. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . find Proadinotherium evidently ancestral to Adinotheriumand very little differentiated from it. Ameghino has de-scribed a genus, Pronesodon, which is evidently ancestralto Nesodon. I have referred Coresodon to this family be-cause the molars of the upper and lower jaws are veryclose to those of Adinotherium. Ameghino has also de-scribed two genera, Nesohippus and Interhippus, based onupper molars which are very similar in pattern to Adi-notherium and which I believe belong to this family, ifthey prove to be valid genera, of which I have some doubt,feeling Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-deseado-formation-of-patagonia-find-proadinotherium-evidently-ancestral-to-adinotheriumand-very-little-differentiated-from-it-ameghino-has-de-scribed-a-genus-pronesodon-which-is-evidently-ancestralto-nesodon-i-have-referred-coresodon-to-this-family-be-cause-the-molars-of-the-upper-and-lower-jaws-are-veryclose-to-those-of-adinotherium-ameghino-has-also-de-scribed-two-genera-nesohippus-and-interhippus-based-onupper-molars-which-are-very-similar-in-pattern-to-adi-notherium-and-which-i-believe-belong-to-this-family-ifthey-prove-to-be-valid-genera-of-which-i-have-some-doubtfeeling-image372507233.html
RM2CJ14NN–. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . find Proadinotherium evidently ancestral to Adinotheriumand very little differentiated from it. Ameghino has de-scribed a genus, Pronesodon, which is evidently ancestralto Nesodon. I have referred Coresodon to this family be-cause the molars of the upper and lower jaws are veryclose to those of Adinotherium. Ameghino has also de-scribed two genera, Nesohippus and Interhippus, based onupper molars which are very similar in pattern to Adi-notherium and which I believe belong to this family, ifthey prove to be valid genera, of which I have some doubt,feeling
. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . ter of the shaft 10 mm. The calcaneum is of moderate length, and very stout,resembling that of Adinotherium, except that it is longer. Calcaneum, length 64 mm. Calcaneum, width 28 mm. Of the hind foot there is preserved only the distal por-tions of two metatarsals, which are about the same sizeand character as those of the front foot, and a phalanx ofthe first row, also similar to the same one of the front foot. Figure 65 gives a restoration of the animal based on thebones described in the foregoing pages. The animal in allfeatures turns out a typical tox Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-deseado-formation-of-patagonia-ter-of-the-shaft-10-mm-the-calcaneum-is-of-moderate-length-and-very-stoutresembling-that-of-adinotherium-except-that-it-is-longer-calcaneum-length-64-mm-calcaneum-width-28-mm-of-the-hind-foot-there-is-preserved-only-the-distal-por-tions-of-two-metatarsals-which-are-about-the-same-sizeand-character-as-those-of-the-front-foot-and-a-phalanx-ofthe-first-row-also-similar-to-the-same-one-of-the-front-foot-figure-65-gives-a-restoration-of-the-animal-based-on-thebones-described-in-the-foregoing-pages-the-animal-in-allfeatures-turns-out-a-typical-tox-image372543565.html
RM2CJ2R39–. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . ter of the shaft 10 mm. The calcaneum is of moderate length, and very stout,resembling that of Adinotherium, except that it is longer. Calcaneum, length 64 mm. Calcaneum, width 28 mm. Of the hind foot there is preserved only the distal por-tions of two metatarsals, which are about the same sizeand character as those of the front foot, and a phalanx ofthe first row, also similar to the same one of the front foot. Figure 65 gives a restoration of the animal based on thebones described in the foregoing pages. The animal in allfeatures turns out a typical tox
. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . tlu> nuniljer was sixteen asin the case in Adinotherium. Typical vertebrae measure: Specimen 3291 Thoracic 3, langth of centrum Thoracic 3, height from base of centrum to spine Thoracic 6, length of centrum Thoracic 6, height from base of centrum to si)ine Thoracic 14, length of centrum Thoracic 14, height from base of centrum to spine 21 mm.56 mm. 22 mm.79 mm.26 mm.65 mm. In my series, there are six lumbars, which is one morethan is credited to Adinotherium, though in that genus the RHYNCHIPPUS EQUINUS 99 number has not been definitely fixed. Typical Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-deseado-formation-of-patagonia-tlugt-nuniljer-was-sixteen-asin-the-case-in-adinotherium-typical-vertebrae-measure-specimen-3291-thoracic-3-langth-of-centrum-thoracic-3-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-spine-thoracic-6-length-of-centrum-thoracic-6-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-siine-thoracic-14-length-of-centrum-thoracic-14-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-spine-21-mm56-mm-22-mm79-mm26-mm65-mm-in-my-series-there-are-six-lumbars-which-is-one-morethan-is-credited-to-adinotherium-though-in-that-genus-the-rhynchippus-equinus-99-number-has-not-been-definitely-fixed-typical-image372567901.html
RM2CJ3X4D–. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . tlu> nuniljer was sixteen asin the case in Adinotherium. Typical vertebrae measure: Specimen 3291 Thoracic 3, langth of centrum Thoracic 3, height from base of centrum to spine Thoracic 6, length of centrum Thoracic 6, height from base of centrum to si)ine Thoracic 14, length of centrum Thoracic 14, height from base of centrum to spine 21 mm.56 mm. 22 mm.79 mm.26 mm.65 mm. In my series, there are six lumbars, which is one morethan is credited to Adinotherium, though in that genus the RHYNCHIPPUS EQUINUS 99 number has not been definitely fixed. Typical
. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . Fig. 56. Cervicals, s. 6 and 7—1/2 naturalsize. I nuniljer was sixteen asin the case in Adinotherium. Typical vertebrae measure: Specimen 3291 Thoracic 3, langth of centrum Thoracic 3, height from base of centrum to spine Thoracic 6, length of centrum Thoracic 6, height from base of centrum to si)ine Thoracic 14, length of centrum Thoracic 14, height from base of centrum to spine 21 mm.56 mm. 22 mm.79 mm.26 mm.65 mm. In my series, there are six lumbars, which is one morethan is credited to Adinotherium, though in that genus the RHYNCHIPPUS EQUINUS 99 numb Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-deseado-formation-of-patagonia-fig-56-cervicals-s-6-and-712-naturalsize-i-nuniljer-was-sixteen-asin-the-case-in-adinotherium-typical-vertebrae-measure-specimen-3291-thoracic-3-langth-of-centrum-thoracic-3-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-spine-thoracic-6-length-of-centrum-thoracic-6-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-siine-thoracic-14-length-of-centrum-thoracic-14-height-from-base-of-centrum-to-spine-21-mm56-mm-22-mm79-mm26-mm65-mm-in-my-series-there-are-six-lumbars-which-is-one-morethan-is-credited-to-adinotherium-though-in-that-genus-the-rhynchippus-equinus-99-numb-image372571671.html
RM2CJ42Y3–. The Deseado formation of Patagonia . Fig. 56. Cervicals, s. 6 and 7—1/2 naturalsize. I nuniljer was sixteen asin the case in Adinotherium. Typical vertebrae measure: Specimen 3291 Thoracic 3, langth of centrum Thoracic 3, height from base of centrum to spine Thoracic 6, length of centrum Thoracic 6, height from base of centrum to si)ine Thoracic 14, length of centrum Thoracic 14, height from base of centrum to spine 21 mm.56 mm. 22 mm.79 mm.26 mm.65 mm. In my series, there are six lumbars, which is one morethan is credited to Adinotherium, though in that genus the RHYNCHIPPUS EQUINUS 99 numb
. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Natural history -- Argentina; Natural history -- South America. Fig. 411.1. Nesodon imbricalus Ow. Quatriéme molaire supérieure gau- che de remplacement, vue par la fa- ce masticatrice, de g;randeur natu- relle. Eocéne supérieur de Patagonie (santacruzéen). Fig. 420. Nesodon imhricalus Ow. La meme dent de la figure prece- dente, vue par le cóté interne, de grandeur naturelle, montrant la base encoré ouverte; pu, cavité occupée par la pvtlpe. tituer une racine courte et conique comme chez les vieux indivi- dus du genre Adinotherium. La réduction de l Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/anales-del-museo-nacional-de-buenos-aires-natural-history-argentina-natural-history-south-america-fig-4111-nesodon-imbricalus-ow-quatrime-molaire-suprieure-gau-che-de-remplacement-vue-par-la-fa-ce-masticatrice-de-grandeur-natu-relle-eocne-suprieur-de-patagonie-santacruzen-fig-420-nesodon-imhricalus-ow-la-meme-dent-de-la-figure-prece-dente-vue-par-le-ct-interne-de-grandeur-naturelle-montrant-la-base-encor-ouverte-pu-cavit-occupe-par-la-pvtlpe-tituer-une-racine-courte-et-conique-comme-chez-les-vieux-indivi-dus-du-genre-adinotherium-la-rduction-de-l-image236852660.html
RMRN9FYG–. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Natural history -- Argentina; Natural history -- South America. Fig. 411.1. Nesodon imbricalus Ow. Quatriéme molaire supérieure gau- che de remplacement, vue par la fa- ce masticatrice, de g;randeur natu- relle. Eocéne supérieur de Patagonie (santacruzéen). Fig. 420. Nesodon imhricalus Ow. La meme dent de la figure prece- dente, vue par le cóté interne, de grandeur naturelle, montrant la base encoré ouverte; pu, cavité occupée par la pvtlpe. tituer une racine courte et conique comme chez les vieux indivi- dus du genre Adinotherium. La réduction de l
. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Natural history -- Argentina; Natural history -- South America. AMEGHINO: MORPHOLOGIE PHYLOGÉNÉTIQUE. 315 on voit aussi le petit bourrelet antérieur (,) a peu prés avec la méme forme et la méme positiou que chez ProacUnotherhim. Nesodon est un descendant du genre Adinofherium, de taille beaucoup plus considerable, mais d'une conformation assez sembla- ble. Les espéces les plus auciennes de ce genre sout plus petites que les plus recentes, et tres difficiles á distinguer des espéces du gen- re Adinotherium. Tel est le cas du Nesodon impinguatus {iig. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/anales-del-museo-nacional-de-buenos-aires-natural-history-argentina-natural-history-south-america-ameghino-morphologie-phylogntique-315-on-voit-aussi-le-petit-bourrelet-antrieur-a-peu-prs-avec-la-mme-forme-et-la-mme-positiou-que-chez-proacunotherhim-nesodon-est-un-descendant-du-genre-adinofherium-de-taille-beaucoup-plus-considerable-mais-dune-conformation-assez-sembla-ble-les-espces-les-plus-auciennes-de-ce-genre-sout-plus-petites-que-les-plus-recentes-et-tres-difficiles-distinguer-des-espces-du-gen-re-adinotherium-tel-est-le-cas-du-nesodon-impinguatus-iig-image236852696.html
RMRN9G0T–. Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires. Natural history -- Argentina; Natural history -- South America. AMEGHINO: MORPHOLOGIE PHYLOGÉNÉTIQUE. 315 on voit aussi le petit bourrelet antérieur (,) a peu prés avec la méme forme et la méme positiou que chez ProacUnotherhim. Nesodon est un descendant du genre Adinofherium, de taille beaucoup plus considerable, mais d'une conformation assez sembla- ble. Les espéces les plus auciennes de ce genre sout plus petites que les plus recentes, et tres difficiles á distinguer des espéces du gen- re Adinotherium. Tel est le cas du Nesodon impinguatus {iig.
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