The Monticola . THE AMICABLE SOCIETY OF RAIL SPLITTERS 89. ^y^m 90 Stock Photo
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MUNN & CO. - Editors and Proprietors No. 361 Broa.dwa.y New York THE SPEED TRIALS OF THE 'ARROW.' SOFT COAL FOR DOMESTIC USE. DISTRIBUTION OF INDUSTRIES. The number of wage earners engaged in slaughtering and meat packing in South Omaha Neb. constitute 90 per cent of the total number employed in all In dustries in the city. The iron and steel industry form 89 per cent Of all, 1902-09-20 Stock Photo
RM2ABXPRR–SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN MUNN & CO. - Editors and Proprietors No. 361 Broa.dwa.y New York THE SPEED TRIALS OF THE 'ARROW.' SOFT COAL FOR DOMESTIC USE. DISTRIBUTION OF INDUSTRIES. The number of wage earners engaged in slaughtering and meat packing in South Omaha Neb. constitute 90 per cent of the total number employed in all In dustries in the city. The iron and steel industry form 89 per cent Of all, 1902-09-20
Catalogue of apparatus, to illustrate magnetism, galvanism, electrodynamics, electromagnetism, magno-electricity . Fig. 90. Y Armature. Price 30 cents. Fig. 92. Rolling Armature, with U Magnet. Price $2.00.Fig. 89. Fig. 94, Fig: 99.. Stock Photo
RM2AWF0PM–Catalogue of apparatus, to illustrate magnetism, galvanism, electrodynamics, electromagnetism, magno-electricity . Fig. 90. Y Armature. Price 30 cents. Fig. 92. Rolling Armature, with U Magnet. Price $2.00.Fig. 89. Fig. 94, Fig: 99..
Express Double-Action VAN DlIzEN'S PATENT LOOSE PULLEY OILER ETROLEUM ENGINE SEWED WITHOUJ'SEAM York. Other foreign patents may also be obtained. L A LATHE H E FOR SALE or TO RENT Foot and Power. ROCK DRILLSrim!.trISTI SPECIAL NOTICE! ' 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL THE WARDEN MFC. Co. BOILERS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL LOCOMOTIVE (t. '' . 'ECONOMY IS WEALTH.' WANTED A MECHANICAL EXPERT WELL DRILLING MACHINERY. WILLIAMS BROTHERS 1 ITHACA N. Y. Mounted and on Sills for deep or shallow wells with steam or horse power. 9Jibvertisernents. Catalogue. 64S. 45 sold in '68 2288 sold in '89 6268 sold in '90 201049 sold Stock Photo!tristi-special-notice!-10-days-free-trial-the-warden-mfc-co-boilers-horizontal-vertical-locomotive-t-economy-is-wealth-wanted-a-mechanical-expert-well-drilling-machinery-williams-brothers-1-ithaca-n-y-mounted-and-on-sills-for-deep-or-shallow-wells-with-steam-or-horse-power-9jibvertisernents-catalogue-64s-45-sold-in-68-2288-sold-in-89-6268-sold-in-90-201049-sold-image334335699.html
RM2ABX8GK–Express Double-Action VAN DlIzEN'S PATENT LOOSE PULLEY OILER ETROLEUM ENGINE SEWED WITHOUJ'SEAM York. Other foreign patents may also be obtained. L A LATHE H E FOR SALE or TO RENT Foot and Power. ROCK DRILLSrim!.trISTI SPECIAL NOTICE! ' 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL THE WARDEN MFC. Co. BOILERS HORIZONTAL VERTICAL LOCOMOTIVE (t. '' . 'ECONOMY IS WEALTH.' WANTED A MECHANICAL EXPERT WELL DRILLING MACHINERY. WILLIAMS BROTHERS 1 ITHACA N. Y. Mounted and on Sills for deep or shallow wells with steam or horse power. 9Jibvertisernents. Catalogue. 64S. 45 sold in '68 2288 sold in '89 6268 sold in '90 201049 sold
Catalogue of apparatus, to illustrate magnetism, galvanism, electrodynamics, electromagnetism, magno-electricity . Fiff. 92. Fig. 90. Y Armature. Price 30 cents. Fig. 92. Rolling Armature, with U Magnet. Price $2.00.Fig. 89. Fig. 94, Fig: 99. Stock Photo
RM2AWF225–Catalogue of apparatus, to illustrate magnetism, galvanism, electrodynamics, electromagnetism, magno-electricity . Fiff. 92. Fig. 90. Y Armature. Price 30 cents. Fig. 92. Rolling Armature, with U Magnet. Price $2.00.Fig. 89. Fig. 94, Fig: 99.
The Victoria history of the county of Cornwall . Fig. 92. Fig. 93. Sunk Crosses ; Sunk, Miscellaneous, and Celtic Ornament,Fig. 89. St. Enoder—Fig. 90. Tencreek—Fig. 91. Helston, No. 2—Fig. 92. Washaway—Fig. 93. St. Columb Majqr. 439 A HISTORY OF CORNWALL PLATE XVI ^!g^-^^^s»^y;^y:<V-!^?-^^*y^^ Stock Photo!g-syyltv-!-y-image343044041.html
RM2AX304W–The Victoria history of the county of Cornwall . Fig. 92. Fig. 93. Sunk Crosses ; Sunk, Miscellaneous, and Celtic Ornament,Fig. 89. St. Enoder—Fig. 90. Tencreek—Fig. 91. Helston, No. 2—Fig. 92. Washaway—Fig. 93. St. Columb Majqr. 439 A HISTORY OF CORNWALL PLATE XVI ^!g^-^^^s»^y;^y:<V-!^?-^^*y^^
Our doors and windows : how to decorate them . No. 87.. No. 89. i^!iiis!piinpii3!!ypiifpiil|!yy!Rii£! y!fyy!RiiS!rjii!!ii No. 90. Scale, 1% in. to the foot. niaiiwiMirwiiMii-BfriiBMir inaiiiBViiBiiiahiiBa ???????? IIIBBIIBIIIBBIIBIIIBBIIBBIIHII !!t1! !!x1!2!!t1!5!Jx1! laBBBIBBiaBBBBBiaBBBiaBBBlBBBJBIBaBBlBB ?mB ? aa i ubV-i ? an ? ukl ? bbj ? lbTaj ? ajaj ? a. BBBBIBBBBBBIflBmBBBiBBBBaBlBVaBBBIBBBBIBBIBBBBiBBlBBBBIBBIBBBBIBBlBBBI IIBBflBBIIBBIIBBIIIMflflllBBItBBIIBBIII iiiaiiBBiiaiiiBBiii IIBBIIBBIIBBIIBBIII No. 91. No. 94. laBBBJBJBJBBJiajajBBJiBjajBBBJBHBJBjajaBBJIBJBJ ?IIMIIBIIBIIBII ? ?BBB Stock Photo!iiis!piinpii3!!ypiifpiil!yy!rii!-y!fyy!riis!rjii!!ii-no-90-scale-1-in-to-the-foot-niaiiwimirwiimii-bfriibmir-inaiiibviibiiiahiiba-iiibbiibiiibbiibiiibbiibbiihii-!!t1!-!!x1!2!!t1!5!jx1!-labbbibbiabbbbbiabbbiabbblbbbjbibabblbb-mb-aa-i-ubv-i-an-ukl-bbj-lbtaj-ajaj-a-bbbbibbbbbbiflbmbbbibbbbablbvabbbibbbbibbibbbbibblbbbbibbibbbbibblbbbi-iibbflbbiibbiibbiiimflflllbbitbbiibbiii-iiiaiibbiiaiiibbiii-iibbiibbiibbiibbiii-no-91-no-94-labbbjbjbjbbjiajajbbjibjajbbbjbhbjbjajabbjibjbj-iimiibiibiibii-bbb-image339153741.html
RM2AKNP1H–Our doors and windows : how to decorate them . No. 87.. No. 89. i^!iiis!piinpii3!!ypiifpiil|!yy!Rii£! y!fyy!RiiS!rjii!!ii No. 90. Scale, 1% in. to the foot. niaiiwiMirwiiMii-BfriiBMir inaiiiBViiBiiiahiiBa ???????? IIIBBIIBIIIBBIIBIIIBBIIBBIIHII !!t1! !!x1!2!!t1!5!Jx1! laBBBIBBiaBBBBBiaBBBiaBBBlBBBJBIBaBBlBB ?mB ? aa i ubV-i ? an ? ukl ? bbj ? lbTaj ? ajaj ? a. BBBBIBBBBBBIflBmBBBiBBBBaBlBVaBBBIBBBBIBBIBBBBiBBlBBBBIBBIBBBBIBBlBBBI IIBBflBBIIBBIIBBIIIMflflllBBItBBIIBBIII iiiaiiBBiiaiiiBBiii IIBBIIBBIIBBIIBBIII No. 91. No. 94. laBBBJBJBJBBJiajajBBJiBjajBBBJBHBJBjajaBBJIBJBJ ?IIMIIBIIBIIBII ? ?BBB
The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura . elast, and six hours older than that represented in Fig. 72. The optic disk is sectionedin Pig. 90 through its central proliferating area (C. J/.), and the rudiments of thethree naupliar appendages appear in Fig. 89. xll5. Fhj. 91. Transverse section cutting optic disks of embryo about nineteen hours older than that ofFig. 72 and twelve hours older than that represented by Figs. 80, 87. Wanderingcells (Y. C) have traveled to remote parts of the surface, and karyokiuetic figures(Y. C,^, Fig. 89) i)rove that they are in active division. xll5. RE Stock Photo
RM2AXJFHW–The embryology and metamorphosis of the Macroura . elast, and six hours older than that represented in Fig. 72. The optic disk is sectionedin Pig. 90 through its central proliferating area (C. J/.), and the rudiments of thethree naupliar appendages appear in Fig. 89. xll5. Fhj. 91. Transverse section cutting optic disks of embryo about nineteen hours older than that ofFig. 72 and twelve hours older than that represented by Figs. 80, 87. Wanderingcells (Y. C) have traveled to remote parts of the surface, and karyokiuetic figures(Y. C,^, Fig. 89) i)rove that they are in active division. xll5. RE
Falmouth-by-the-sea : the Naples of America . The Bell Tower on Nobska Point. 89. Waban Cottage. XV^ABAN COTTAGE, corner of Grand and Hope Avenues, has been ownedand occupied by Rev. P. D. Cowan, of Canastota, N. Y., since 1888.It commands a beautiful view of the Sound, Marthas Vineyard, the Oceanand the Cape. Eight great Hghts flash their warnings in view of it atnight, in friendly rivalry with the electric lights of Cottage City, and thedash of the waves is heard day and night — now soft, now low —at the footof the cliff immediately in front of it. 90 Stock Photo
RM2AJ9YCF–Falmouth-by-the-sea : the Naples of America . The Bell Tower on Nobska Point. 89. Waban Cottage. XV^ABAN COTTAGE, corner of Grand and Hope Avenues, has been ownedand occupied by Rev. P. D. Cowan, of Canastota, N. Y., since 1888.It commands a beautiful view of the Sound, Marthas Vineyard, the Oceanand the Cape. Eight great Hghts flash their warnings in view of it atnight, in friendly rivalry with the electric lights of Cottage City, and thedash of the waves is heard day and night — now soft, now low —at the footof the cliff immediately in front of it. 90
Modern history : or, the present state of all nations : describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals ... . 7^/.y./o ^z^. ? y^jipqcMj; 90 89 8 8 87 86 8^ fU 83 8-i 8/ 80 79 78 77 7(5 7 ? 74 73 7^ 7 ^ OP 6B o ob o? o4 o3 oz oi oo .^Q .^8 .?, .To J5 Stock Photo
RM2AJKB40–Modern history : or, the present state of all nations : describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals ... . 7^/.y./o ^z^. ? y^jipqcMj; 90 89 8 8 87 86 8^ fU 83 8-i 8/ 80 79 78 77 7(5 7 ? 74 73 7^ 7 ^ OP 6B o ob o? o4 o3 oz oi oo .^Q .^8 .?, .To J5
Bowdoin Orient . Gahan is gymnasium instructor inChattanooga, Tenn. 88.—J. Williamson, Jr., will captain the BostonUniversity ball nine the coming season. 88.—J. L. Doolittle hasbought a house in Bruns-wick, and intends to make his home here. 89.—E. R. Stearns was severely injured recentlywhile playing foot-ball at Andover, but, we are gladto say, is now nearly well. 89.—M. A. Rice is running the Rockland Y.M. C. A. gymnasium, and in his leisure moments isstudying law in Attorney-General Littleflelds office. Ex.-90.—F. M. Gates is making arrangements tolead a band of pioneer missionaries into Stock Photo
RM2AN88AR–Bowdoin Orient . Gahan is gymnasium instructor inChattanooga, Tenn. 88.—J. Williamson, Jr., will captain the BostonUniversity ball nine the coming season. 88.—J. L. Doolittle hasbought a house in Bruns-wick, and intends to make his home here. 89.—E. R. Stearns was severely injured recentlywhile playing foot-ball at Andover, but, we are gladto say, is now nearly well. 89.—M. A. Rice is running the Rockland Y.M. C. A. gymnasium, and in his leisure moments isstudying law in Attorney-General Littleflelds office. Ex.-90.—F. M. Gates is making arrangements tolead a band of pioneer missionaries into
The Wheel and cycling trade review . eplate.Chicago Show, spaces 89 and 90.New York Show, spaces 46c and 468. ECLIPSE BICYCLE CO., ELMIRA, N. Y. STEPHEN T. MOEN, 33 Barclay St. Metropolitan Agent. Kindly mention The Wheel. FREE DISTRIBUTION OF BELLS. Beginning with the year 1897 the New De-parture Bell Co. will make a practice of givingaway bells, one nickle-plated bell each dayand a gold-plated one at the end of eachmonth. It is the result of an idea of Adver-tising Manager Southwick, and will serve adouble purpose. Discrimination will, of course,be used in the distribution. To secure a belli Stock Photo
RM2AWR43A–The Wheel and cycling trade review . eplate.Chicago Show, spaces 89 and 90.New York Show, spaces 46c and 468. ECLIPSE BICYCLE CO., ELMIRA, N. Y. STEPHEN T. MOEN, 33 Barclay St. Metropolitan Agent. Kindly mention The Wheel. FREE DISTRIBUTION OF BELLS. Beginning with the year 1897 the New De-parture Bell Co. will make a practice of givingaway bells, one nickle-plated bell each dayand a gold-plated one at the end of eachmonth. It is the result of an idea of Adver-tising Manager Southwick, and will serve adouble purpose. Discrimination will, of course,be used in the distribution. To secure a belli
Review of reviews and world's work . Samuel D. Morris, of Brooklyn, N. Y., 89 Charles Bordes, the French composer, 44.... MiguelIglesias, the Peruvian general and statesman, 87. November 9.—Dr. Theodore R. Timby, oneof the inventors of the revolving turret usedon war-ships, 90 Dr. I. R. Whitaker, a well-known Confederate scout in the Civil War, 75. November 11.—Brigadier General WilliamBeatty Rochester, U. S. A. (retired). November 13.—Raymond A. Patterson, formany years head of the Washington bureau ofthe Chicago Tribune, 53. November 16.—Francis Thome, the Frenchcomposer, 59... .Charles N. C Stock Photo
RM2AJ79H5–Review of reviews and world's work . Samuel D. Morris, of Brooklyn, N. Y., 89 Charles Bordes, the French composer, 44.... MiguelIglesias, the Peruvian general and statesman, 87. November 9.—Dr. Theodore R. Timby, oneof the inventors of the revolving turret usedon war-ships, 90 Dr. I. R. Whitaker, a well-known Confederate scout in the Civil War, 75. November 11.—Brigadier General WilliamBeatty Rochester, U. S. A. (retired). November 13.—Raymond A. Patterson, formany years head of the Washington bureau ofthe Chicago Tribune, 53. November 16.—Francis Thome, the Frenchcomposer, 59... .Charles N. C
Modern history : or, the present state of all nations : describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals ... . ? y^jipqcMj; 90 89 8 8 87 86 8^ fU 83 8-i 8/ 80 79 78 77 7(5 7 ? 74 73 7^ 7 ^ OP 6B o ob o? o4 o3 oz oi oo .^Q .^8 .?, .To J5. 1 • I THE Prefent State of the BritiOi PLANTATIONS. CHAP. I. Of the name, fituation, extent, and fubdlvifions of the Britifh plantations on the continent of America ; and more particularly of the province of Vi Stock Photo
RM2AJKABM–Modern history : or, the present state of all nations : describing their respective situations, persons, habits, buildings, manners, laws and customs, religion and policy, arts and sciences, trades, manufactures and husbandry, plants, animals and minerals ... . ? y^jipqcMj; 90 89 8 8 87 86 8^ fU 83 8-i 8/ 80 79 78 77 7(5 7 ? 74 73 7^ 7 ^ OP 6B o ob o? o4 o3 oz oi oo .^Q .^8 .?, .To J5. 1 • I THE Prefent State of the BritiOi PLANTATIONS. CHAP. I. Of the name, fituation, extent, and fubdlvifions of the Britifh plantations on the continent of America ; and more particularly of the province of Vi
