A history of english field names Stock Photos and Images
. English: The Battle of Bosworth Field - A Scene from the Great Drama of History: John Leech's illustration of Gilbert Abbott à Beckett's parodical criticism of the Victorian attitude towards history. 1847–48. John Leech (1817–1864) Alternative names John Leech Description English caricaturist and illustrator Date of birth/death 29 August 1817 29 October 1864 Location of birth/death London London Authority control : Q1374807 VIAF: 55323488 ISNI: 0000 0001 0903 3018 ULAN: 500002592 LCCN: n79054670 NLA: 35297707 WorldCat 304 The Battle of Bosworth Field - A Scene from the Great Dra Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-the-battle-of-bosworth-field-a-scene-from-the-great-drama-of-history-john-leechs-illustration-of-gilbert-abbott-becketts-parodical-criticism-of-the-victorian-attitude-towards-history-184748-john-leech-18171864-alternative-names-john-leech-description-english-caricaturist-and-illustrator-date-of-birthdeath-29-august-1817-29-october-1864-location-of-birthdeath-london-london-authority-control-q1374807-viaf55323488-isni0000-0001-0903-3018-ulan500002592-lccnn79054670-nla35297707-worldcat-304-the-battle-of-bosworth-field-a-scene-from-the-great-dra-image207935416.html
RMP287MT–. English: The Battle of Bosworth Field - A Scene from the Great Drama of History: John Leech's illustration of Gilbert Abbott à Beckett's parodical criticism of the Victorian attitude towards history. 1847–48. John Leech (1817–1864) Alternative names John Leech Description English caricaturist and illustrator Date of birth/death 29 August 1817 29 October 1864 Location of birth/death London London Authority control : Q1374807 VIAF: 55323488 ISNI: 0000 0001 0903 3018 ULAN: 500002592 LCCN: n79054670 NLA: 35297707 WorldCat 304 The Battle of Bosworth Field - A Scene from the Great Dra
Pakistan. circa.1946 – A group photograph depicting members of a British field regiment of the Royal Artillery, serving with the 10th Indian Division. The names of those depicted are (Back Row, left to right): Gunners Shepherd; Perry; Alexander; Chatter; Wynd; Hannis; Coles; Ventre. (Front row, left to right): Gnr. Sano; Bdr Ward; L/Sgt. Martin; Lt. W. J. Cook; Bdr. Bellhouse; L/Bdr. Dale; Gnr Whillier. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/pakistan-circa1946-a-group-photograph-depicting-members-of-a-british-field-regiment-of-the-royal-artillery-serving-with-the-10th-indian-division-the-names-of-those-depicted-are-back-row-left-to-right-gunners-shepherd-perry-alexander-chatter-wynd-hannis-coles-ventre-front-row-left-to-right-gnr-sano-bdr-ward-lsgt-martin-lt-w-j-cook-bdr-bellhouse-lbdr-dale-gnr-whillier-image605204872.html
RM2X4HCYM–Pakistan. circa.1946 – A group photograph depicting members of a British field regiment of the Royal Artillery, serving with the 10th Indian Division. The names of those depicted are (Back Row, left to right): Gunners Shepherd; Perry; Alexander; Chatter; Wynd; Hannis; Coles; Ventre. (Front row, left to right): Gnr. Sano; Bdr Ward; L/Sgt. Martin; Lt. W. J. Cook; Bdr. Bellhouse; L/Bdr. Dale; Gnr Whillier.
. English: Edith Swanneck discovering King Harold's corpse on the battle field of Hastings Deutsch: Horace Vernet (1828): Edith Schwanenhals findet die Leiche König Haralds auf dem Schlachtfeld von Hastings . 1828. Horace Vernet (1789–1863) Alternative names Émil Jean Horace Vernet Horace Emil Jean Vernet Description French history painter, orientalist, portrait painter, draughtsman and lithographer Date of birth/death 30 June 1789 17 January 1863 Location of birth/death Paris Paris Work location Rome, Paris, Saint Petersburg, Netherlands (ca. 1841-1846), Algiers (1847-1848) Auth Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/english-edith-swanneck-discovering-king-harolds-corpse-on-the-battle-field-of-hastings-deutsch-horace-vernet-1828-edith-schwanenhals-findet-die-leiche-knig-haralds-auf-dem-schlachtfeld-von-hastings-1828-horace-vernet-17891863-alternative-names-mil-jean-horace-vernet-horace-emil-jean-vernet-description-french-history-painter-orientalist-portrait-painter-draughtsman-and-lithographer-date-of-birthdeath-30-june-1789-17-january-1863-location-of-birthdeath-paris-paris-work-location-rome-paris-saint-petersburg-netherlands-ca-1841-1846-algiers-1847-1848-auth-image185608143.html
RMMNY527–. English: Edith Swanneck discovering King Harold's corpse on the battle field of Hastings Deutsch: Horace Vernet (1828): Edith Schwanenhals findet die Leiche König Haralds auf dem Schlachtfeld von Hastings . 1828. Horace Vernet (1789–1863) Alternative names Émil Jean Horace Vernet Horace Emil Jean Vernet Description French history painter, orientalist, portrait painter, draughtsman and lithographer Date of birth/death 30 June 1789 17 January 1863 Location of birth/death Paris Paris Work location Rome, Paris, Saint Petersburg, Netherlands (ca. 1841-1846), Algiers (1847-1848) Auth
