, with methods of control . Weeds. 318 ASCLEPIADACEAE {MILKWEED FAMILY) The horizontal creeping rootstock which makes this plant such a noxious weed is often six or eight feet long, wrinkled, cylindrical, white inside, with a grayish brown bark, warty with the scars of former stems. It is medicinally valuable, and, when collected in autumn, cleaned, transversely sliced and dried, is worth six to eight cents a pound in the drug market.
. Cassell's natural history. Animals; Animal behavior. 318 XATVBAL UIRTOIlY. from the eye to the angle of the moutli. Tliere are two lars;e black bands which begin behind the head and run along the neck and back for some distance. The nasal plates are very- small, and tne space between the orbits is covered with plates or scales, larger than those in the others. The Missouri Rattlesnake* is slim, and is from two to thx-ee feet long. They inhabit the country bordering on the Rocky Mountains, and from the Mexican to the British boundaries. It is found from California to Utah, but the Yellowstone Stock Photo
RMRFP9HC–. Cassell's natural history. Animals; Animal behavior. 318 XATVBAL UIRTOIlY. from the eye to the angle of the moutli. Tliere are two lars;e black bands which begin behind the head and run along the neck and back for some distance. The nasal plates are very- small, and tne space between the orbits is covered with plates or scales, larger than those in the others. The Missouri Rattlesnake* is slim, and is from two to thx-ee feet long. They inhabit the country bordering on the Rocky Mountains, and from the Mexican to the British boundaries. It is found from California to Utah, but the Yellowstone
. Handbook of birds of eastern North America : with keys to the species and descriptions of their plumages, nests and eggs, their distribution and migration ... Birds. KEY TO FAMILIES. 53 Family 8. Mirimdinidce.—Swallows (Fig. 49), Bill short and flattened, much wider than high at the base; no bristles at the base of the bill; wings long and pointed, tips, when closed, generally reaching beyond the end of the tail; flrst primary the longest; outer tail- feathers longest; feet small, tarsus short, round in front, narrower and sharper in the back, p. 318.. Please note that these images are extra Stock Photo
RMRDED4J–. Handbook of birds of eastern North America : with keys to the species and descriptions of their plumages, nests and eggs, their distribution and migration ... Birds. KEY TO FAMILIES. 53 Family 8. Mirimdinidce.—Swallows (Fig. 49), Bill short and flattened, much wider than high at the base; no bristles at the base of the bill; wings long and pointed, tips, when closed, generally reaching beyond the end of the tail; flrst primary the longest; outer tail- feathers longest; feet small, tarsus short, round in front, narrower and sharper in the back, p. 318.. Please note that these images are extra
. The birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the nineteenth meridian ... Birds. See page 317 Bill, as illustrated; nostrils, concealed by bristly tufts of hair-like feathers; first primary, short; forehead, t)lack; back, gray; bead, with more or less crest; sides of body, waslicd with brown (Tufted Titmouse). Family PARID^. Titmice. See page 318. First primary, about one half as long as third; feet, zygodactyle (toes, two iu front, two bcliind) ; outer tail leathers, very much shorter than middle feathers. Family CUCULID/E. Cuckoos. See page 1S8.. Please note that these images a Stock Photo
RMRE52JK–. The birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the nineteenth meridian ... Birds. See page 317 Bill, as illustrated; nostrils, concealed by bristly tufts of hair-like feathers; first primary, short; forehead, t)lack; back, gray; bead, with more or less crest; sides of body, waslicd with brown (Tufted Titmouse). Family PARID^. Titmice. See page 318. First primary, about one half as long as third; feet, zygodactyle (toes, two iu front, two bcliind) ; outer tail leathers, very much shorter than middle feathers. Family CUCULID/E. Cuckoos. See page 1S8.. Please note that these images a
. The birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the nineteenth meridian ... Birds. See page 317 Bill, as illustrated; nostrils, concealed by bristly tufts of hair-like feathers; first primary, short; forehead, t)lack; back, gray; bead, with more or less crest; sides of body, waslicd with brown (Tufted Titmouse). Family PARID^. Titmice. See page 318. First primary, about one half as long as third; feet, zygodactyle (toes, two iu front, two bcliind) ; outer tail leathers, very much shorter than middle feathers. Family CUCULID/E. Cuckoos. See page 1S8.. Please note that these images a Stock Photo
RMRE52JR–. The birds of eastern North America known to occur east of the nineteenth meridian ... Birds. See page 317 Bill, as illustrated; nostrils, concealed by bristly tufts of hair-like feathers; first primary, short; forehead, t)lack; back, gray; bead, with more or less crest; sides of body, waslicd with brown (Tufted Titmouse). Family PARID^. Titmice. See page 318. First primary, about one half as long as third; feet, zygodactyle (toes, two iu front, two bcliind) ; outer tail leathers, very much shorter than middle feathers. Family CUCULID/E. Cuckoos. See page 1S8.. Please note that these images a
. Zoology for high schools and colleges. Zoology. and nearly two metres (five feet, nine inches) in circumference. The two longer arms are t) metres long. Architeu- this monachus Steen- strup has a body about two metres (seven feet) long, and the two long- er arms seven metres (twenty-four feet) long. A still larger individual was esti- mated by Verrill to be in total length about- fourteen metres (forty- four feet). It is some- times thrown ashore on the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, and in one in- stance attacked two men in a boat. The Octopus (Fig. 318) and Aryonauta represent the eig Stock Photo
RMRE0AN9–. Zoology for high schools and colleges. Zoology. and nearly two metres (five feet, nine inches) in circumference. The two longer arms are t) metres long. Architeu- this monachus Steen- strup has a body about two metres (seven feet) long, and the two long- er arms seven metres (twenty-four feet) long. A still larger individual was esti- mated by Verrill to be in total length about- fourteen metres (forty- four feet). It is some- times thrown ashore on the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, and in one in- stance attacked two men in a boat. The Octopus (Fig. 318) and Aryonauta represent the eig
. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. igo2. The American Florist. 731. Lily of the Valley from Cold Storage $15.00 per 1000; case of 2,500, S35.00; per 100, $1.75. FINEST CUT VALLEY always on hand in large quantities. 1409-141 1>W. Wadlson St.. CHICAGO. WHOLESALE Cut Flowers Florists' Supplies, Seeds, Etc. Galax and Leucothoe, Wild Smilax. Special attention given to shipping orders. Long distance 'Phones, Main 584 and 748. J. M. McCullough's Sons 316-318 Walnut St., Cincinnati, 0. PETER REINBERG, Grower and Wholesaler of Cut Flowers. 600,000 FEET O Stock Photo
RMRP62BY–. The American florist : a weekly journal for the trade. Floriculture; Florists. igo2. The American Florist. 731. Lily of the Valley from Cold Storage $15.00 per 1000; case of 2,500, S35.00; per 100, $1.75. FINEST CUT VALLEY always on hand in large quantities. 1409-141 1>W. Wadlson St.. CHICAGO. WHOLESALE Cut Flowers Florists' Supplies, Seeds, Etc. Galax and Leucothoe, Wild Smilax. Special attention given to shipping orders. Long distance 'Phones, Main 584 and 748. J. M. McCullough's Sons 316-318 Walnut St., Cincinnati, 0. PETER REINBERG, Grower and Wholesaler of Cut Flowers. 600,000 FEET O