The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology . onths of thisyear. Full descriptions of the species are given by theauthors referred to in the above synonymy. A few structuralfigures may assist British students of spiders to discoverfresh localities for it. Aspects of the male palp somewhat * Simon, Arachn. France, ii. pp. 115-6. t Verb., zool.-bot. Gesell. Wien, xxvii. (1877) pp. 757-9. Emerton, Trans. Conn. Acad. viii. (1890) pp. 197-200, pi. viii.figs. 1-1 n. A. califomica, Banks (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. iv. (1896)pp. 89-90), seems a nearly allied form. § E. Simo Stock Photo
RM2AWFB52–The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology . onths of thisyear. Full descriptions of the species are given by theauthors referred to in the above synonymy. A few structuralfigures may assist British students of spiders to discoverfresh localities for it. Aspects of the male palp somewhat * Simon, Arachn. France, ii. pp. 115-6. t Verb., zool.-bot. Gesell. Wien, xxvii. (1877) pp. 757-9. Emerton, Trans. Conn. Acad. viii. (1890) pp. 197-200, pi. viii.figs. 1-1 n. A. califomica, Banks (Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. iv. (1896)pp. 89-90), seems a nearly allied form. § E. Simo
. Catalogue no. 96 : dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, crockery, etc., etc., bought at sheriffs', receivers', and trustees' sales.. Lot No. 90. Full sized table knives, heavy plated with pure silver, first quality goods, engraved design, like cut. Price, per set of 6 knives. |o 85 Price, per gross knives y • ?rt 18.50 Lot No. 89. Solid nickel silvergoods, guaranteed equal to solidsilver goods, has same sound andpossesses every feature of thegenuine article.Note our prices. Teaspoons, per dozen |o 75 Tablespoons, 150 Table forks, 1.50 Lot Stock Photo
RM2AFHJ12–. Catalogue no. 96 : dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods, crockery, etc., etc., bought at sheriffs', receivers', and trustees' sales.. Lot No. 90. Full sized table knives, heavy plated with pure silver, first quality goods, engraved design, like cut. Price, per set of 6 knives. |o 85 Price, per gross knives y • ?rt 18.50 Lot No. 89. Solid nickel silvergoods, guaranteed equal to solidsilver goods, has same sound andpossesses every feature of thegenuine article.Note our prices. Teaspoons, per dozen |o 75 Tablespoons, 150 Table forks, 1.50 Lot
Halcyon . gWHRTHMORE pHOENIX. STAFF FOR 1887-J £difor.—CARROLl. H. SUDLER, 88. Associate Editors :J. RUSSELL HAYES, ^^, ALICE HALL, ; RALPH STONE, 89, ALEX. G. CUMMINS, Jr, 89, :REBE S. WEBB, 89, ABBY M. HALL, 90, MARY P. WILKINSON, 90. Business Manager.—Y.. LAWRENCE FELL, ^S.Assistant Business Mafiager.—HO^ARD A. DILL, 89. 54 ^TlJb^Ti(?g-. N her short career of fourteen years, the pro-gress Swarthmore has made in Athleticsthe records she holds, and the rank she hastaken among her sister colleges, are prece-dents worthy of great commendation. Howcan such a career do otherwise than createa feel Stock Photo
RM2AJJ39B–Halcyon . gWHRTHMORE pHOENIX. STAFF FOR 1887-J £difor.—CARROLl. H. SUDLER, 88. Associate Editors :J. RUSSELL HAYES, ^^, ALICE HALL, ; RALPH STONE, 89, ALEX. G. CUMMINS, Jr, 89, :REBE S. WEBB, 89, ABBY M. HALL, 90, MARY P. WILKINSON, 90. Business Manager.—Y.. LAWRENCE FELL, ^S.Assistant Business Mafiager.—HO^ARD A. DILL, 89. 54 ^TlJb^Ti(?g-. N her short career of fourteen years, the pro-gress Swarthmore has made in Athleticsthe records she holds, and the rank she hastaken among her sister colleges, are prece-dents worthy of great commendation. Howcan such a career do otherwise than createa feel
Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ..session of the Legislature of the State of California . y ton property Apparatus Incidental expenses (incorporation of StudentsLoan Fund) Toland Medical college—gas bill Cash of last Contingent not expended 5202 84137 80 356 27 20 75 238 76 89 50 180 93 40 25 45 55 22 35 3 88 65 90 136 12 35 40 32 60 76 35 29 10 14 50 10 25 9 20 500 00 >2,254 30 139 APPENDIX S. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Salary of Manager of printing office Advertising lectures at Mechanics Institute.Apparatus for testing wood [To above add the following journal debit Stock Photo
RM2AWY1B3–Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the ..session of the Legislature of the State of California . y ton property Apparatus Incidental expenses (incorporation of StudentsLoan Fund) Toland Medical college—gas bill Cash of last Contingent not expended 5202 84137 80 356 27 20 75 238 76 89 50 180 93 40 25 45 55 22 35 3 88 65 90 136 12 35 40 32 60 76 35 29 10 14 50 10 25 9 20 500 00 >2,254 30 139 APPENDIX S. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. Salary of Manager of printing office Advertising lectures at Mechanics Institute.Apparatus for testing wood [To above add the following journal debit
. 20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades. 88 Crownwheel 4 So. Center Wheel, complete with Pinion 10 00 Dial „ „., 400 Dial, Sunk Second 600 Dial, Double Sunk 1500 Escape Wheel and Pinion 5 00 Fourth Wheel and Pinibn 500 90 Hour Wheel ; y.. i 50 Hair Spring, with collet and stud 2 50 Hair Spring, Breguet, with collet and stud 6 00 Hands, Spade.. 35 Hands, Fancy , 5° Hands, Second a ..- as . 89 Intermediate Wind Wheel a so 92 Intermediate Setting Wheel 50 Jewels, Balance Set 2 50 Jewels, Plate Set .-. 300 Jewels, Endstones-. ... i So Jewel Pins 65 91 Minu Stock Photo
RM2AG6G8E–. 20th century catalogue of supplies for watchmakers, jewelers and kindred trades. 88 Crownwheel 4 So. Center Wheel, complete with Pinion 10 00 Dial „ „., 400 Dial, Sunk Second 600 Dial, Double Sunk 1500 Escape Wheel and Pinion 5 00 Fourth Wheel and Pinibn 500 90 Hour Wheel ; y.. i 50 Hair Spring, with collet and stud 2 50 Hair Spring, Breguet, with collet and stud 6 00 Hands, Spade.. 35 Hands, Fancy , 5° Hands, Second a ..- as . 89 Intermediate Wind Wheel a so 92 Intermediate Setting Wheel 50 Jewels, Balance Set 2 50 Jewels, Plate Set .-. 300 Jewels, Endstones-. ... i So Jewel Pins 65 91 Minu
. American homes and gardens. c CONTENTS FOR M A R C H, 1 9 1 3 V. Delicately Flowered Purple Wistaria Flower Gardens for Everyone By Ida D. Bennett A Country Home at Montclair, New Jersey By Alfred M. Evans The All-Summer Vegetable Garden By F. F. Rockwell Spring Planting Table for Vegetables A House in Jamestown, N. Y By Henry Morrison rontispiece 7580 8386 89 The Garden Vista 90-91 The Story of My Garden By T. F. Spangler An Attractive House in Cleveland Early American Silver By Robert H. Van Court The Picturesque Toby By Mary H. Northend Within the House : Hardwood Floors By Harry Martin Y Stock Photo
RM2AG2J89–. American homes and gardens. c CONTENTS FOR M A R C H, 1 9 1 3 V. Delicately Flowered Purple Wistaria Flower Gardens for Everyone By Ida D. Bennett A Country Home at Montclair, New Jersey By Alfred M. Evans The All-Summer Vegetable Garden By F. F. Rockwell Spring Planting Table for Vegetables A House in Jamestown, N. Y By Henry Morrison rontispiece 7580 8386 89 The Garden Vista 90-91 The Story of My Garden By T. F. Spangler An Attractive House in Cleveland Early American Silver By Robert H. Van Court The Picturesque Toby By Mary H. Northend Within the House : Hardwood Floors By Harry Martin Y
. Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior 1905. I M A C O N /MER ^1^. J- . SMITH ^X/tnLSON • DICKSON ; ^ I ^ Na^-f ille ^ / iiPil AMSON .RUTHERFORDj , ..^ / CAN ; ; NON rh / ^ .MOORE WAYNE ; I I p IA)»*»»««l-^7jn;^8 j LINCOLN <y:-^RANKL*|l. I GT^ rM ISSISS I PPI ALA B A M i i 90 89° 88 87 86° MAP OF io]:n^titcky AJ^iD te:n^:n^essee, snowiis^a pnoanij TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. VI 85 84 83° 82 81 80° o H 1^ A i Stock Photo
RM2AFXRHB–. Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior 1905. I M A C O N /MER ^1^. J- . SMITH ^X/tnLSON • DICKSON ; ^ I ^ Na^-f ille ^ / iiPil AMSON .RUTHERFORDj , ..^ / CAN ; ; NON rh / ^ .MOORE WAYNE ; I I p IA)»*»»««l-^7jn;^8 j LINCOLN <y:-^RANKL*|l. I GT^ rM ISSISS I PPI ALA B A M i i 90 89° 88 87 86° MAP OF io]:n^titcky AJ^iD te:n^:n^essee, snowiis^a pnoanij TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. VI 85 84 83° 82 81 80° o H 1^ A i
Monna Vanna; lyrical drama in four acts and five tableaux by Maruice Maeterlinck English text by Claude Aveling . 89 ^j- llj Ji ^ .y-ii Jl il Jl. i^J hon te? Tu na.vais pas pen se. our? You had not thought of that. ^ maissi, Yes, m. animato ^^ ^ . mour te Ior. don love did com. mand l/ou. GUIDQ ^ t-^ r Lr^ Aiic/? ctinntc Si Ia.mour te Tor 7/ 4 k/ /o<e rfirf 90 Allegro mod - don . ne!m,and you! Alleffro mod r M ^ p p ^i^m Par.le done de la. monr Dare you speak thus of love Stock Photo!mand-you!-alleffro-mod-r-m-p-p-im-parle-done-de-la-monr-dare-you-speak-thus-of-love-image338165275.html
RM2AJ4N77–Monna Vanna; lyrical drama in four acts and five tableaux by Maruice Maeterlinck English text by Claude Aveling . 89 ^j- llj Ji ^ .y-ii Jl il Jl. i^J hon te? Tu na.vais pas pen se. our? You had not thought of that. ^ maissi, Yes, m. animato ^^ ^ . mour te Ior. don love did com. mand l/ou. GUIDQ ^ t-^ r Lr^ Aiic/? ctinntc Si Ia.mour te Tor 7/ 4 k/ /o<e rfirf 90 Allegro mod - don . ne!m,and you! Alleffro mod r M ^ p p ^i^m Par.le done de la. monr Dare you speak thus of love
. Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior 1905. I GT^ rM ISSISS I PPI ALA B A M i i 90 89° 88 87 86° MAP OF io]:n^titcky AJ^iD te:n^:n^essee, snowiis^a pnoanij TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. VI 85 84 83° 82 81 80° o H 1^ A i. VW^booneiken^ caup^ /#/) ^ton! BELL) •vGRAl^ TON ; BI V Jf ROBERT; ,1^ LEWIS /jREENUl^v p.^^/*NWRisoNZ-^.^r--- ^-^ rc:/ ^v^ i—.-v / I /xTTr>trr.TAC FLEMING /> T:S*«^l^t BON A^ t ROWAN —^y -^ ^^ / Stock Photo!-bell-vgral-ton-bi-v-jf-robert-1-lewis-jreenulv-pnwrisonz-r-rc-v-i-v-i-xttrgttrrtac-fleming-gt-tslt-bon-a-t-rowan-y-image336805771.html
RM2AFXR5F–. Annual Reports of the Department of the Interior 1905. I GT^ rM ISSISS I PPI ALA B A M i i 90 89° 88 87 86° MAP OF io]:n^titcky AJ^iD te:n^:n^essee, snowiis^a pnoanij TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT PL. VI 85 84 83° 82 81 80° o H 1^ A i. VW^booneiken^ caup^ /#/) ^ton! BELL) •vGRAl^ TON ; BI V Jf ROBERT; ,1^ LEWIS /jREENUl^v p.^^/*NWRisoNZ-^.^r--- ^-^ rc:/ ^v^ i—.-v / I /xTTr>trr.TAC FLEMING /> T:S*«^l^t BON A^ t ROWAN —^y -^ ^^ /
Seven weeks in Hawaii, by an American girl . -^!^^ jr^2^«^^^R^ ^^1 i^^^ M: :; :;^ f?^ k^^ ^^^B ^^^ ^- ^ p^lft^H^HP il&iaaK ^Rl- ?™. *^*™*^^ra^« ^S.,*!;:*i:rff 4; j 1 »y»i!B»y^K^E^^»; mmm.^^TT1^E^*-T ^ fo-.^/JirSl^ai Hi^^^^:^ ^^ [89] s i^: i«: X w !•: e k s i x ii a w a i i .f«?f •^ %. Sulphur Vapors Roll From Hundreds of Cracks and Crevices. [90] SEVEN WEEKS IN HAWAII mineral odors that one could scarcely breathe whendirectly over them. Condensed steam dripped fromour hands and faces as we stooped to examine fernsand grasses growing in these openings. The foliagew^as coated with a yellow p Stock Photo!-jr2r-1-i-m-f-k-b-plfthhp-iliaak-rl-ra-s!irff-4-j-1-yi!byke-mmmtt1e-t-fo-jirslai-hi-89-s-i-i-x-w-!-e-k-s-i-x-ii-a-w-a-i-i-ff-sulphur-vapors-roll-from-hundreds-of-cracks-and-crevices-90-seven-weeks-in-hawaii-mineral-odors-that-one-could-scarcely-breathe-whendirectly-over-them-condensed-steam-dripped-fromour-hands-and-faces-as-we-stooped-to-examine-fernsand-grasses-growing-in-these-openings-the-foliagewas-coated-with-a-yellow-p-image343262880.html
RM2AXCY8G–Seven weeks in Hawaii, by an American girl . -^!^^ jr^2^«^^^R^ ^^1 i^^^ M: :; :;^ f?^ k^^ ^^^B ^^^ ^- ^ p^lft^H^HP il&iaaK ^Rl- ?™. *^*™*^^ra^« ^S.,*!;:*i:rff 4; j 1 »y»i!B»y^K^E^^»; mmm.^^TT1^E^*-T ^ fo-.^/JirSl^ai Hi^^^^:^ ^^ [89] s i^: i«: X w !•: e k s i x ii a w a i i .f«?f •^ %. Sulphur Vapors Roll From Hundreds of Cracks and Crevices. [90] SEVEN WEEKS IN HAWAII mineral odors that one could scarcely breathe whendirectly over them. Condensed steam dripped fromour hands and faces as we stooped to examine fernsand grasses growing in these openings. The foliagew^as coated with a yellow p
Sunset ryhmes; or, A few little rhymes I have told a few times to a child I know, when the sun was low .. . u must go? . . 76 My dishes are new jy Queer little boys, who wear funny clothes 79 Wee little houses right down by the sea 80 Train of cars 81 Wont vou have a dolly ? 83 That dolly 85 Donkeys head [tailpiece) .... 86 Hear the trains clang ^y The old wagon wheels roll .... 88 My little girl 89 My little girl with hair all a-curl . 90 Your sunshade . 93 AVell run very hard 95 Poor little Betsy 96 Betsys bed 97 His little box full of mednez and things 98 15 Well tie your blue bonnet right Stock Photo
RM2AKCH06–Sunset ryhmes; or, A few little rhymes I have told a few times to a child I know, when the sun was low .. . u must go? . . 76 My dishes are new jy Queer little boys, who wear funny clothes 79 Wee little houses right down by the sea 80 Train of cars 81 Wont vou have a dolly ? 83 That dolly 85 Donkeys head [tailpiece) .... 86 Hear the trains clang ^y The old wagon wheels roll .... 88 My little girl 89 My little girl with hair all a-curl . 90 Your sunshade . 93 AVell run very hard 95 Poor little Betsy 96 Betsys bed 97 His little box full of mednez and things 98 15 Well tie your blue bonnet right
The Commercial and financial chronicle . Northrop, Richmond: V.-P., Fritz Sltterdlng, Richmond; V.-P. andGen. Counsel, Henry W. Anderson, Richmond; Sec. & Treas., Guy Phillips,New York: Asst. Sec. and Treas., Geo. B. Williams, Richmond; Aud.,R. H. Kelm. General office, Richmond, Va. New York office, 165 Bway.—V. 88, p. 1 19.), 1314; V. 89, p, 44, 105, 226, 287, 529; V. 90, p.1492, 1678;V. 91, p. 1328; V. 92, p. 456. ROCHESTER, N. Y. NEW YORK STATE RAILWAYS.— See Map on page05.—Ot the com-mon stock, $13,604,383 Is owned by the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. River RR. ORGANIZATION.—Incorporated In New Yo Stock Photo