'The Estate of Charles Henry Talbot, Dodderhill, 1770', (1944). 'A Map of an Estate in the Parish of Dodderhill call'd the Fulling Mills belonging to Henry Talbot Esq'. Map showing land near Dodderhill in Worcestershire, with the names of neighbouring landowners indicated. In the collection of the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service. From "British Maps and Map-Makers", by Edward Lynam. [Collins, London, 1944] Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-estate-of-charles-henry-talbot-dodderhill-1770-1944-a-map-of-an-estate-in-the-parish-of-dodderhill-calld-the-fulling-mills-belonging-to-henry-talbot-esq-map-showing-land-near-dodderhill-in-worcestershire-with-the-names-of-neighbouring-landowners-indicated-in-the-collection-of-the-worcestershire-archive-and-archaeology-service-from-quotbritish-maps-and-map-makersquot-by-edward-lynam-collins-london-1944-image336845002.html
RM2AG0H6J–'The Estate of Charles Henry Talbot, Dodderhill, 1770', (1944). 'A Map of an Estate in the Parish of Dodderhill call'd the Fulling Mills belonging to Henry Talbot Esq'. Map showing land near Dodderhill in Worcestershire, with the names of neighbouring landowners indicated. In the collection of the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service. From "British Maps and Map-Makers", by Edward Lynam. [Collins, London, 1944]
The Harvest of the Earth; Dyson Perrins Apocalypse, about 1255-1260. Additional Info: The angel in the miniature looks to the crowned figure sitting on a cloud, whom the Apocalypse text identifies as the Son of Man, one of the names that Jesus calls himself in the Gospels. The angel simultaneously gestures down toward the field in front of the temple, where the figure of the king reaps the harvest. Medieval commentators interpreted this passage as referring to the Messiah's gathering of the blessed from among those on earth.Quote Text :And I saw, and behold a white cloud, and on the cloud one Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-harvest-of-the-earth-dyson-perrins-apocalypse-about-1255-1260-additional-info-the-angel-in-the-miniature-looks-to-the-crowned-figure-sitting-on-a-cloud-whom-the-apocalypse-text-identifies-as-the-son-of-man-one-of-the-names-that-jesus-calls-himself-in-the-gospels-the-angel-simultaneously-gestures-down-toward-the-field-in-front-of-the-temple-where-the-figure-of-the-king-reaps-the-harvest-medieval-commentators-interpreted-this-passage-as-referring-to-the-messiahs-gathering-of-the-blessed-from-among-those-on-earthquote-text-and-i-saw-and-behold-a-white-cloud-and-on-the-cloud-one-image631212016.html
RM2YJX5A8–The Harvest of the Earth; Dyson Perrins Apocalypse, about 1255-1260. Additional Info: The angel in the miniature looks to the crowned figure sitting on a cloud, whom the Apocalypse text identifies as the Son of Man, one of the names that Jesus calls himself in the Gospels. The angel simultaneously gestures down toward the field in front of the temple, where the figure of the king reaps the harvest. Medieval commentators interpreted this passage as referring to the Messiah's gathering of the blessed from among those on earth.Quote Text :And I saw, and behold a white cloud, and on the cloud one
The English village community, examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry; an essay in economic history . t of what had oncebeen Eoman provinces were of a strictly manorialtype. If the settlements with names ending in ingwere settlements of Iceti or of other emigrants duringEoman rule, taking at first the form of tribal house-holds, they at least became manors Hke the rest duringor very soon after the German conquests. If, onthe other hand, they were later settlements of the con-querors of the Eoman provinces, or of emigrant Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-english-village-community-examined-in-its-relations-to-the-manorial-and-tribal-systems-and-to-the-common-or-open-field-system-of-husbandry-an-essay-in-economic-history-t-of-what-had-oncebeen-eoman-provinces-were-of-a-strictly-manorialtype-if-the-settlements-with-names-ending-in-ingwere-settlements-of-iceti-or-of-other-emigrants-duringeoman-rule-taking-at-first-the-form-of-tribal-house-holds-they-at-least-became-manors-hke-the-rest-duringor-very-soon-after-the-german-conquests-if-onthe-other-hand-they-were-later-settlements-of-the-con-querors-of-the-eoman-provinces-or-of-emigrant-image343112822.html
RM2AX63WA–The English village community, examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of husbandry; an essay in economic history . t of what had oncebeen Eoman provinces were of a strictly manorialtype. If the settlements with names ending in ingwere settlements of Iceti or of other emigrants duringEoman rule, taking at first the form of tribal house-holds, they at least became manors Hke the rest duringor very soon after the German conquests. If, onthe other hand, they were later settlements of the con-querors of the Eoman provinces, or of emigrant