RM2AM3N2F–The Commercial and financial chronicle . Northrop, Richmond: V.-P., Fritz Sltterdlng, Richmond; V.-P. andGen. Counsel, Henry W. Anderson, Richmond; Sec. & Treas., Guy Phillips,New York: Asst. Sec. and Treas., Geo. B. Williams, Richmond; Aud.,R. H. Kelm. General office, Richmond, Va. New York office, 165 Bway.—V. 88, p. 1 19.), 1314; V. 89, p, 44, 105, 226, 287, 529; V. 90, p.1492, 1678;V. 91, p. 1328; V. 92, p. 456. ROCHESTER, N. Y. NEW YORK STATE RAILWAYS.— See Map on page05.—Ot the com-mon stock, $13,604,383 Is owned by the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. River RR. ORGANIZATION.—Incorporated In New Yo
Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing; for the farmer and student of agriculture, a text-book for agricultural colleges and high schools . y StarchCrown StarchTip Starch . .. Germs Mixed Waste ProteinPercent 10.95 8.83 3.96 22.50 10 20 7.92 7.68 19.80 11.10 OilPercent 4.33 2.30.89 6.93 .24 .17 .39 34.84 1.23 AshPercent 1.55 1.11.79 9.90.57 CarbohydratesPercent 83.1787.7694.3669.0989.3291.6791.6235.4687.10 A close study should be made of this table. The facts that thehorny gluten is 22.50 per cent protein and that the germ is 34.84per cent oil, are very striking. Th Stock Photo
RM2AX0KK3–Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing; for the farmer and student of agriculture, a text-book for agricultural colleges and high schools . y StarchCrown StarchTip Starch . .. Germs Mixed Waste ProteinPercent 10.95 8.83 3.96 22.50 10 20 7.92 7.68 19.80 11.10 OilPercent 4.33 2.30.89 6.93 .24 .17 .39 34.84 1.23 AshPercent 1.55 1.11.79 9.90.57 CarbohydratesPercent 83.1787.7694.3669.0989.3291.6791.6235.4687.10 A close study should be made of this table. The facts that thehorny gluten is 22.50 per cent protein and that the germ is 34.84per cent oil, are very striking. Th
Die Zweiflügler des Kaiserlichen Museums zu Wien . 62 Latreillia, 63 Oomopliaiia, 64:Eutacluna,S5Chätolachina,!71 GeimaTia,72 Chagtomera,73 Atractoc]iaeta,74D-V Srs -jer ä^l iiiatomyLa, 69 Ammobia, 70Peiich.äta,.f ieudogoida,78 CneplialLa,79 Pachystylum, litX-1yiy..5^r.r.trsr£:^en. Deiikselirifteu d.kais.Akad.d.AViss.iiiafli.iuitun. (lasse,Bd.IM.Abtli.L Eraiier u.Beri;eiistaiiuu:Die Zweitlüglw des kais.Museiau.s zu Wien. lai.Y.. r^^m ,.„. Ä) iiid. ; ri.,^]ij^:i=;i-i, :?? ^i^uv.. &i CyrlopMeliia, 82 Bilopareia., 33 Sipliom, bt-iuyjloceTa, 85Helccera.c- ,iia?i:;i,89 Phylorayplera, 90-Neaera, Stock Photo!71-geimatia72-chagtomera73-atractoc-iaeta74d-v-srs-jer-l-iiiatomyla-69-ammobia-70peiichtaf-ieudogoida78-cneplialla79-pachystylum-litx-1yiy5rrtrsren-deiikselirifteu-dkaisakaddavissiiiafliiuitun-lassebdimabtlil-eraiier-uberieiistaiiuudie-zweitlglw-des-kaismuseiaus-zu-wien-laiy-rm-iiid-ri-iji=i-i-iuv-i-cyrlopmeliia-82-bilopareia-33-sipliom-bt-iuyjloceta-85helccerac-iiaii89-phylorayplera-90-neaera-image342755377.html
History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine1623-1905With family genealogies . died June 28, 1898, a. 103-9-24. Children: 87 Wadsworth, b. Sept. 7, 1822; m. Phebe A. Fitch, Feb., 1849. He d.Feb. 3, 1873; she d. Feb. 9, 1906. They lived in West B. near SawyersIs. Children: I, Clarence Irving; II, Esther F.; III, Marietta, res.Haverhill, Mass.; IV, Edward H., Haverhill, Mass.; V, Luella T., m.Capt. Ernest Johnson; VI, Thaddeus W., Brooklyn, N. Y. 88 Harriet E., b. Jan. 2, 1824; dec; unm. 89 Caroline, b. Jan. 20, 1825; m. William Barter, 1844. 90 Augusta, b. Oct. 14, 1826; m. Sanford Stock Photo
RM2ANGPW8–History of Boothbay, Southport and Boothbay Harbor, Maine1623-1905With family genealogies . died June 28, 1898, a. 103-9-24. Children: 87 Wadsworth, b. Sept. 7, 1822; m. Phebe A. Fitch, Feb., 1849. He d.Feb. 3, 1873; she d. Feb. 9, 1906. They lived in West B. near SawyersIs. Children: I, Clarence Irving; II, Esther F.; III, Marietta, res.Haverhill, Mass.; IV, Edward H., Haverhill, Mass.; V, Luella T., m.Capt. Ernest Johnson; VI, Thaddeus W., Brooklyn, N. Y. 88 Harriet E., b. Jan. 2, 1824; dec; unm. 89 Caroline, b. Jan. 20, 1825; m. William Barter, 1844. 90 Augusta, b. Oct. 14, 1826; m. Sanford
Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction 7/attineter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of povrer factor at75^ load. Potential = 111.3 - 113.2 voltsTemperature = 62 - 63.9°P,Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current 7.487.487.53 Power fac !tor Beg: Lstered .491 94.1 .727 95.7 .99 93.7 i^ •k ^m Hi .1-1-ll^ ^ t * SIHMLiCiSwwMtitiiiliSi^i Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data showing th e effect of change of power factor at50% load. Potential = 111.3 - 113.2 voltsTemperature = 62 - 63.9°F.Frequency =60 cyoles/sec. Current5.05.05.0 Power factor %Registered .491 89.7 .727 90 Stock Photo!tor-beg-lstered-491-941-727-957-99-937-i-k-m-hi-1-1-ll-t-sihmliciswwmtitiiilisii-duncan-induction-yattmeter-type-a-data-showing-th-e-effect-of-change-of-power-factor-at50-load-potential-=-1113-1132-voltstemperature-=-62-639ffrequency-=60-cyolessec-current505050-power-factor-registered-491-897-727-90-image340203976.html
RM2ANDHJ0–Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction 7/attineter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of povrer factor at75^ load. Potential = 111.3 - 113.2 voltsTemperature = 62 - 63.9°P,Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current 7.487.487.53 Power fac !tor Beg: Lstered .491 94.1 .727 95.7 .99 93.7 i^ •k ^m Hi .1-1-ll^ ^ t * SIHMLiCiSwwMtitiiiliSi^i Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data showing th e effect of change of power factor at50% load. Potential = 111.3 - 113.2 voltsTemperature = 62 - 63.9°F.Frequency =60 cyoles/sec. Current5.05.05.0 Power factor %Registered .491 89.7 .727 90
Canadian grocer January-June 1910 . ial.82- 86—Practical Methods.87- 89—Pure Food Problem.90- 9a—N. Y. Grocery Lives 70 Years.93 —Talks to Slovenly Inclined.94- 95—Changed from Credit to Cash. 96- 9i—Proper Handling of Credits. 97- 98—Preventing Losses in Credit Store.98-100—A Collectors Troubles. 101 —Selling for Cash Means 30 days net 102 —Merchants Underselling Mail Order Houses.10.3-105—Window Display,106-107—Show Card Writing. 108 —A Summer Business. 109 —Giving Short Weight ; Value of Mailing List. 110-113—Retail Advertising. 114-119—Clerks Department and Salesman-ship. 120-125—Store Arc Stock Photo
RM2AJ4YR2–Canadian grocer January-June 1910 . ial.82- 86—Practical Methods.87- 89—Pure Food Problem.90- 9a—N. Y. Grocery Lives 70 Years.93 —Talks to Slovenly Inclined.94- 95—Changed from Credit to Cash. 96- 9i—Proper Handling of Credits. 97- 98—Preventing Losses in Credit Store.98-100—A Collectors Troubles. 101 —Selling for Cash Means 30 days net 102 —Merchants Underselling Mail Order Houses.10.3-105—Window Display,106-107—Show Card Writing. 108 —A Summer Business. 109 —Giving Short Weight ; Value of Mailing List. 110-113—Retail Advertising. 114-119—Clerks Department and Salesman-ship. 120-125—Store Arc
The great plateau; being an account of exploration in Central Tibet, 1903, and of the Gartok expedition, 1904-1905 . 87 as 89 Majc-aptaen^ h Jtao ^Y-*^/*?! mi iBak la l-^n^^ ff f L 2I250 ?*^- 3^ 19560 r, * I 86. (,,,41, III Priifprlmn 1,on.Inn , E,,lwm-t-i ^ViLlold 83 «»i 90 91 SOUTHERN TIBET JVL^JOR C.H D RyderR E, D S 0,Captain H.Wood.RE & Captain H M Cowte.R.E JtedxLced irorn the Sheets of the. Sixrveiy of JruHa.Scale oi- Miles . TuiffiiiiT T ^^ HL^^ Ifat Scale 1; 2,500,000 oi39*5 miles =lia.alL I^iruic of Korpeditwn. JleightB iji fte6. Stock Photo!-mi-ibak-la-l-n-ff-f-l-2i250-3-19560-r-i-86-41-iii-priifprlmn-1oninn-elwm-t-i-villold-83-i-90-91-southern-tibet-jvljor-ch-d-ryderr-e-d-s-0captain-hwoodre-captain-h-m-cowtere-jtedxlced-irorn-the-sheets-of-the-sixrveiy-of-jruhascale-oi-miles-tuiffiiiit-t-hl-ifat-scale-1-2500000-oi395-miles-=liaall-iiruic-of-korpeditwn-jleightb-iji-fte6-image343267190.html
RM2AXD4PE–The great plateau; being an account of exploration in Central Tibet, 1903, and of the Gartok expedition, 1904-1905 . 87 as 89 Majc-aptaen^ h Jtao ^Y-*^/*?! mi iBak la l-^n^^ ff f L 2I250 ?*^- 3^ 19560 r, * I 86. (,,,41, III Priifprlmn 1,on.Inn , E,,lwm-t-i ^ViLlold 83 «»i 90 91 SOUTHERN TIBET JVL^JOR C.H D RyderR E, D S 0,Captain H.Wood.RE & Captain H M Cowte.R.E JtedxLced irorn the Sheets of the. Sixrveiy of JruHa.Scale oi- Miles . TuiffiiiiT T ^^ HL^^ Ifat Scale 1; 2,500,000 oi39*5 miles =lia.alL I^iruic of Korpeditwn. JleightB iji fte6.
Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . i Chicago, 93,havnemissionær, 95—05, til Amerika atter i 95 ogfor godt i 05, frekv. det første emissærkursus iBergen, 87—89, lægprædikant, 79—09, bestyrer,Bethesda slummission, Brooklyn, N. Y., 05—09,prest. Cox, S. D., 09—12, forf. Englenes lovsang,90, Sions toner, 90, Sjømanden paa hav og i havn, 90, Viking fraNorge til Amerika, Aandelig bedeskole, 06, Nordnæsgutten, 06 (seF. T. Bullens With Christ at Sea, 121—177). t28 okt. 1912. *Ingc-borg Andrea Andersen, 80. Salvesen, Bernhard K. Ord. 1909. Frikirken, 1909—. F. i Houston, Minn., 20 nov. 1855, Stock Photo
RM2AN1K10–Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . i Chicago, 93,havnemissionær, 95—05, til Amerika atter i 95 ogfor godt i 05, frekv. det første emissærkursus iBergen, 87—89, lægprædikant, 79—09, bestyrer,Bethesda slummission, Brooklyn, N. Y., 05—09,prest. Cox, S. D., 09—12, forf. Englenes lovsang,90, Sions toner, 90, Sjømanden paa hav og i havn, 90, Viking fraNorge til Amerika, Aandelig bedeskole, 06, Nordnæsgutten, 06 (seF. T. Bullens With Christ at Sea, 121—177). t28 okt. 1912. *Ingc-borg Andrea Andersen, 80. Salvesen, Bernhard K. Ord. 1909. Frikirken, 1909—. F. i Houston, Minn., 20 nov. 1855,
The Commercial and financial chronicle . Richmond: V.-P. andGen. Counsel, Henry W. Anderson, Richmond; Sec. & Treas., Guy Phillips,New York: Asst. Sec. and Treas., Geo. B. Williams, Richmond; Aud.,R. H. Kelm. General office, Richmond, Va. New York office, 165 Bway.—V. 88, p. 1199, 1314; V. 89. p. 44, 105, 226, 287, 529: V. 90, p.1492. 1678rV. 91, p. 1328; V. 92, p. 456, 528, 882, 957, 10.33 1111, 1180, 1312, 1375.1437. ROCHESTER, N. Y NEW YORK STATE RAILWAYS.—SeeMap on pageiOG.—Ot the com-mon stock, $13,604,383 Is owned by the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. River RR. ORGANIZATION.—Incorporated in New York Stock Photo
RM2AM2G34–The Commercial and financial chronicle . Richmond: V.-P. andGen. Counsel, Henry W. Anderson, Richmond; Sec. & Treas., Guy Phillips,New York: Asst. Sec. and Treas., Geo. B. Williams, Richmond; Aud.,R. H. Kelm. General office, Richmond, Va. New York office, 165 Bway.—V. 88, p. 1199, 1314; V. 89. p. 44, 105, 226, 287, 529: V. 90, p.1492. 1678rV. 91, p. 1328; V. 92, p. 456, 528, 882, 957, 10.33 1111, 1180, 1312, 1375.1437. ROCHESTER, N. Y NEW YORK STATE RAILWAYS.—SeeMap on pageiOG.—Ot the com-mon stock, $13,604,383 Is owned by the N. Y. Cent. & Hud. River RR. ORGANIZATION.—Incorporated in New York
Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British museum (Natural history) .. . f Lake No, White Nile.Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel.Lake (Jhad.Fort Lamy, Shari R.Kaedi, Senegal. J. Petheiick, Esq. (C).L. Loat, Esq. (C). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; W.N.McMillan, Esq. (P.).L. Loat, Esq. ((^). Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.).M. P. Delhez (C ). 87-88. Hgr. 89. Ad. 90. Ad. 91-92. y.^ ALESTES.Gambia.Jebba, Upper NiVer. 197 Sir A. Moloney (P.).J. S. Budgett, Esq. (P.).Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.).Dr. C. Christy (P.). a. ALEHTES MACROPHTHALMUS. Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 18G7, p. lia ; Boulenger, Tr. Zo Stock Photo
RM2AWNT07–Catalogue of the fresh-water fishes of Africa in the British museum (Natural history) .. . f Lake No, White Nile.Gondokoro, Bahr-el-Gebel.Lake (Jhad.Fort Lamy, Shari R.Kaedi, Senegal. J. Petheiick, Esq. (C).L. Loat, Esq. (C). Mr. P. C. Zaphiro (C.) ; W.N.McMillan, Esq. (P.).L. Loat, Esq. ((^). Capt. G. B. Gosling (P.).M. P. Delhez (C ). 87-88. Hgr. 89. Ad. 90. Ad. 91-92. y.^ ALESTES.Gambia.Jebba, Upper NiVer. 197 Sir A. Moloney (P.).J. S. Budgett, Esq. (P.).Capt. G. F. Abadie (P.).Dr. C. Christy (P.). a. ALEHTES MACROPHTHALMUS. Giinth. Ann. & Mag. N. H. (3) xx. 18G7, p. lia ; Boulenger, Tr. Zo
Les accouchements dans les beaux-arts, dans la littérature et au théatre . FiG. 78. — Voilà comme tu mas laissée, il y a trois ans. A rapprocher de ces naïvetés, les nombreuses caricatures de .Jean- DANS LES HEALX-AnTS 89 .loiin ou (Ir, montrant un air ahuri «L-vant la prociniuence(le sa payst on larmes (//V/. 7(») (I . ^^^^^^^r^^^. lit.. i 1. Paul Léonnec, dans le Journal runiimn/, nous oflYo une scène (1) Nous avons vu longtemps, dans le salon dattenle du professeurPajot, une terre-cuite qui représentait ce sujet l.-gendaire. 90 L OBSTETRIQUE de ce genre. Une paysanne enceinte pleur Stock Photo
RM2AN8BHM–Les accouchements dans les beaux-arts, dans la littérature et au théatre . FiG. 78. — Voilà comme tu mas laissée, il y a trois ans. A rapprocher de ces naïvetés, les nombreuses caricatures de .Jean- DANS LES HEALX-AnTS 89 .loiin ou (Ir, montrant un air ahuri «L-vant la prociniuence(le sa payst on larmes (//V/. 7(») (I . ^^^^^^^r^^^. lit.. i 1. Paul Léonnec, dans le Journal runiimn/, nous oflYo une scène (1) Nous avons vu longtemps, dans le salon dattenle du professeurPajot, une terre-cuite qui représentait ce sujet l.-gendaire. 90 L OBSTETRIQUE de ce genre. Une paysanne enceinte pleur
. Le quincaillier (Juillet-Decembre 1905). LE PRIX COURANT 89 THE ST. CROIX SOAP MFG. CO. ,—== -== ^^- Stephen, N. B.1^1 Ir^^^^^vP^^^ Savon Surprise i liciipppirrl II -^^^® |luUiri1l0L 1 caisse . .?4.00I J I par 5 cses . 3.90 (^ -—^-==^^ -.„=y jj.g^ paye sur 5 cses ou plus. ARTHUR P. TIPPET & CO.MONTREAL - ? TP«-^ Teintures Maypole mJ^^^ Soap La gross:: KO •?^??B^F leurs 10.20 Nolr 15.80 Lime Juice Stowers La ce« L.lme Julc« Cordial... 2 doz... pts.. 4.00Lime Juice Cordial... 1 doz... qts.. 3.50 Double Refl. lime Juice 8.60 Lemon syrup 4.00 The St Lawrence PaperBag Co., Quebec. La 6«ule Stock Photo
RM2AG4AJA–. Le quincaillier (Juillet-Decembre 1905). LE PRIX COURANT 89 THE ST. CROIX SOAP MFG. CO. ,—== -== ^^- Stephen, N. B.1^1 Ir^^^^^vP^^^ Savon Surprise i liciipppirrl II -^^^® |luUiri1l0L 1 caisse . .?4.00I J I par 5 cses . 3.90 (^ -—^-==^^ -.„=y jj.g^ paye sur 5 cses ou plus. ARTHUR P. TIPPET & CO.MONTREAL - ? TP«-^ Teintures Maypole mJ^^^ Soap La gross:: KO •?^??B^F leurs 10.20 Nolr 15.80 Lime Juice Stowers La ce« L.lme Julc« Cordial... 2 doz... pts.. 4.00Lime Juice Cordial... 1 doz... qts.. 3.50 Double Refl. lime Juice 8.60 Lemon syrup 4.00 The St Lawrence PaperBag Co., Quebec. La 6«ule
. The Farm-poultry. Briggs, 1 ckl92;1,4 pul 92, 90. Auckland, 2 ckl 894: 2 pul 92. Andalusians. — All to Edgewood Farm, W.Stepuentown, N. Y. ANCONAS. — Geo. Craw, Dalton. 1 pen 1S74. Cullen. 2 pen 1S6. American Dominiques. — L. A. Austin. 2 ck 891:2 heu 89|: 2. 3 ckl 89.89; 1. 3. 4 pul 944,90. SSL W. M.Shaylor.Lee, 3.4heu 881. SS*; 1. 4 ckl 91.88*: 2pul9:j. Mottled Javas. — All to Anderson. Black Javas. — All to Edgewood Farm. GreatHarrington. Lakenvelders. — All to Porter. HotTANS. — Sherman Halght. 1 ck 95: 2. 3, 4 hen 94.93, 92J; 2 ckl 89; 1, 2 pul 94|, 93*. Freehan,2ck 91: 1hen 95. Golden Stock Photo
RM2AGB6CJ–. The Farm-poultry. Briggs, 1 ckl92;1,4 pul 92, 90. Auckland, 2 ckl 894: 2 pul 92. Andalusians. — All to Edgewood Farm, W.Stepuentown, N. Y. ANCONAS. — Geo. Craw, Dalton. 1 pen 1S74. Cullen. 2 pen 1S6. American Dominiques. — L. A. Austin. 2 ck 891:2 heu 89|: 2. 3 ckl 89.89; 1. 3. 4 pul 944,90. SSL W. M.Shaylor.Lee, 3.4heu 881. SS*; 1. 4 ckl 91.88*: 2pul9:j. Mottled Javas. — All to Anderson. Black Javas. — All to Edgewood Farm. GreatHarrington. Lakenvelders. — All to Porter. HotTANS. — Sherman Halght. 1 ck 95: 2. 3, 4 hen 94.93, 92J; 2 ckl 89; 1, 2 pul 94|, 93*. Freehan,2ck 91: 1hen 95. Golden
The Commercial and financial chronicle . d since Feb. 1900. On the common stock in 1903, 4%; In 1904,5%: In 1905. »%: In 1906. 6%: In 1907. 6%: in 1908. 6%: in 1909.6%; In 1010. 6%: In 11)11, Mch., 1 .1 % . OFFICERS.—Same as the Milwaukee Light. Heat fie Traction Co. Gen-eral office. Public Service Building, Milwaukee. New York office. 30 BroadSt., N. Y. City.—V. 85, p. 160: V. 86. p. 282. 280: V. 87, p. 1011;V. 88, p. 1581; V. 89, p. 1411; V. 90, p. 372, 503, 027; V. 92, p. 595, 725,1109. WISCONSIN TRACTION. LIGHT. HEAT & POWER CO. ORGANIZATION.—This company was Incorporated at Milwaukee InA Stock Photo
RM2AM2MPH–The Commercial and financial chronicle . d since Feb. 1900. On the common stock in 1903, 4%; In 1904,5%: In 1905. »%: In 1906. 6%: In 1907. 6%: in 1908. 6%: in 1909.6%; In 1010. 6%: In 11)11, Mch., 1 .1 % . OFFICERS.—Same as the Milwaukee Light. Heat fie Traction Co. Gen-eral office. Public Service Building, Milwaukee. New York office. 30 BroadSt., N. Y. City.—V. 85, p. 160: V. 86. p. 282. 280: V. 87, p. 1011;V. 88, p. 1581; V. 89, p. 1411; V. 90, p. 372, 503, 027; V. 92, p. 595, 725,1109. WISCONSIN TRACTION. LIGHT. HEAT & POWER CO. ORGANIZATION.—This company was Incorporated at Milwaukee InA
Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . BØE, ViGLEIK EnGEBRETSON. Ord. 1903. Forenede kirke, 1903—. F. i Odda, Hardanger, Bergen, 30 mars 1872, afEngebret B. og Kristi (f. Skare), frekv. Garnesfolkehøiskole, 89—90, udv. 92, frekv. U. C. Sem.,94, St. Olaf Coll, 95—99, U. C. Sem., 00—03(C.T.), prest, Finley, N. D., 03—09, New York,N. Y., 09—, visitator, 10—, redaktør, Lutherskmenighedsblad, 10—12. *]VIaria Haugen, 99.. Chally, Louis H. Ord. 1903. Hauges synode, 1903-04. F. i Lisbon, III., 19 jan. 1865, af — frekv.Red Wing Sem., 88—95 (C.T.), Mt. Airy Sem.,95—98 (C.T.), professor i teologi Stock Photo
RM2AN6FE6–Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . BØE, ViGLEIK EnGEBRETSON. Ord. 1903. Forenede kirke, 1903—. F. i Odda, Hardanger, Bergen, 30 mars 1872, afEngebret B. og Kristi (f. Skare), frekv. Garnesfolkehøiskole, 89—90, udv. 92, frekv. U. C. Sem.,94, St. Olaf Coll, 95—99, U. C. Sem., 00—03(C.T.), prest, Finley, N. D., 03—09, New York,N. Y., 09—, visitator, 10—, redaktør, Lutherskmenighedsblad, 10—12. *]VIaria Haugen, 99.. Chally, Louis H. Ord. 1903. Hauges synode, 1903-04. F. i Lisbon, III., 19 jan. 1865, af — frekv.Red Wing Sem., 88—95 (C.T.), Mt. Airy Sem.,95—98 (C.T.), professor i teologi
. Coldwater, Michigan pictorial city directory and year book. eman Lewis Edwin E, 150 Grand, r Helen, Mrs Mary A, 80 Tibbits, w Harry D, P Carl E, s Mrs Laura A, 125 Division, w J Howard, 90 Race, P James, 58i S Monroe, lineman Libby, McNeill & Libby, packers ofpure food products; Jay St& N Y C Ry; Chas S Church,mgr; Wm Westendarp, asstmgr; phone 127 Libhart Wm W, 152 Church, ins agt Mrs Louise L, Lucile M, s Gordon L, s James C, s Lilly Bernard, 124 S Clay, gardener Mrs Joanna, Martin, 89 S Jefferson, painterMrs Ellen M, Lincoln James H, 142 Perkins, teamstrMrs Clara C, Louise M, s Bertha L, Stock Photo
RM2AG5059–. Coldwater, Michigan pictorial city directory and year book. eman Lewis Edwin E, 150 Grand, r Helen, Mrs Mary A, 80 Tibbits, w Harry D, P Carl E, s Mrs Laura A, 125 Division, w J Howard, 90 Race, P James, 58i S Monroe, lineman Libby, McNeill & Libby, packers ofpure food products; Jay St& N Y C Ry; Chas S Church,mgr; Wm Westendarp, asstmgr; phone 127 Libhart Wm W, 152 Church, ins agt Mrs Louise L, Lucile M, s Gordon L, s James C, s Lilly Bernard, 124 S Clay, gardener Mrs Joanna, Martin, 89 S Jefferson, painterMrs Ellen M, Lincoln James H, 142 Perkins, teamstrMrs Clara C, Louise M, s Bertha L,
Debutante . ^1>:*Y^ Committee. C. H. Herty, Grad. D. D. Guy, 90. G. C. Morrison, 90. A. L. Browne, 88, Manager. TEAMS. Willoughby, W. F., 88, 2d b.Dashiell, (capt.) 87, p.Foster, 89, c.Brown, 88, 3d b.Willoughby, W., 88, 1st b.Guy, 90, 1. f.Lamb, 88, s. s.Marx, grad., c. f.Herty, grad., r. f. Foster, 89, c.Dashiell, 87, p.Hodges, 86, 1st b.Morrison, 90, 2nd b.Lanier, 88, 3d b.Canfield, s. s.Guy, 90, 1. f.G. Carey, 91, c. f.Herty, grad., r. f. GAMES PLAYED 88. Johns Hopkins,Rock Hill, 9o Johns Hopkins,Law School, 12 o Johns Hopkins,Pastimes, 53 Johns Hopkins,St. Johns College, 21 6 Johns Hop Stock Photo
RM2AX44XA–Debutante . ^1>:*Y^ Committee. C. H. Herty, Grad. D. D. Guy, 90. G. C. Morrison, 90. A. L. Browne, 88, Manager. TEAMS. Willoughby, W. F., 88, 2d b.Dashiell, (capt.) 87, p.Foster, 89, c.Brown, 88, 3d b.Willoughby, W., 88, 1st b.Guy, 90, 1. f.Lamb, 88, s. s.Marx, grad., c. f.Herty, grad., r. f. Foster, 89, c.Dashiell, 87, p.Hodges, 86, 1st b.Morrison, 90, 2nd b.Lanier, 88, 3d b.Canfield, s. s.Guy, 90, 1. f.G. Carey, 91, c. f.Herty, grad., r. f. GAMES PLAYED 88. Johns Hopkins,Rock Hill, 9o Johns Hopkins,Law School, 12 o Johns Hopkins,Pastimes, 53 Johns Hopkins,St. Johns College, 21 6 Johns Hop
. The Christian annual for the year of our lord ... 01 Greenville, OhioWright, H J (N Kan)Graves, Kan 74 106 96 Wright, J B(So W) 87 Sumner, IIIWright, J H(WNG) 88 72 Asheboro, N CWnght, J L (So W) 104 56 Greenup, 111Wright. J R(NI114 W)Leaf River, 111 88 66 89 Wright, J T (N Kan) 84 Almena. KanWright, J W (Mt V) 96 54 Willowbrook, OhioWright, W J (N J) 68 80 Tullylown, PaWright, Z M (80 la) 58 9a Griswold, laWyman, O T (Erie)Dewittville, N Y 93 106 60 70 •V 56 Yinger, Geo (Mich) Albion, Mich 90 lt8 Youmans, A G (N Y E) Freehold, N Y 66 103 Youmans, J T (NY 8) Whitney Point, N Y 56 107 Youmans Stock Photo
RM2AFPPFP–. The Christian annual for the year of our lord ... 01 Greenville, OhioWright, H J (N Kan)Graves, Kan 74 106 96 Wright, J B(So W) 87 Sumner, IIIWright, J H(WNG) 88 72 Asheboro, N CWnght, J L (So W) 104 56 Greenup, 111Wright. J R(NI114 W)Leaf River, 111 88 66 89 Wright, J T (N Kan) 84 Almena. KanWright, J W (Mt V) 96 54 Willowbrook, OhioWright, W J (N J) 68 80 Tullylown, PaWright, Z M (80 la) 58 9a Griswold, laWyman, O T (Erie)Dewittville, N Y 93 106 60 70 •V 56 Yinger, Geo (Mich) Albion, Mich 90 lt8 Youmans, A G (N Y E) Freehold, N Y 66 103 Youmans, J T (NY 8) Whitney Point, N Y 56 107 Youmans
Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction Wattmeter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of load at normalvoltage and frequency, and unity power factor.Potential = 111.5 voltsTemperature = 62°F,Power factor = .99Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current Watt-hoursmeasured Watt-hoursregistered %registered 15.45 141.8 137 96.6 12.8 117.0 112 95,8 10.2 92.2 89 96.5 7.53 69.4 65 93.7 5.0 46.7 42 90.0 4.0 37.2 33 88.7 3,03 28.6 25 87.4 2.0 18.5 16 86.5 1.09 • 9.25 8 86.5 > . - - —!!r !Qy ;s.-s cc-t- -—^?•-. .ft^o ^ii 1! 3 Id -1 * D .. W Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data Stock Photo!!r-!qy-s-s-cc-t-fto-ii-1!-3-id-1-d-w-duncan-induction-yattmeter-type-a-data-image340208393.html
RM2ANDR7N–Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction Wattmeter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of load at normalvoltage and frequency, and unity power factor.Potential = 111.5 voltsTemperature = 62°F,Power factor = .99Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current Watt-hoursmeasured Watt-hoursregistered %registered 15.45 141.8 137 96.6 12.8 117.0 112 95,8 10.2 92.2 89 96.5 7.53 69.4 65 93.7 5.0 46.7 42 90.0 4.0 37.2 33 88.7 3,03 28.6 25 87.4 2.0 18.5 16 86.5 1.09 • 9.25 8 86.5 > . - - —!!r !Qy ;s.-s cc-t- -—^?•-. .ft^o ^ii 1! 3 Id -1 * D .. W Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data
Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction Wattmeter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of load at normalvoltage and frequency, and unity power factor.Potential = 111.5 voltsTemperature = 62°F,Power factor = .99Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current Watt-hoursmeasured Watt-hoursregistered %registered 15.45 141.8 137 96.6 12.8 117.0 112 95,8 10.2 92.2 89 96.5 7.53 69.4 65 93.7 5.0 46.7 42 90.0 4.0 37.2 33 88.7 3,03 28.6 25 87.4 2.0 18.5 16 86.5 1.09 • 9.25 8 86.5 > . - - —!!r !Qy ;s.-s cc-t- -—^?•-. .ft^o ^ii 1! 3 Id -1 * D .. W Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data Stock Photo!!r-!qy-s-s-cc-t-fto-ii-1!-3-id-1-d-w-duncan-induction-yattmeter-type-a-data-image340208059.html
RM2ANDPRR–Comparative tests of induction wattmeters . Duncan Induction Wattmeter Type A. Data showing the effect of change of load at normalvoltage and frequency, and unity power factor.Potential = 111.5 voltsTemperature = 62°F,Power factor = .99Frequency = 60 cycles/sec. Current Watt-hoursmeasured Watt-hoursregistered %registered 15.45 141.8 137 96.6 12.8 117.0 112 95,8 10.2 92.2 89 96.5 7.53 69.4 65 93.7 5.0 46.7 42 90.0 4.0 37.2 33 88.7 3,03 28.6 25 87.4 2.0 18.5 16 86.5 1.09 • 9.25 8 86.5 > . - - —!!r !Qy ;s.-s cc-t- -—^?•-. .ft^o ^ii 1! 3 Id -1 * D .. W Duncan Induction Y/attmeter Type A. Data
Our young folks [serial] . Tria Tasnnn. ANSWERS. 86. B A R Y 87. W 0 R L D A G TJ E O T H K R B U I- L R H I N E Y E L P L E N D S D R E S S 88. Mandrake. 89. 1. Pear. 2. Banyan. 3. Pine. 4. Larch.5. Aspen. 6. Maple. 7. Olive. 8. Box. 9.Birch. 10. Elm. 11. Fir. 12. Willow. 90. Be humble, be patient, be truthful, polite,condescending, and kind. [(Bee) (humble bee) (patient) (bee) (t Ruth) ful (Po light) (CON de-scending) and (kine) d.]91 Roxbury. 92. Cincinnati. [C in C in a tie.] 93. 1. Rose. 2. Lily. 3. Pansy. 4. SweetPea. 5. Peony. 6. Violet. 7 Camelia. 8. Dahlia.9. Daisy. 10. Pink. 11. Mari Stock Photo
RM2AKACDM–Our young folks [serial] . Tria Tasnnn. ANSWERS. 86. B A R Y 87. W 0 R L D A G TJ E O T H K R B U I- L R H I N E Y E L P L E N D S D R E S S 88. Mandrake. 89. 1. Pear. 2. Banyan. 3. Pine. 4. Larch.5. Aspen. 6. Maple. 7. Olive. 8. Box. 9.Birch. 10. Elm. 11. Fir. 12. Willow. 90. Be humble, be patient, be truthful, polite,condescending, and kind. [(Bee) (humble bee) (patient) (bee) (t Ruth) ful (Po light) (CON de-scending) and (kine) d.]91 Roxbury. 92. Cincinnati. [C in C in a tie.] 93. 1. Rose. 2. Lily. 3. Pansy. 4. SweetPea. 5. Peony. 6. Violet. 7 Camelia. 8. Dahlia.9. Daisy. 10. Pink. 11. Mari
Eine florentinische Tragödie : Oper in einem Aufzug, Op 16 . U.E. 5662 65 Immer ruhiger werdend. 89 4); f^ S -Viel langsamer (Sehr ruhige ganze Takte). zart i 1 S. spielt^ ent. zückt mein Ohr mit sü. -ßer . mit Ped. 90 rit.. a tempo Sehr ruhig (Noch etwas ruhiger als zuvor,- doch immer ganze Takte) 3 i i f #=& 5 ^ ^ s. f ^p % ?Sh M Hlzbl. ei . nem Kerespr. ker schmach.tet mei.nemit dem Gesang ä SE=5W WW rit. M. y m^^Mk p f= i): Jo*^ ^f I?» I !? £ i ^ 5 See. le, Mu - sik heilt Wahn . witz. ini 222- rm ^^ PP rit. ^^i -JU ^^^^Wy^>f P S: Tß ?^i^ bW^ n ^-^ s? K w zz: ;9C, Ped. u.E. 5662. Stock Photo!-i-5-see-le-mu-sik-heilt-ihren-wahn-witz-ini-222-rm-pp-rit-i-ju-wygtf-p-s-t-i-bw-n-s-k-w-zz-9c-ped-ue-5662-image338109282.html
RM2AJ25RE–Eine florentinische Tragödie : Oper in einem Aufzug, Op 16 . U.E. 5662 65 Immer ruhiger werdend. 89 4); f^ S -Viel langsamer (Sehr ruhige ganze Takte). zart i 1 S. spielt^ ent. zückt mein Ohr mit sü. -ßer . mit Ped. 90 rit.. a tempo Sehr ruhig (Noch etwas ruhiger als zuvor,- doch immer ganze Takte) 3 i i f #=& 5 ^ ^ s. f ^p % ?Sh M Hlzbl. ei . nem Kerespr. ker schmach.tet mei.nemit dem Gesang ä SE=5W WW rit. M. y m^^Mk p f= i): Jo*^ ^f I?» I !? £ i ^ 5 See. le, Mu - sik heilt Wahn . witz. ini 222- rm ^^ PP rit. ^^i -JU ^^^^Wy^>f P S: Tß ?^i^ bW^ n ^-^ s? K w zz: ;9C, Ped. u.E. 5662.