A landmark history of New York; also the origin of street names and a bibliography . thed his last. In spite of the loss of their leaders, the patriotsfought bravely on. The English were behind acountry fence, but they Avere forced to retreat, andnext took their stand in a buckwheat field at OneHundred and Twentieth Street, now forming a partof the ground west of Columbia University. Herethe main fight occurred, and it was a fierce battle, Ican tell you. Xo flincliing—no running away thistime. The rebels fought with pluck and deter-mination, and again—three times in all—forced theproud redcoat Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-landmark-history-of-new-york-also-the-origin-of-street-names-and-a-bibliography-thed-his-last-in-spite-of-the-loss-of-their-leaders-the-patriotsfought-bravely-on-the-english-were-behind-acountry-fence-but-they-avere-forced-to-retreat-andnext-took-their-stand-in-a-buckwheat-field-at-onehundred-and-twentieth-street-now-forming-a-partof-the-ground-west-of-columbia-university-herethe-main-fight-occurred-and-it-was-a-fierce-battle-ican-tell-you-xo-flincliingno-running-away-thistime-the-rebels-fought-with-pluck-and-deter-mination-and-againthree-times-in-allforced-theproud-redcoat-image343404326.html
RM2AXKBM6–A landmark history of New York; also the origin of street names and a bibliography . thed his last. In spite of the loss of their leaders, the patriotsfought bravely on. The English were behind acountry fence, but they Avere forced to retreat, andnext took their stand in a buckwheat field at OneHundred and Twentieth Street, now forming a partof the ground west of Columbia University. Herethe main fight occurred, and it was a fierce battle, Ican tell you. Xo flincliing—no running away thistime. The rebels fought with pluck and deter-mination, and again—three times in all—forced theproud redcoat
. Heraldry, historical and popular . ee Chap. XVIII. Banneret, or Knight-Banneret; — a knight, who, for goodservice under the Eoyal Banner, was advanced by the King toa higher Order of Knighthood on the Field of Battle. From 94 MISCELLANEOUS NAMES AND TITLES. that time he would be entitled to bear, and would be distin-guished by a Banner instead of a Pennon. Baron:—a Husband, the Wife in Heraldry being styledFemme. Baron:—a Title and Bank of Nobility derived from theearly days of English History, and in a peculiar manner asso-ciated with the memories of the olden time. It correspondswith the T Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/heraldry-historical-and-popular-ee-chap-xviii-banneret-or-knight-banneret-a-knight-who-for-goodservice-under-the-eoyal-banner-was-advanced-by-the-king-toa-higher-order-of-knighthood-on-the-field-of-battle-from-94-miscellaneous-names-and-titles-that-time-he-would-be-entitled-to-bear-and-would-be-distin-guished-by-a-banner-instead-of-a-pennon-barona-husband-the-wife-in-heraldry-being-styledfemme-barona-title-and-bank-of-nobility-derived-from-theearly-days-of-english-history-and-in-a-peculiar-manner-asso-ciated-with-the-memories-of-the-olden-time-it-correspondswith-the-t-image372471743.html
RM2CHYFE7–. Heraldry, historical and popular . ee Chap. XVIII. Banneret, or Knight-Banneret; — a knight, who, for goodservice under the Eoyal Banner, was advanced by the King toa higher Order of Knighthood on the Field of Battle. From 94 MISCELLANEOUS NAMES AND TITLES. that time he would be entitled to bear, and would be distin-guished by a Banner instead of a Pennon. Baron:—a Husband, the Wife in Heraldry being styledFemme. Baron:—a Title and Bank of Nobility derived from theearly days of English History, and in a peculiar manner asso-ciated with the memories of the olden time. It correspondswith the T
. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. TABLE OF CONTENTS (concluded) ?ook Reviews ;oology: — The Birds of British Columbia Volume 4: Passerines[:] Wood-Warblers through Old World Sparrows — The Royal Ontario Museum Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario — The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology, Second Edition — Rare Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals of British Columbia — Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding — Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-canadian-field-naturalist-natural-history-table-of-contents-concluded-ook-reviews-oology-the-birds-of-british-columbia-volume-4-passerines-wood-warblers-through-old-world-sparrows-the-royal-ontario-museum-field-guide-to-amphibians-and-reptiles-of-ontario-the-amphibians-and-reptiles-of-alberta-a-field-guide-and-primer-of-boreal-herpetology-second-edition-rare-amphibians-reptiles-and-mammals-of-british-columbia-scientific-and-standard-english-names-of-amphibians-and-reptiles-of-north-america-north-of-mexico-with-comments-regarding-confidence-in-our-understanding-image233601146.html
RMRG1CJ2–. The Canadian field-naturalist. Natural history. TABLE OF CONTENTS (concluded) ?ook Reviews ;oology: — The Birds of British Columbia Volume 4: Passerines[:] Wood-Warblers through Old World Sparrows — The Royal Ontario Museum Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Ontario — The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology, Second Edition — Rare Amphibians, Reptiles, and Mammals of British Columbia — Scientific and Standard English Names of Amphibians and Reptiles of North America North of Mexico, with Comments Regarding Confidence in Our Understanding —