. First-Nineteenth annual report of the Metropolitan water and sewerage board ... 1901-1919. Dec.31,1908 IsJDec 31,1917 59.9 strict.for thg entire Day, 1908^ Averaqe f: hojrs bet i for Averaqe for th^ District for the Entire Day 12 ^ 1 „-^—[ tor; strict for t^ree - m^. .i^t t ^ ^tt.veer land 4 at night, 1917 y. 31.0 100.0 753 Percentage of Services Metered 9.6 587 99.2 74.2 12.8 99.5 33.9 99.8 89.2 29.9 914 50.1 j 97 100.076.5 WO.O 100.0 331 IflO-0 !000 963 100,0 140130120 no lOO 90 80 70 60 50 . 40 30 20 I I I I I I I I I 1 i 1 I I I I I I p Average Rate of Consumption for Entire Day, 1917 E Stock Photo!000-963-1000-140130120-no-loo-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-1-i-1-i-i-i-i-i-i-p-average-rate-of-consumption-for-entire-day-1917-e-image336989500.html
RM2AG75F8–. First-Nineteenth annual report of the Metropolitan water and sewerage board ... 1901-1919. Dec.31,1908 IsJDec 31,1917 59.9 strict.for thg entire Day, 1908^ Averaqe f: hojrs bet i for Averaqe for th^ District for the Entire Day 12 ^ 1 „-^—[ tor; strict for t^ree - m^. .i^t t ^ ^tt.veer land 4 at night, 1917 y. 31.0 100.0 753 Percentage of Services Metered 9.6 587 99.2 74.2 12.8 99.5 33.9 99.8 89.2 29.9 914 50.1 j 97 100.076.5 WO.O 100.0 331 IflO-0 !000 963 100,0 140130120 no lOO 90 80 70 60 50 . 40 30 20 I I I I I I I I I 1 i 1 I I I I I I p Average Rate of Consumption for Entire Day, 1917 E
Memoria de la Sección mexicana de la Comisión internacional de límites entre México y los Estados Unidos que restableció los monumentos de El Paso al Pacífico; . 7 18.68 10 3 23.134 15.03 393 45 43.7346 9.89 118.4117.8 26,335,7 5 4.43 42,78 117.8 25,4 6 3.03 34.59 117.7 25,3 3... A Urs. maj 43 27 12.66 10 8 39.78 390 56 20.83 115.0 23,0 9 33.38 2.96 113.1 21,0 10 46.68 65 56.49 114.0 23,0 11 52.98 8.99 111.6 19.6 47 0 42 3... (p ITrs. ma.1 45 5 O.OS 11 7 5.88 265 67 1.70 35.3 118.8 8 15.87 56 10.00 85.5 118.8 9 42.51 54 57.03 35.7 118.9 3... u Leonis 16 1 6.46 11 12 24.9513 32.03- 263 38 47.90 Stock Photo
RM2AKJC2E–Memoria de la Sección mexicana de la Comisión internacional de límites entre México y los Estados Unidos que restableció los monumentos de El Paso al Pacífico; . 7 18.68 10 3 23.134 15.03 393 45 43.7346 9.89 118.4117.8 26,335,7 5 4.43 42,78 117.8 25,4 6 3.03 34.59 117.7 25,3 3... A Urs. maj 43 27 12.66 10 8 39.78 390 56 20.83 115.0 23,0 9 33.38 2.96 113.1 21,0 10 46.68 65 56.49 114.0 23,0 11 52.98 8.99 111.6 19.6 47 0 42 3... (p ITrs. ma.1 45 5 O.OS 11 7 5.88 265 67 1.70 35.3 118.8 8 15.87 56 10.00 85.5 118.8 9 42.51 54 57.03 35.7 118.9 3... u Leonis 16 1 6.46 11 12 24.9513 32.03- 263 38 47.90
Werke . bb° 81 82 t 80 t nn 1 oy— 1 y vj C * 2 b/ ^ 44 45 TO T C A L55 xb4 C 2 *7 537 82. 8* j gQ I9I C 7/1 b74 A C A 6 4b 4U T C A T C C Ab4 Abb C28bo° 82 8a °5 °4 j g j 192 C 7 c 5/5 A f A 7 4U . 47 irr jrfi A55 15° einbby 8cub TQ2 T02 xy^ Ayb C76 5/0 4/ 4° T C f T C 7 I5O I57 54° 86 87 t r>2 m/1 xyb A94 e 7 7 577 /l 8 A Q 4° 4y t C7 T C8 157 l5° C /t T 541 87 88 t n/i - t n c Ay4 Ayb C78 b/° /in r 0 4v bu tc 8 T CO i5° 1by C ,1 9 b4^ 88 89 t n c t n6 Ayb Ay° c 7n b79 C.O—C1 j I60 b4b 89—90 tq6 TQ7 c8o c 2b ? I60 l6l 544 QO. O T vu y1 t n7 . t n8 c8tböi c 2 ca 55 b4 I 6 I 162 C /I c b4s Stock Photo
RM2AN65F0–Werke . bb° 81 82 t 80 t nn 1 oy— 1 y vj C * 2 b/ ^ 44 45 TO T C A L55 xb4 C 2 *7 537 82. 8* j gQ I9I C 7/1 b74 A C A 6 4b 4U T C A T C C Ab4 Abb C28bo° 82 8a °5 °4 j g j 192 C 7 c 5/5 A f A 7 4U . 47 irr jrfi A55 15° einbby 8cub TQ2 T02 xy^ Ayb C76 5/0 4/ 4° T C f T C 7 I5O I57 54° 86 87 t r>2 m/1 xyb A94 e 7 7 577 /l 8 A Q 4° 4y t C7 T C8 157 l5° C /t T 541 87 88 t n/i - t n c Ay4 Ayb C78 b/° /in r 0 4v bu tc 8 T CO i5° 1by C ,1 9 b4^ 88 89 t n c t n6 Ayb Ay° c 7n b79 C.O—C1 j I60 b4b 89—90 tq6 TQ7 c8o c 2b ? I60 l6l 544 QO. O T vu y1 t n7 . t n8 c8tböi c 2 ca 55 b4 I 6 I 162 C /I c b4s
. The science of railways . X STAND^UtDS OB CONSTRUCTION. 159 • - 7-0 - - V - -t ^ i .■•.. ,»■ „ ^ J ii L S J^,it.ytVj-„v ■ W?/ >wm -<3-^ y Oi. Fig. 89. BURNT CLAY BALLAST.—C. B. & Q. R. R. The sections used in some of the American andforeign tunnels are shown in Figs. 90 to 94.. Fio. 90. HOOSAC TUNNEL. FINISHED MASONRY IN SOFT GROUND. 160 BUILDING AND BEPAlIiING RAILWAYS. Stock Photo
RM2CH379G–. The science of railways . X STAND^UtDS OB CONSTRUCTION. 159 • - 7-0 - - V - -t ^ i .■•.. ,»■ „ ^ J ii L S J^,it.ytVj-„v ■ W?/ >wm -<3-^ y Oi. Fig. 89. BURNT CLAY BALLAST.—C. B. & Q. R. R. The sections used in some of the American andforeign tunnels are shown in Figs. 90 to 94.. Fio. 90. HOOSAC TUNNEL. FINISHED MASONRY IN SOFT GROUND. 160 BUILDING AND BEPAlIiING RAILWAYS.
. Hand-book of physiology . manplacenta, magnified 100 diameters. After E. H, Weber. The capillaryvessels are filled with injection, and their diameter varies from ^jg to y.^of a Erench line. 1, the artery; 2, the vein. 680 STRUCTURE OF THE PLACENTA. Fig. 89.* by the placental tufts (4, fig. 90), projecting into it likefringes, and pushing its thin wall before them in the form of sheaths, which closely envelop boththe trunk and each individual branchcomposing these trunks (fig. 91).From this sac the maternal blood isreturned by the utero-placental veins(2, fig. 91). It thus appears, that the t Stock Photo
RM2CD880K–. Hand-book of physiology . manplacenta, magnified 100 diameters. After E. H, Weber. The capillaryvessels are filled with injection, and their diameter varies from ^jg to y.^of a Erench line. 1, the artery; 2, the vein. 680 STRUCTURE OF THE PLACENTA. Fig. 89.* by the placental tufts (4, fig. 90), projecting into it likefringes, and pushing its thin wall before them in the form of sheaths, which closely envelop boththe trunk and each individual branchcomposing these trunks (fig. 91).From this sac the maternal blood isreturned by the utero-placental veins(2, fig. 91). It thus appears, that the t
. The Victoria Nyanza; the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects . Fig. 89.—Reed Covering,the pinnacle, from inside KISIBA 75 the help of the accompanying sketch made on the spot, wewill examine one of these Wassiba dwellings more closely.The ground-plan is circular, 116 feet in circumference ; theheight from ground to pinnacle 16 feet. The main wallrises nearly vertically to the height of 5 feet, and thenat a gentler slope to the top (Figs. 86 and &j). Theconstruction of the framework of the hut, so far as the. Fig. 90.—Entrance to the Hut.y, arched opening Stock Photo
RM2CH1F3N–. The Victoria Nyanza; the land, the races and their customs, with specimens of some of the dialects . Fig. 89.—Reed Covering,the pinnacle, from inside KISIBA 75 the help of the accompanying sketch made on the spot, wewill examine one of these Wassiba dwellings more closely.The ground-plan is circular, 116 feet in circumference ; theheight from ground to pinnacle 16 feet. The main wallrises nearly vertically to the height of 5 feet, and thenat a gentler slope to the top (Figs. 86 and &j). Theconstruction of the framework of the hut, so far as the. Fig. 90.—Entrance to the Hut.y, arched opening
. The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women's, misses', junior's, children's and infant's garments . the difference between the childs and infantsjnodel is verv trifle. THE PRACTICAL SKETCHER 89 i ^^ v6J f 1 a 11 i Z 5 4 S 7 i—1 8 ^ ■^y 10 90 THE PRACTICAL SKETCHER LESSON NO. 49 INFANTS MODELBACK FOUNDATION To complete the back view for the infantsmodel foundation immediately draw the samefoundation as for the childs model with the differ-ence as mentioned in the front that each space isto be I less than the childs. Otherwise all rulesand regulations for Stock Photo
RM2CGGY0C–. The practical sketcher; a complete and practical method of sketching, for women's, misses', junior's, children's and infant's garments . the difference between the childs and infantsjnodel is verv trifle. THE PRACTICAL SKETCHER 89 i ^^ v6J f 1 a 11 i Z 5 4 S 7 i—1 8 ^ ■^y 10 90 THE PRACTICAL SKETCHER LESSON NO. 49 INFANTS MODELBACK FOUNDATION To complete the back view for the infantsmodel foundation immediately draw the samefoundation as for the childs model with the differ-ence as mentioned in the front that each space isto be I less than the childs. Otherwise all rulesand regulations for
. Pompeii : its life and art . ra ; two of thosebelonging to the tepidarium are seen in Fig. 90. None of therooms were finished, though a hollow floor and hollow walls hadbeen built in the tepidarium, caldarium, and Laconicum. Thebath basins yet lacked their marble linings, and the two furnaces(at x and y) had not been built. Fig. 89. —Plan of the Central Baths. d. Palaestra. q. Tepidarium. k. Swimming tank. r. Laconicum. z, /. Stores. j. Caldarium. p. Apodyterium. x, y. Furnaces. 204 POMPEII Five smaller windows on the southeast side of the caldariumlooked out on a narrow garden, about which Stock Photo
RM2CDBNR4–. Pompeii : its life and art . ra ; two of thosebelonging to the tepidarium are seen in Fig. 90. None of therooms were finished, though a hollow floor and hollow walls hadbeen built in the tepidarium, caldarium, and Laconicum. Thebath basins yet lacked their marble linings, and the two furnaces(at x and y) had not been built. Fig. 89. —Plan of the Central Baths. d. Palaestra. q. Tepidarium. k. Swimming tank. r. Laconicum. z, /. Stores. j. Caldarium. p. Apodyterium. x, y. Furnaces. 204 POMPEII Five smaller windows on the southeast side of the caldariumlooked out on a narrow garden, about which
. The Oölogist for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . longas the supply lasts, to any address pre-paid FOR ONLY 75 GTS.Address at once A. E. PETTIT, Box 2060, New York, N. Y. VALUAELE OOLOGISTS. The following Nos, of the Oologist are ofspecial value to to every collector:Feb.89. Maurice Thompsons Red-headed Family.March, 89, Directions for making a Bird or Mammal Skin.Nov., 89, Complete List of N. A. Birds with prices of eggs, also three pages of Oologies 1 instruction.Feb., 90, Complete List of N. A. Birds and the prices of their skins.Feb., 91, A complete description of the first 6 Stock Photo
RM2CP2KX2–. The Oölogist for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . longas the supply lasts, to any address pre-paid FOR ONLY 75 GTS.Address at once A. E. PETTIT, Box 2060, New York, N. Y. VALUAELE OOLOGISTS. The following Nos, of the Oologist are ofspecial value to to every collector:Feb.89. Maurice Thompsons Red-headed Family.March, 89, Directions for making a Bird or Mammal Skin.Nov., 89, Complete List of N. A. Birds with prices of eggs, also three pages of Oologies 1 instruction.Feb., 90, Complete List of N. A. Birds and the prices of their skins.Feb., 91, A complete description of the first 6
. The fern lover's companion; a guide for the Northeastern States and Canada. Mountain Spleenwort(From the Fern Bulletin ) The Fern Lovers Companion 89 •^nM { I- ^t ^. The Rue Spleenwort. A. Ruta-muraria Top, Lake Huron — Lower Left. ^It. Tol)y, Mass.— Lower Right. Vermont)(From Herbarium of Geo. B. Davenport) 90 The Fern Lovers Cojipaxiox apex. Veins forking. Rachis and stipe green. Sori few,soon confluent. This tiny fern grows from small fissures in the lime-stone cliffs, and is rather rare in this country; but inGreat Britain it is A-ery common, growing everywhere onwalls and ruins. From Mt Stock Photo
RM2CF3XEC–. The fern lover's companion; a guide for the Northeastern States and Canada. Mountain Spleenwort(From the Fern Bulletin ) The Fern Lovers Companion 89 •^nM { I- ^t ^. The Rue Spleenwort. A. Ruta-muraria Top, Lake Huron — Lower Left. ^It. Tol)y, Mass.— Lower Right. Vermont)(From Herbarium of Geo. B. Davenport) 90 The Fern Lovers Cojipaxiox apex. Veins forking. Rachis and stipe green. Sori few,soon confluent. This tiny fern grows from small fissures in the lime-stone cliffs, and is rather rare in this country; but inGreat Britain it is A-ery common, growing everywhere onwalls and ruins. From Mt
. Things worth doing and how to do them. Fig. 89.—A pastry-board for the GameCourt. Fig. 90.—Run two straight lines fromcorner to corner. radiating outward midway betweenthe diagonal lines from the edge ofthe larger circle across the face of thepastry-board. With four more linescut off the four corners of the court,number the divisions as in Fig. 91,and the game court will be finished.Stand the little pumpkins, at equaldistances apart, on the larger circleof the court, and on the small circlestand a natural, large, round applewithout tissue paper cover. 60 /50 y 45 y X 25 y 15 70 /x J Stock Photo
RM2CEY4C9–. Things worth doing and how to do them. Fig. 89.—A pastry-board for the GameCourt. Fig. 90.—Run two straight lines fromcorner to corner. radiating outward midway betweenthe diagonal lines from the edge ofthe larger circle across the face of thepastry-board. With four more linescut off the four corners of the court,number the divisions as in Fig. 91,and the game court will be finished.Stand the little pumpkins, at equaldistances apart, on the larger circleof the court, and on the small circlestand a natural, large, round applewithout tissue paper cover. 60 /50 y 45 y X 25 y 15 70 /x J
. The Oölogist for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . IS THE BEST jpw {mt stwno mawiir cp. Q^mtm> MlCAr 25 UNION SQUARE, N.y, ,,« FRANCls/ cM!ll*Qo BOSTOHMAss, QUANTA SA. «** FcR^OISCa st.louis^0 FOR SALE By auus-rex- E. W. WILCOX, ALBION, N. Y. VALUABLE OOLOGISTS. The following Nos, of the Oologist are ofspecial value to to every collector:Feb. 89, Maurice Thompsons --Red-headedFamily. March, 89, Directions for making a Bird or Mammal Skin.Nov., 89, Complete List of N. A. Birds with prices of eggs, also three pages of Oological instruction. Feb., 90, Complete List of N. A. Birds Stock Photo!llqo-bostohmass-quanta-sa-fcroisca-stlouis0-for-sale-by-auus-rex-e-w-wilcox-albion-n-y-valuable-oologists-the-following-nos-of-the-oologist-are-ofspecial-value-to-to-every-collectorfeb-89-maurice-thompsons-red-headedfamily-march-89-directions-for-making-a-bird-or-mammal-skinnov-89-complete-list-of-n-a-birds-with-prices-of-eggs-also-three-pages-of-oological-instruction-feb-90-complete-list-of-n-a-birds-image374997991.html
RM2CP2HNB–. The Oölogist for the student of birds, their nests and eggs . IS THE BEST jpw {mt stwno mawiir cp. Q^mtm> MlCAr 25 UNION SQUARE, N.y, ,,« FRANCls/ cM!ll*Qo BOSTOHMAss, QUANTA SA. «** FcR^OISCa st.louis^0 FOR SALE By auus-rex- E. W. WILCOX, ALBION, N. Y. VALUABLE OOLOGISTS. The following Nos, of the Oologist are ofspecial value to to every collector:Feb. 89, Maurice Thompsons --Red-headedFamily. March, 89, Directions for making a Bird or Mammal Skin.Nov., 89, Complete List of N. A. Birds with prices of eggs, also three pages of Oological instruction. Feb., 90, Complete List of N. A. Birds
. The Street railway journal . Overhead Railway;Geared Travelers WITH Turn Tables and Switches.Especially Adapted FOR Electric Light AND Power Houses. EDWIN HARRINGTON, SON & CO., Incor., 1513 Pennsylvania Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 58 the street Railway journal. [Vol.. X. No. t.. LIST OF BABCOCK WILCOX BOILERS In use on Electric and CableRailroads, Nov. J, 1893. West End Ity. Co., Boston 4 orders, 89 The Albany Ky. Albany, N. Y 3 orders, 89- The Oosstown St. Ry. Co., Buflalo, N. Y .3 orders, 90. Cincinnati St. Ky. Co., Cincinnati, 0 5 orders, 90- Pittsburgh & Birmingham Traction Co., Pittsburgh, Stock Photo
RM2CR7CR8–. The Street railway journal . Overhead Railway;Geared Travelers WITH Turn Tables and Switches.Especially Adapted FOR Electric Light AND Power Houses. EDWIN HARRINGTON, SON & CO., Incor., 1513 Pennsylvania Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. 58 the street Railway journal. [Vol.. X. No. t.. LIST OF BABCOCK WILCOX BOILERS In use on Electric and CableRailroads, Nov. J, 1893. West End Ity. Co., Boston 4 orders, 89 The Albany Ky. Albany, N. Y 3 orders, 89- The Oosstown St. Ry. Co., Buflalo, N. Y .3 orders, 90. Cincinnati St. Ky. Co., Cincinnati, 0 5 orders, 90- Pittsburgh & Birmingham Traction Co., Pittsburgh,
. The Bell System technical journal . 9 as a function of mio for various values of When (89) and (90) are inserted in (88), the latter integral may be ex-pressed as follows: n = 2Nsf^ (q[H{io) - H{h)] + rjS G(h, miA (92) where the current is in kiloamperes and: TV = Number of strokes to ground per square meter .y = Length of cable, in meters q ^ .08 when p 1000. H(i) = -[ PPo(l)di (93) G{l, mto) = ^mioll J - j mioli J (94) The first term in (94) equals YPo(I) = V2(/)-Po(/). Since Po(0 is nega-tive, the above integrals will have positive values. The term q[H{io) — H(ii)] of (92) gives the p Stock Photo
RM2CRWDPX–. The Bell System technical journal . 9 as a function of mio for various values of When (89) and (90) are inserted in (88), the latter integral may be ex-pressed as follows: n = 2Nsf^ (q[H{io) - H{h)] + rjS G(h, miA (92) where the current is in kiloamperes and: TV = Number of strokes to ground per square meter .y = Length of cable, in meters q ^ .08 when p 1000. H(i) = -[ PPo(l)di (93) G{l, mto) = ^mioll J - j mioli J (94) The first term in (94) equals YPo(I) = V2(/)-Po(/). Since Po(0 is nega-tive, the above integrals will have positive values. The term q[H{io) — H(ii)] of (92) gives the p
. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . 1875. 120 sogneprest, Volden, 89—94, provst, S. Søndmøre, 94—95, sogneprest. Nes,Romerike, 95—, forf. Wisconsinismen, 75, Afskedsord, 85, Minde-blade, 90, redig. Lutheraneren, 70—76. ^Valborg W. Iversen, 62 (t73),Marie O. Iversen, 75. tYLviSAKER, Niels Thorbjørnsen. Ord. 1868. Norske synode, 1868—77. F. i Sogndal, Midtre Sogn, Bergen, 11 feb. 1832,af gaardmand Thorbjørn Nielsen Y. og Sigrid O.(f. Stedje), lærer, Sogndal, 50—61, hk privatunder-visning af sogneprest Olsen, emissær tor Bergensafholdsselskab, 55—59, for kirkedept. afholdsagent,59—61 Stock Photo
RM2CHN7E4–. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . 1875. 120 sogneprest, Volden, 89—94, provst, S. Søndmøre, 94—95, sogneprest. Nes,Romerike, 95—, forf. Wisconsinismen, 75, Afskedsord, 85, Minde-blade, 90, redig. Lutheraneren, 70—76. ^Valborg W. Iversen, 62 (t73),Marie O. Iversen, 75. tYLviSAKER, Niels Thorbjørnsen. Ord. 1868. Norske synode, 1868—77. F. i Sogndal, Midtre Sogn, Bergen, 11 feb. 1832,af gaardmand Thorbjørn Nielsen Y. og Sigrid O.(f. Stedje), lærer, Sogndal, 50—61, hk privatunder-visning af sogneprest Olsen, emissær tor Bergensafholdsselskab, 55—59, for kirkedept. afholdsagent,59—61
. Summer excursion routes and rates .. . ^ visitors. The Companyj^hasestablished shops and a round-house here. Great Bend possesses numerous industrieswhich give the place some commercial importance. CONKLIN, N. Y. Altitude, 832 ft. 200.S9 miles from New York ; Single ticket, $6.10 ; Special ticket, $5.00;E-xcursion ticket, $7.85. CONKLIN CENTER. Altitude, 86^ ft. 203.89 miles from Ne.v York ; Single ticket, $6.15 ; Special ticket, $5.00;Excursion ticket, $7.90. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R. R. 79. THK TARLOR CITY. lUNGHAMTON, N. V. BINGHAMTON. Altitude, S43 ft. 209,89 miles from Xcw Vork Stock Photo
RM2CR3R0J–. Summer excursion routes and rates .. . ^ visitors. The Companyj^hasestablished shops and a round-house here. Great Bend possesses numerous industrieswhich give the place some commercial importance. CONKLIN, N. Y. Altitude, 832 ft. 200.S9 miles from New York ; Single ticket, $6.10 ; Special ticket, $5.00;E-xcursion ticket, $7.85. CONKLIN CENTER. Altitude, 86^ ft. 203.89 miles from Ne.v York ; Single ticket, $6.15 ; Special ticket, $5.00;Excursion ticket, $7.90. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA & WESTERN R. R. 79. THK TARLOR CITY. lUNGHAMTON, N. V. BINGHAMTON. Altitude, S43 ft. 209,89 miles from Xcw Vork
. The Ornithologist and botanist . Vol. I. DECEMBER, 1891. Tl?e ot^)^l]j^Ol^o(ilS5. CONTENTS. The Tree Sparrow Willard N. Clute. 89 Christmas Emblems Jessie C. Drew. 90 Rare Massachusetts Plants C.L. Shear. 90 The American Bittern B.S.Bowdish. 91 Editorial 92 Notes and News 92 yN Ophn Letter 93 A Correction 93 Two Grbebes J A.Bryant. 94 Winter Notes Mrs.S.E.RoEssLER 94 Forest in Winter John B.Lewis 95 The Gka y Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association. 96 BINGHAMTON, N. Y.JOSEPH E. BLAIN & CO. Stock Photo
RM2CP9HBF–. The Ornithologist and botanist . Vol. I. DECEMBER, 1891. Tl?e ot^)^l]j^Ol^o(ilS5. CONTENTS. The Tree Sparrow Willard N. Clute. 89 Christmas Emblems Jessie C. Drew. 90 Rare Massachusetts Plants C.L. Shear. 90 The American Bittern B.S.Bowdish. 91 Editorial 92 Notes and News 92 yN Ophn Letter 93 A Correction 93 Two Grbebes J A.Bryant. 94 Winter Notes Mrs.S.E.RoEssLER 94 Forest in Winter John B.Lewis 95 The Gka y Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association. 96 BINGHAMTON, N. Y.JOSEPH E. BLAIN & CO.
. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . 1906. 233 Bang, Rudolf Wilhelm. Ord. 1890. Norske synode, 1890—94. F. i Drammen, Kristiania, 17 mai 1865, af —,frekv. Kristiania univ., 83 (A.B.), 83—89 (A.M.,C.T.), værnepligtig officer, 85—89, udv, 89, prest,Brooklyn, N. Y., 90—94, til Norge, personelkapel-an, Røken, 95—97, sogneprest. Herred, 97—05,konstituert provst, Lister, 05—05, residerende ka-pellan, Tune, 06—, sogneprest, Rolvsøy, 12—.*Maggie Caspersen, 90 (tOl), Regine Kaurin, 04. -tBARTHOLOMEW, ALEXANDER SlOAN. Ord. 1882. Norske synode, 1890—91. F. nær Middlebury, Ind., 20 mars 1859, Stock Photo
RM2CGM6G4–. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . 1906. 233 Bang, Rudolf Wilhelm. Ord. 1890. Norske synode, 1890—94. F. i Drammen, Kristiania, 17 mai 1865, af —,frekv. Kristiania univ., 83 (A.B.), 83—89 (A.M.,C.T.), værnepligtig officer, 85—89, udv, 89, prest,Brooklyn, N. Y., 90—94, til Norge, personelkapel-an, Røken, 95—97, sogneprest. Herred, 97—05,konstituert provst, Lister, 05—05, residerende ka-pellan, Tune, 06—, sogneprest, Rolvsøy, 12—.*Maggie Caspersen, 90 (tOl), Regine Kaurin, 04. -tBARTHOLOMEW, ALEXANDER SlOAN. Ord. 1882. Norske synode, 1890—91. F. nær Middlebury, Ind., 20 mars 1859,
. The Street railway journal . LI«T OJF END FOR BOOKON STEAM N[WORLEANS,U.57CAR0ND[LET5T/»SANPRIlNCISC0,CAl.SANFIIMCISC0T0OLCO/:JHMN*XyB)LIIBmLLEOEL»HIIBIINA. <^«W»^ BABCOCK^ WILCOX BOILERS In use oil Electric and CableRailroads, Nov. 1, 1893. West Euil Ky. Co., Boston 4 orders, 89-92. The Albany Ry. AIb:iny, N. Y 3 orders, S9-92. The Crosstown St. Ry. Co., BnlTalo, N. V. .3 orderH, 90-y3. Cincinnati St. Ky. Co., Cincinnati, 0 5 orders, 90-93. Pittsburgh & KirniinKhnm Traction Co., Pittsburgh, 1-a July, 1890. Columbus Kloc. St. Uy. Co., Columbus, O..! orders Aurora . t. Ry. Co., Aurora, III Stock Photo!-orders-aurora-t-ry-co-aurora-iii-image375736294.html
RM2CR87DA–. The Street railway journal . LI«T OJF END FOR BOOKON STEAM N[WORLEANS,U.57CAR0ND[LET5T/»SANPRIlNCISC0,CAl.SANFIIMCISC0T0OLCO/:JHMN*XyB)LIIBmLLEOEL»HIIBIINA. <^«W»^ BABCOCK^ WILCOX BOILERS In use oil Electric and CableRailroads, Nov. 1, 1893. West Euil Ky. Co., Boston 4 orders, 89-92. The Albany Ry. AIb:iny, N. Y 3 orders, S9-92. The Crosstown St. Ry. Co., BnlTalo, N. V. .3 orderH, 90-y3. Cincinnati St. Ky. Co., Cincinnati, 0 5 orders, 90-93. Pittsburgh & KirniinKhnm Traction Co., Pittsburgh, 1-a July, 1890. Columbus Kloc. St. Uy. Co., Columbus, O..! orders Aurora . t. Ry. Co., Aurora, III
. Bates Student . »Hl< III l)j||l4^l I .1 3 Date Stvdent i 1 TABLE OK CONTENTS Calendar PAGE 87 Only Fifteen Minutes 87 Musical Clubs 87 Intercollegiate Debates 87 Faculty Notes 88 Girls Glee and Mandolin Clubs Concert 88 Art Gallery 88 Athletic Constitution 89 Intra Collegiate Baseball 89 Locals 89 Track 89 Tennis 89 Editorial Notes 90 The Press Club 90 The Girls Walking Club 91 Spofford Club 91 Social 91 Y. M, C. A. 91 Lets Go Fishing 92 Alumni Notes 92 3sm i APRIL 16 19 13 THE BATES STUDENT DO YOU KNOW That we are HEADQUARTERS FOR College ^Ileas Clotyes? THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW at C Stock Photo
RM2CGKH41–. Bates Student . »Hl< III l)j||l4^l I .1 3 Date Stvdent i 1 TABLE OK CONTENTS Calendar PAGE 87 Only Fifteen Minutes 87 Musical Clubs 87 Intercollegiate Debates 87 Faculty Notes 88 Girls Glee and Mandolin Clubs Concert 88 Art Gallery 88 Athletic Constitution 89 Intra Collegiate Baseball 89 Locals 89 Track 89 Tennis 89 Editorial Notes 90 The Press Club 90 The Girls Walking Club 91 Spofford Club 91 Social 91 Y. M, C. A. 91 Lets Go Fishing 92 Alumni Notes 92 3sm i APRIL 16 19 13 THE BATES STUDENT DO YOU KNOW That we are HEADQUARTERS FOR College ^Ileas Clotyes? THERES ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW at C
. El radium y la radiografia . 89 bujo que figura en este párrafo representa elelectrómetro empleado en sus experienciaspor Mme. Curie y que es en realidad una mo-. 90 dificación de los electrómetros de Jhonson yde Arsonval. De todas estas experiencias sacóMme. Cu-rie la deducción, muy sorprendente, de que eltorio y el uranio metales daban una radioacti-vidad mucho menor que otras substancias yque sus propios derivados, cuando debía ha-ber sido lo contrario; esto le hizo sospechar,pues tal contradicción no podía explicarse,que en los minerales que le habían servidopara sus experiencias debía c Stock Photo
RM2CRNCR5–. El radium y la radiografia . 89 bujo que figura en este párrafo representa elelectrómetro empleado en sus experienciaspor Mme. Curie y que es en realidad una mo-. 90 dificación de los electrómetros de Jhonson yde Arsonval. De todas estas experiencias sacóMme. Cu-rie la deducción, muy sorprendente, de que eltorio y el uranio metales daban una radioacti-vidad mucho menor que otras substancias yque sus propios derivados, cuando debía ha-ber sido lo contrario; esto le hizo sospechar,pues tal contradicción no podía explicarse,que en los minerales que le habían servidopara sus experiencias debía c
. Annual report. ia A. Reed, Buffalo, N. Y. (at 32 W. 21st St., Man-hattan). 84, Mis. Mary Welles (Allen) Jensen, 277 York St., JerseyCity, N. J. 85, ditto. 86, Mrs. Theodore Underbill. Erie St., JerseyCity, N. J. (Newbur^h Branch). 87, Mrs Mary Welles (Allen) Jensen.88, Mrs. J. Page Mutnford, Montclair, N.J. 89, Mrs. C M. Kerns(Norfolk, Va.), at her daughters, Miss K.M. Kerns, 118 WilloughbyStreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. 90, Mrs. Margaret Mumford (widow of JohnPage Mumford, son of J. I. Mumford, grandson of Anthony L.Under-hill), 89 Valley Road. Montclair, N. J. 91, Mrs C. B.U. Alpers, 92,Mrs. Walte Stock Photo
RM2CERCKW–. Annual report. ia A. Reed, Buffalo, N. Y. (at 32 W. 21st St., Man-hattan). 84, Mis. Mary Welles (Allen) Jensen, 277 York St., JerseyCity, N. J. 85, ditto. 86, Mrs. Theodore Underbill. Erie St., JerseyCity, N. J. (Newbur^h Branch). 87, Mrs Mary Welles (Allen) Jensen.88, Mrs. J. Page Mutnford, Montclair, N.J. 89, Mrs. C M. Kerns(Norfolk, Va.), at her daughters, Miss K.M. Kerns, 118 WilloughbyStreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. 90, Mrs. Margaret Mumford (widow of JohnPage Mumford, son of J. I. Mumford, grandson of Anthony L.Under-hill), 89 Valley Road. Montclair, N. J. 91, Mrs C. B.U. Alpers, 92,Mrs. Walte
. Efficient railway operation . Area of Head, 3.95 sq. in : 40.2% Web, 1.89 . 19.2% Base, 4^ 40.6% Total, 9.85 100.0% Ratio Periphery Head to Area Head 1.64 Web Web 3.60 Base Base 2.49 Ratio Total Periphery to Total Area 2.37 Moment of Inertia 41.3 Section Modulus—Head • 13.70 Base 15.74 554 APPENDIX V III. Continued. Rail Sections op American Railway Enginebkinq Association Section Recommended for Approval — A.R.A. — A 90 lb.. Area: Head =3.20 sq. in. . qroot Web =2.12;;;;...::::::::: S% Total =8!82 iMn<y Moment of Inertia ■ • . ^-^/o Section Modulus—Head 12 56 iiase......,, IK oq Ra Stock Photo!82-imnlty-moment-of-inertia-o-section-modulushead-12-56-iiase-ik-oq-ra-image371865076.html
RM2CGYWKG–. Efficient railway operation . Area of Head, 3.95 sq. in : 40.2% Web, 1.89 . 19.2% Base, 4^ 40.6% Total, 9.85 100.0% Ratio Periphery Head to Area Head 1.64 Web Web 3.60 Base Base 2.49 Ratio Total Periphery to Total Area 2.37 Moment of Inertia 41.3 Section Modulus—Head • 13.70 Base 15.74 554 APPENDIX V III. Continued. Rail Sections op American Railway Enginebkinq Association Section Recommended for Approval — A.R.A. — A 90 lb.. Area: Head =3.20 sq. in. . qroot Web =2.12;;;;...::::::::: S% Total =8!82 iMn<y Moment of Inertia ■ • . ^-^/o Section Modulus—Head 12 56 iiase......,, IK oq Ra
. The Street railway journal . Pittsbur«-li & Birmingham Traction Co.. Pittsburgh >90.... l.OOO Albany Railway Co.. Albany 3 orders, 89-92.... 1,000 St. Joseph fraction Co., St. Joseph.2 orders, 89-»93.... 1.040 Duluth St. Rv. Co., Dniiith, Minn 4 orders, 90-93.... 1,312 Rochester St. Ry. Co.. Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, 91-9*.. .. 1,143 Union Railroad Co., New York 2 orders, 91-92. .. 1,500 Carrollton Elec. Ry. Co., New Orleans ...2 orders, 92-94 1,040 Union Railroad Co., Providence 2 orders, 92-93.... 2,000 Washington & (ieurgetown R. R., Wash-ington, D. C 4 orders 1,923 Cleveland C Stock Photo
RM2CGPAJM–. The Street railway journal . Pittsbur«-li & Birmingham Traction Co.. Pittsburgh >90.... l.OOO Albany Railway Co.. Albany 3 orders, 89-92.... 1,000 St. Joseph fraction Co., St. Joseph.2 orders, 89-»93.... 1.040 Duluth St. Rv. Co., Dniiith, Minn 4 orders, 90-93.... 1,312 Rochester St. Ry. Co.. Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, 91-9*.. .. 1,143 Union Railroad Co., New York 2 orders, 91-92. .. 1,500 Carrollton Elec. Ry. Co., New Orleans ...2 orders, 92-94 1,040 Union Railroad Co., Providence 2 orders, 92-93.... 2,000 Washington & (ieurgetown R. R., Wash-ington, D. C 4 orders 1,923 Cleveland C
. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . .T.), prest, Denver, Colo., 84—86, Al-bert Lea, Minn., 86—91, Latimer, la., 91—02,Linn Grove, la., 02—13, Mankato, Minn., A—,la. distrikts sekr., 07—. *Anna Louise Wilson, 84. Minne, Nils Monson. Ord. 1884. Norske synode, 1884—89, Antiniissouri, 89—90,Forenede kirke, 90—10, 12—. Y. i Langedahl, Haus, Osterøen, Bergen, 10aug. 1855, af Mons Olson og Bertha (f. Brække),udv. 75, frekv. Luther Coll., 75—79, Capital Univ.,80—83 (C.T.), prest, Fowler, Ind., 84—89, PuU-man, 111., 85—89, Indianapolis, Ind., 87—89, Zum-brota. Minn., 89—92, Madison, Minn. Stock Photo
RM2CH15NK–. Norsk lutherske prester i Amerika, 1843-1913 . .T.), prest, Denver, Colo., 84—86, Al-bert Lea, Minn., 86—91, Latimer, la., 91—02,Linn Grove, la., 02—13, Mankato, Minn., A—,la. distrikts sekr., 07—. *Anna Louise Wilson, 84. Minne, Nils Monson. Ord. 1884. Norske synode, 1884—89, Antiniissouri, 89—90,Forenede kirke, 90—10, 12—. Y. i Langedahl, Haus, Osterøen, Bergen, 10aug. 1855, af Mons Olson og Bertha (f. Brække),udv. 75, frekv. Luther Coll., 75—79, Capital Univ.,80—83 (C.T.), prest, Fowler, Ind., 84—89, PuU-man, 111., 85—89, Indianapolis, Ind., 87—89, Zum-brota. Minn., 89—92, Madison, Minn.
. The Commercial and financial chronicle . 69 la 112 90 115 I0S>4 11813 * iild and asked prices; no sales on this day. 1; Ex-rights. || $7.50 paid, t *15 paui. ^ $10 paid, i .f 20 paid. a Receipts. 6 $25 paliU 1034 THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. lxxxu. Volume ot Business at Stock Exctianges rHA N8Acai(j>;a at ruji, wkw yohk htock KxcHjUMafi OAILV, WEUKL.Y ANI> YKABl.V Shares eelciPar value Railroad dieBonds SlateBond! V 8Bonds Satiirtiuy Wouiiiiy l^iemuiy .I9.!,S071,2.1:^235] .4 1 H.2742,541,Im1,<.)I,1S1.553.183 4),U0.S!I0 .•i;U0.783.200114.394,0011127,89.5.650224,097.4011120.014,SOOlo2,33S. Stock Photo!-v-8bonds-satiirtiuy-wouiiiiy-liemuiy-i9!s07121235-4-1-h2742541im1lti1s1553183-4u0s!i0-iu078320011439400111278956502240974011120014soolo233s-image370116566.html
RM2CE47CP–. The Commercial and financial chronicle . 69 la 112 90 115 I0S>4 11813 * iild and asked prices; no sales on this day. 1; Ex-rights. || $7.50 paid, t *15 paui. ^ $10 paid, i .f 20 paid. a Receipts. 6 $25 paliU 1034 THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. lxxxu. Volume ot Business at Stock Exctianges rHA N8Acai(j>;a at ruji, wkw yohk htock KxcHjUMafi OAILV, WEUKL.Y ANI> YKABl.V Shares eelciPar value Railroad dieBonds SlateBond! V 8Bonds Satiirtiuy Wouiiiiy l^iemuiy .I9.!,S071,2.1:^235] .4 1 H.2742,541,Im1,<.)I,1S1.553.183 4),U0.S!I0 .•i;U0.783.200114.394,0011127,89.5.650224,097.4011120.014,SOOlo2,33S.
. The Street railway journal . Cripple Creek Ry. Co., Qoldfield, Col .1 order, Duluth St. Ry. Co., Duluth, Minn. 4 orders, Richmond Passenger & Power Co., Richmond, Va 2 orders,Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor St. Ry. Co., YpsilantI, Mich ..2 orders, Pitt;burg & Birmingham Traction Co., Pitts-burg, Pa . 2 orders, Rochester St. Ry Co., Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, Atlanta Ry. & Power Co -- 2 orders. Union R. R. Co., New York 2 orders, 3 orders..00. 98-9992-93-89-9994-oo..90-93 •97-oo92-96 99-•98.90-9390-oo. H. P. 2,2082,080 2,<S72,0002,0002,000 I, 807 1,8001,786 1,7021.S841.312,339 98.. 1,380 90 Stock Photo
RM2CGPETJ–. The Street railway journal . Cripple Creek Ry. Co., Qoldfield, Col .1 order, Duluth St. Ry. Co., Duluth, Minn. 4 orders, Richmond Passenger & Power Co., Richmond, Va 2 orders,Detroit, Ypsilanti & Ann Arbor St. Ry. Co., YpsilantI, Mich ..2 orders, Pitt;burg & Birmingham Traction Co., Pitts-burg, Pa . 2 orders, Rochester St. Ry Co., Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, Atlanta Ry. & Power Co -- 2 orders. Union R. R. Co., New York 2 orders, 3 orders..00. 98-9992-93-89-9994-oo..90-93 •97-oo92-96 99-•98.90-9390-oo. H. P. 2,2082,080 2,<S72,0002,0002,000 I, 807 1,8001,786 1,7021.S841.312,339 98.. 1,380 90
. Home telephone directory . 89 Cil y Wire Works i 90 Dundona Iron Works M1762 industrial Ornamental Iron Works C 5927 New Orleans Wire Works C 2028 Pacific Fence Construction Co J 4397 West Coast Wire & Iron Works WOOD AND COAL (See Fuel and Feed) WOOD WORKERS J 3 177J 1572 Haas Woodworking Co Levi S Woodworking Co Inc WOODENWARE C 3538 Cupples Samuel M2533 Feldmann L & Co C1251 Levenson Co WOOLENS—WHOLESALE J 1718 Arnstein Simon & Co J1226 Baumgarten J & Co C 1743 Bradshaw Wm R Manager J 2153 California Blanket & Flannel Mill J 2971 Caro A W C 2830 Detmer Woolen Co C 3846 Greenberg P & Co J1 Stock Photo
RM2CNC72X–. Home telephone directory . 89 Cil y Wire Works i 90 Dundona Iron Works M1762 industrial Ornamental Iron Works C 5927 New Orleans Wire Works C 2028 Pacific Fence Construction Co J 4397 West Coast Wire & Iron Works WOOD AND COAL (See Fuel and Feed) WOOD WORKERS J 3 177J 1572 Haas Woodworking Co Levi S Woodworking Co Inc WOODENWARE C 3538 Cupples Samuel M2533 Feldmann L & Co C1251 Levenson Co WOOLENS—WHOLESALE J 1718 Arnstein Simon & Co J1226 Baumgarten J & Co C 1743 Bradshaw Wm R Manager J 2153 California Blanket & Flannel Mill J 2971 Caro A W C 2830 Detmer Woolen Co C 3846 Greenberg P & Co J1
. The Commercial and financial chronicle . L let slg6s..iyi9Anicr Ice Secur deb gCs..l92o.iu Spirits Mlg l8l gbs.. 1915Am Tliread Ist col tr 43... 1919 Am Tobacco 40-yrg6s 1944 48 1951 J-J y-j M-NM-NJ-JM-NM-NJ-J Q-F.M-SA-O.U-S J-J A-OFA 94 Hi10934 109ioOHj. 109 Hi1057, 96 9614 961, 89 91103 104 92 11378 Sale 79 Sale 95^4 Jau 0697 Aiarub109 Hi May0510514 Jly0310838 108>8I04I4 10438106 Hi Mar06103 JlyO-j P6Hi Mar0696 •di^ 90 93Hj 103 MartlO90^8 Jan06 U334 libs79 80H, 39b231 9414 iSi*97 98 107S1O9HJ1041a 105IOdH: 107 969687 IUO4llOSg SiB 16 9134 96Hi 48 1951 FA 79 Sale 79 80H,231 iS^b cDueMa Stock Photo
RM2CE48C3–. The Commercial and financial chronicle . L let slg6s..iyi9Anicr Ice Secur deb gCs..l92o.iu Spirits Mlg l8l gbs.. 1915Am Tliread Ist col tr 43... 1919 Am Tobacco 40-yrg6s 1944 48 1951 J-J y-j M-NM-NJ-JM-NM-NJ-J Q-F.M-SA-O.U-S J-J A-OFA 94 Hi10934 109ioOHj. 109 Hi1057, 96 9614 961, 89 91103 104 92 11378 Sale 79 Sale 95^4 Jau 0697 Aiarub109 Hi May0510514 Jly0310838 108>8I04I4 10438106 Hi Mar06103 JlyO-j P6Hi Mar0696 •di^ 90 93Hj 103 MartlO90^8 Jan06 U334 libs79 80H, 39b231 9414 iSi*97 98 107S1O9HJ1041a 105IOdH: 107 969687 IUO4llOSg SiB 16 9134 96Hi 48 1951 FA 79 Sale 79 80H,231 iS^b cDueMa
. The Street railway journal . senger & Power Co., Richmond, Va.2 orders,Detroit, Ypsllanti & Ann Arbor St. Ry. Co., Ypsilanti, Ml h 2 orders. Pittsburg & Birmingham Traction Co., Pitts-burg, Pa 2 orders, Rochester St. Rv Co., Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, Atlanta Ry. & Power Co 2 orders, Union R. R. Co., New York 2 orders, 3 orders..00.. 98-99--92-93--*89-99 -94-oo..*90-93 •97-oo..92-96.. 99--98.-9-93*90-oo.. H. P. 2,2082,080 2,572,0002,0002,000 I, 807 1,8001,786 1,7021,5841.3121,339 98.- 1,380 90-oo.9i-94. 00.*9i-92. 1.5281,1432,4001,500 Note the number and size of the renewal orders. BABCOCK Stock Photo
RM2CH5A9M–. The Street railway journal . senger & Power Co., Richmond, Va.2 orders,Detroit, Ypsllanti & Ann Arbor St. Ry. Co., Ypsilanti, Ml h 2 orders. Pittsburg & Birmingham Traction Co., Pitts-burg, Pa 2 orders, Rochester St. Rv Co., Rochester, N. Y 3 orders, Atlanta Ry. & Power Co 2 orders, Union R. R. Co., New York 2 orders, 3 orders..00.. 98-99--92-93--*89-99 -94-oo..*90-93 •97-oo..92-96.. 99--98.-9-93*90-oo.. H. P. 2,2082,080 2,572,0002,0002,000 I, 807 1,8001,786 1,7021,5841.3121,339 98.- 1,380 90-oo.9i-94. 00.*9i-92. 1.5281,1432,4001,500 Note the number and size of the renewal orders. BABCOCK
. Army list . am.//on. A.M. R. ...2088 0, DA 892a tJon. Sir C.E. ... 36 C.ll 817a C. H. M. ... 389a B. G 1760a B. S 1417a rioti. Sir P. K. ... 47 G. C. P., Lord ...16576 G. H. Hon. G. R. B. Hon. J. D. Y. R. H. W.... W. H. Bingley.A.G. E. A.H. B. ... Binmore, L. ...Binney, A. P. B. H. ... B. V. ... P. B. ... Binning, J. A. —W. B. W. W. R. Binning ton, W.Binns, F. P. V. ... W. D. ... W. H. ... Binny.A.O.M. A. J. M. S. M. ... .Bion, K. N. ...R. H. ...1368a... 1220 ... 754a...1478a!... 944a... 90... 202,3... 89... 2142...17.380... 231... 1334... 796... 820...1439a... 1949...2l.3ria...1716a...176.5 Stock Photo!-944a-90-2023-89-214217380-231-1334-796-8201439a-19492l3ria1716a1765-image372233335.html
RM2CHGKBK–. Army list . am.//on. A.M. R. ...2088 0, DA 892a tJon. Sir C.E. ... 36 C.ll 817a C. H. M. ... 389a B. G 1760a B. S 1417a rioti. Sir P. K. ... 47 G. C. P., Lord ...16576 G. H. Hon. G. R. B. Hon. J. D. Y. R. H. W.... W. H. Bingley.A.G. E. A.H. B. ... Binmore, L. ...Binney, A. P. B. H. ... B. V. ... P. B. ... Binning, J. A. —W. B. W. W. R. Binning ton, W.Binns, F. P. V. ... W. D. ... W. H. ... Binny.A.O.M. A. J. M. S. M. ... .Bion, K. N. ...R. H. ...1368a... 1220 ... 754a...1478a!... 944a... 90... 202,3... 89... 2142...17.380... 231... 1334... 796... 820...1439a... 1949...2l.3ria...1716a...176.5
. American engineer and railroad journal . ItK^d. ^f, PIPE UNtON Double Size?. General Dimensions of the Proposed Standard Union. Jolt, 1902. AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. 227 Table B. DIMENSIONS FOE PROPOSED STANDARD PIPE UNIONS. 1 n 3 4 s 6 - S 9 in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 Mi . .375 .270 .105 .59 .63 .78 .80 .85 .89 1 II.-. .26 v« 27 .2225 .08 .5625 y. .59 .615 .006 .05 i, . .496 .364 .132 .76 .80 .96 .98 1.05 1.09 1.29 .33 5-16 18 .2625 .10 0925 9-16 .76 .76 .006 .00 % . .630 .494 .136 .90 .95 1.11 1.13 1.20 1.24 1.45 .34 % 18 .2825 .11 .7325 % .90 .905 .006 .07 v. .78 Stock Photo
RM2CR8C30–. American engineer and railroad journal . ItK^d. ^f, PIPE UNtON Double Size?. General Dimensions of the Proposed Standard Union. Jolt, 1902. AMERICAN ENGINEER AND RAILROAD JOURNAL. 227 Table B. DIMENSIONS FOE PROPOSED STANDARD PIPE UNIONS. 1 n 3 4 s 6 - S 9 in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 Mi . .375 .270 .105 .59 .63 .78 .80 .85 .89 1 II.-. .26 v« 27 .2225 .08 .5625 y. .59 .615 .006 .05 i, . .496 .364 .132 .76 .80 .96 .98 1.05 1.09 1.29 .33 5-16 18 .2625 .10 0925 9-16 .76 .76 .006 .00 % . .630 .494 .136 .90 .95 1.11 1.13 1.20 1.24 1.45 .34 % 18 .2825 .11 .7325 % .90 .905 .006 .07 v. .78
. Sessional papers of the Dominion of Canada 1904 . TOTAL IMPORTS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA FOR THE FISCAL YEARS FROM 1868 to 1901 Mil/ious of JJollaiir. TOTAL EXPORTS OF THE— DOMINION OF CANADA FOR THE FISCAL YEARS FROM 1888 to 1003 t/(io/is 0 f Ifofictrs ^ }iar S5 60 65 70 75 SO 85 90 93 100 105 no 115 120 125 130 1.35 WO m 150 155 160 165 170 175 18( ) 18519(] 1.95 20(J 20! 210 215 22( )22S miEM f>7,567,88S fo 68 Y nm 60,474.781 69 ? 69 7S,573,490 70 1 ? 70 74,173,618 7/ 1 ?? m 82,639,663 7Z 1 ? a 89.7S9,9L3 /J 1 ?73 >^9,3.M,9l8 // 1 ? 74 77,886,979 75 1 ? ^ HO.966,43.^ 76 ? 76 Stock Photo!-210-215-22-22s-miem-fgt756788s-fo-68-y-nm-60474781-69-69-7s573490-70-1-70-74173618-7-1-m-82639663-7z-1-a-897s99l3-j-1-73-gt93m9l8-1-74-77886979-75-1-ho96643-76-76-image370008679.html
RM2CDY9RK–. Sessional papers of the Dominion of Canada 1904 . TOTAL IMPORTS OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA FOR THE FISCAL YEARS FROM 1868 to 1901 Mil/ious of JJollaiir. TOTAL EXPORTS OF THE— DOMINION OF CANADA FOR THE FISCAL YEARS FROM 1888 to 1003 t/(io/is 0 f Ifofictrs ^ }iar S5 60 65 70 75 SO 85 90 93 100 105 no 115 120 125 130 1.35 WO m 150 155 160 165 170 175 18( ) 18519(] 1.95 20(J 20! 210 215 22( )22S miEM f>7,567,88S fo 68 Y nm 60,474.781 69 ? 69 7S,573,490 70 1 ? 70 74,173,618 7/ 1 ?? m 82,639,663 7Z 1 ? a 89.7S9,9L3 /J 1 ?73 >^9,3.M,9l8 // 1 ? 74 77,886,979 75 1 ? ^ HO.966,43.^ 76 ? 76
. Annual report of the Public Service Commission, and the ... annual report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners . SIMOU.VJ.S JO M3SVM0N 1914. TELEPHONE RATES. 89 No. 5. K 5 « 0 1 8 a if1 - A ►— i— -j Id O ^ oc u §Sa^ O) u 1 H *J i o assa I m 1 z S 2 S 2 gg — n B or or 2° O 3 3 33 S o 3333** ° u ****** i V j^J -«-rt*r 1 3 JIJSo. (£ -f*-M* + S =3 V > A 0 «1 8*53 855 SiS ^5 s-S j.Vj.7- JO iOfl/ 90 GENERAL DISCUSSION. [Jan. No. 6. 0.6 UNLIMITEDCE AND 2MEASUREDVICE 1 i Si *5 K > 2 5 2S 2 °| z to til S or 8 £ id o z >uS°ZUi — i i sS SS<uz(nTi y= 32 ta° £o Stock Photo
RM2CH4WRJ–. Annual report of the Public Service Commission, and the ... annual report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners . SIMOU.VJ.S JO M3SVM0N 1914. TELEPHONE RATES. 89 No. 5. K 5 « 0 1 8 a if1 - A ►— i— -j Id O ^ oc u §Sa^ O) u 1 H *J i o assa I m 1 z S 2 S 2 gg — n B or or 2° O 3 3 33 S o 3333** ° u ****** i V j^J -«-rt*r 1 3 JIJSo. (£ -f*-M* + S =3 V > A 0 «1 8*53 855 SiS ^5 s-S j.Vj.7- JO iOfl/ 90 GENERAL DISCUSSION. [Jan. No. 6. 0.6 UNLIMITEDCE AND 2MEASUREDVICE 1 i Si *5 K > 2 5 2S 2 °| z to til S or 8 £ id o z >uS°ZUi — i i sS SS<uz(nTi y= 32 ta° £o
. Annual report of the State Board of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics of Missouri . G > ffl 0000 4Em c05 296 Thirty-sixth Annual Report Unknown... IH 99 and over. M -: 90-99 years.. M 80-89 years.. ?1 ^ ^ • ^ y 70-79 years.. ^ ^J -N CJ • 60-69 years.. O ^ c ^ «fl ^ -Hil 50-59 years.. M n ^i 40-49 years.. o •fi -0 t N • 30-39 years.. Cs ^ ClH 20-29 years.. « 01 : -^T 10-19 years.. - ■f 0)M ?I?J M 5-9 years.. . t^rt 4 years n rj 3 years n ^ 2 years c «?5 1 yejir ^ ^ ^7 M Under 1 year M e^ -Ht>. Total wo X iHr^nX OM M»M M xcj ■*N — h- •>*<«-F- >a 1 b ■J r cr r C1 c CEC c 17 Stock Photo
RM2CH85MW–. Annual report of the State Board of Health and Bureau of Vital Statistics of Missouri . G > ffl 0000 4Em c05 296 Thirty-sixth Annual Report Unknown... IH 99 and over. M -: 90-99 years.. M 80-89 years.. ?1 ^ ^ • ^ y 70-79 years.. ^ ^J -N CJ • 60-69 years.. O ^ c ^ «fl ^ -Hil 50-59 years.. M n ^i 40-49 years.. o •fi -0 t N • 30-39 years.. Cs ^ ClH 20-29 years.. « 01 : -^T 10-19 years.. - ■f 0)M ?I?J M 5-9 years.. . t^rt 4 years n rj 3 years n ^ 2 years c «?5 1 yejir ^ ^ ^7 M Under 1 year M e^ -Ht>. Total wo X iHr^nX OM M»M M xcj ■*N — h- •>*<«-F- >a 1 b ■J r cr r C1 c CEC c 17
. A treatise on harmony, with exercises . IVi V IV V IV+1 V+» I V73 THE INVERSIONS OF V7 89 mr= —r —i- —t -— -i—• —i— rH= :i^- -1 : 5»— * • -90—— —•— 0 -•-. -0- •^ 0 0 -•- 0 t^f-^ni-S— —• =—y^ ^W^ —•——1— 0 .. 1—• 0- —•— F ^. !U^—( —1— ^^ -1—r- —r- ^ 1 F-S LI 1 7 6 6 6 6 7 5 :-. 4 3 ^^ VVI V; VVI L r II 1= Vt 13. Vi -I B= §^se :i^ 1 V s643 V7= >= I Vt V V73 ?PS %^ «il—•- ..j^ :^ :p=±=|: i r- 6 i?6 43 I Vt- 90 THE INVERSIONS OF Vy. 6 5 - 4 # - 12 V V73 -S--i 91b»J II :=1- —T- n—^ 65C- V7I Viv 64G- r =t:=z:Ezi: 7 # V7 15.^ ^ £J ^ • •« -» ^ 1 - r# g :d=^=i 1^7 ^ -J- ^iS; ^^= tt6 64F?f-3 I V- Stock Photo!u-1-1r-r-1-f-s-li-1-7-6-6-6-6-7-5-4-3-vvi-v-vvi-l-r-ii-1=-vt-13-vi-i-b=-se-i-1-v-s643-v7=-gt=-i-vt-v-v73-ps-il-j-p==-i-r-6-i6-43-i-vt-90-the-inversions-of-vy-6-5-4-12-v-v73-s-i-91bj-ii-=1-t-n-65c-v7i-viv-64g-r-=t=zezi-7-v7-15-j-1-r-g-d==i-17-j-is-=-tt6-64ff-3-i-v-image370044450.html
RM2CE0YD6–. A treatise on harmony, with exercises . IVi V IV V IV+1 V+» I V73 THE INVERSIONS OF V7 89 mr= —r —i- —t -— -i—• —i— rH= :i^- -1 : 5»— * • -90—— —•— 0 -•-. -0- •^ 0 0 -•- 0 t^f-^ni-S— —• =—y^ ^W^ —•——1— 0 .. 1—• 0- —•— F ^. !U^—( —1— ^^ -1—r- —r- ^ 1 F-S LI 1 7 6 6 6 6 7 5 :-. 4 3 ^^ VVI V; VVI L r II 1= Vt 13. Vi -I B= §^se :i^ 1 V s643 V7= >= I Vt V V73 ?PS %^ «il—•- ..j^ :^ :p=±=|: i r- 6 i?6 43 I Vt- 90 THE INVERSIONS OF Vy. 6 5 - 4 # - 12 V V73 -S--i 91b»J II :=1- —T- n—^ 65C- V7I Viv 64G- r =t:=z:Ezi: 7 # V7 15.^ ^ £J ^ • •« -» ^ 1 - r# g :d=^=i 1^7 ^ -J- ^iS; ^^= tt6 64F?f-3 I V-
. Beihefte zum botanischen Centralblatt. Plants. 78.. 89. 90. 91. Snd.Qernnck atz. Verlag von CHeinrichiiiDresden. Li'Jiinst Y Johannes Arndt, Jena.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Leipzig : Verlag von G. Thiem Stock Photo
RMRHYKRM–. Beihefte zum botanischen Centralblatt. Plants. 78.. 89. 90. 91. Snd.Qernnck atz. Verlag von CHeinrichiiiDresden. Li'Jiinst Y Johannes Arndt, Jena.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Leipzig : Verlag von G. Thiem
. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 91.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Stag {Cervus). Fig. 92.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Giraffe. be seen in the Horse (fig. 89) and the Rhinoceros (fig. 90).. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton Stock Photo
RMRH7WT0–. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 91.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Stag {Cervus). Fig. 92.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Giraffe. be seen in the Horse (fig. 89) and the Rhinoceros (fig. 90).. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton
. The Conchological magazine. Mollusks. 88. Triton cnndatus, (hnel. tiil>crosus, Lam. 90. " obsctuiis, lleeve. 89 8Da Dl.Pricno cancollalus. Lam. c)2 'J ? j-DistoiKio anuB^ Liim,. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Hirase, Yoichiro, 1859-1925. Kyoto : Published by Y. Hirase Stock Photo
RMREBA7F–. The Conchological magazine. Mollusks. 88. Triton cnndatus, (hnel. tiil>crosus, Lam. 90. " obsctuiis, lleeve. 89 8Da Dl.Pricno cancollalus. Lam. c)2 'J ? j-DistoiKio anuB^ Liim,. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Hirase, Yoichiro, 1859-1925. Kyoto : Published by Y. Hirase
. The Conchological magazine. Mollusks. JAPANESE MARINE MO??USKS. PL XIII. (????)??????. 88. Triton cnndatus, (hnel. tiil>crosus, Lam. 90. " obsctuiis, lleeve. 89 8Da Dl.Pricno cancollalus. Lam. c)2 'J ? j-DistoiKio anuB^ Liim,. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Hirase, Yoichiro, 1859-1925. Kyoto : Published by Y. Hirase Stock Photo
RMREBA7Y–. The Conchological magazine. Mollusks. JAPANESE MARINE MO??USKS. PL XIII. (????)??????. 88. Triton cnndatus, (hnel. tiil>crosus, Lam. 90. " obsctuiis, lleeve. 89 8Da Dl.Pricno cancollalus. Lam. c)2 'J ? j-DistoiKio anuB^ Liim,. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Hirase, Yoichiro, 1859-1925. Kyoto : Published by Y. Hirase
. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 88.—Brain of the Rock Coney {Hyrax). Fig. 89.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Horse. Fig. 90.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Rhinoceros. Rock Coney (figs. 88, 93). More complete forms are to Fig. 91. Fig. 92.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton Stock Photo
RMRH7WTD–. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 88.—Brain of the Rock Coney {Hyrax). Fig. 89.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Horse. Fig. 90.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Rhinoceros. Rock Coney (figs. 88, 93). More complete forms are to Fig. 91. Fig. 92.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton
. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 90.. Fig. 88.—Brain of the Rock Coney {Hyrax). Fig. 89.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Horse. Fig. 90.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Rhinoceros. Rock Coney (figs. 88, 93). More complete forms are to Fig. 91. Fig. 92.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton Stock Photo
RMRH7WTR–. The brain as an organ of mind. Brain; Thought and thinking; Brain. Fig. 90.. Fig. 88.—Brain of the Rock Coney {Hyrax). Fig. 89.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Horse. Fig. 90.—Left Cerebral Hemisphere of the Rhinoceros. Rock Coney (figs. 88, 93). More complete forms are to Fig. 91. Fig. 92.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Bastian, H. Charlton. N. Y. , Appleton
. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Natural history -- New York (State); Natural history. Fig. 89. Pholidops linguloides. In- terior and exterior of a ventral (:-) stone, x 2%. (Original ) Pholidops oblata. IV., p. 414, PL III.) Hall. (Fig. 90.) (Pal. N. Y., Vol.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo, N. Y. : The Society Stock Photo
RMRGH3DB–. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Natural history -- New York (State); Natural history. Fig. 89. Pholidops linguloides. In- terior and exterior of a ventral (:-) stone, x 2%. (Original ) Pholidops oblata. IV., p. 414, PL III.) Hall. (Fig. 90.) (Pal. N. Y., Vol.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Buffalo, N. Y. : The Society
. Annual report of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station; Agriculture -- New York (State). 264 Bulletin 248. We feel certain at this time that hopper-feeding when properly em- ployed has genuine merit and will become an established practice. To be successful, however, it must be adapted to suit the various breeds and other conditions as to age, season and environment.. Fig. 95.—The egg distributitig-table. In figures 88, 89, 90 and cover piece, are shown a feed-hopper which is used for feeding dry meals, meat sc Stock Photo
RMRM8MTX–. Annual report of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station; Agriculture -- New York (State). 264 Bulletin 248. We feel certain at this time that hopper-feeding when properly em- ployed has genuine merit and will become an established practice. To be successful, however, it must be adapted to suit the various breeds and other conditions as to age, season and environment.. Fig. 95.—The egg distributitig-table. In figures 88, 89, 90 and cover piece, are shown a feed-hopper which is used for feeding dry meals, meat sc
. Annual report of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station; Agriculture -- New York (State). Fig. 95.—The egg distributitig-table. In figures 88, 89, 90 and cover piece, are shown a feed-hopper which is used for feeding dry meals, meat scraps or grain. It is made of No. 26 galvanized iron, is 36 inches long, 24 inches tall and eight inches wide, divided into three compartments 12 inches wide and will hold about 60 pounds of meal or 100 pounds of grain. It is built with a slanting. Fig. 96.—The carrying-box and a s Stock Photo
RMRM8MTE–. Annual report of the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Ithaca, N.Y. Cornell University. Agricultural Experiment Station; Agriculture -- New York (State). Fig. 95.—The egg distributitig-table. In figures 88, 89, 90 and cover piece, are shown a feed-hopper which is used for feeding dry meals, meat scraps or grain. It is made of No. 26 galvanized iron, is 36 inches long, 24 inches tall and eight inches wide, divided into three compartments 12 inches wide and will hold about 60 pounds of meal or 100 pounds of grain. It is built with a slanting. Fig. 96.—The carrying-box and a s
. The crane-flies of New York. Crane flies; Diptera. Memoir 38 Y.j,/k/iiii'»ww Plate XXV. LIMNOBIA CINCTIPES Larva: 8G, labrum-epipharynx; 87, mandible and maxilla; 88, mandible; 93, spiracular disk, dorsal aspect Pupa: 89, female, ventral aspect; 90, pronotal breathing horn, lateral aspect; 91, male Cauda, lateral aspect; 92, male cauda, dorsal aspect 105G. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Alexander, Charles Stock Photo
RMRE63C4–. The crane-flies of New York. Crane flies; Diptera. Memoir 38 Y.j,/k/iiii'»ww Plate XXV. LIMNOBIA CINCTIPES Larva: 8G, labrum-epipharynx; 87, mandible and maxilla; 88, mandible; 93, spiracular disk, dorsal aspect Pupa: 89, female, ventral aspect; 90, pronotal breathing horn, lateral aspect; 91, male Cauda, lateral aspect; 92, male cauda, dorsal aspect 105G. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Alexander, Charles
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