. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 34 AIZOACEAE. Vol. II. Family 21. AIZOACEAE A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 60. 1864. Carpet-weed Family. Herbs, rarely somewhat woody, mostly prostrate and branching, with (in our species) opposite or verticillate leaves and solitary cymose or glomerate perfect, small, regular flowers. Stipules none or scarious, or the petiole-bases dilated. Calyx 4-5-cleft or 4-S Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/an-illustrated-flora-of-the-northern-united-states-canada-and-the-british-possessions-from-newfoundland-to-the-parallel-of-the-southern-boundary-of-virginia-and-from-the-atlantic-ocean-westward-to-the-102d-meridian-botany-botany-34-aizoaceae-vol-ii-family-21-aizoaceae-a-br-aschers-fl-brand-60-1864-carpet-weed-family-herbs-rarely-somewhat-woody-mostly-prostrate-and-branching-with-in-our-species-opposite-or-verticillate-leaves-and-solitary-cymose-or-glomerate-perfect-small-regular-flowers-stipules-none-or-scarious-or-the-petiole-bases-dilated-calyx-4-5-cleft-or-4-s-image232171812.html
RMRDM9EC–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. 34 AIZOACEAE. Vol. II. Family 21. AIZOACEAE A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 60. 1864. Carpet-weed Family. Herbs, rarely somewhat woody, mostly prostrate and branching, with (in our species) opposite or verticillate leaves and solitary cymose or glomerate perfect, small, regular flowers. Stipules none or scarious, or the petiole-bases dilated. Calyx 4-5-cleft or 4-S
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. POLYPODIACEAE. Vol. I. 17. Dryopteris Robertiana (Hoffm.) C. Chr. Scented Oak-fern. Fig. 53. Polypodium Robertianum Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: [add. 4]. 1795- Phegopteris Robertiana A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 2 : 198. 1859. Polypodium calcareum Sm. Fl. Brit. 1117. 1804. Phegopteris calcarea Fee, Gen. Fil. 243. 1850-52. Rootstock slender, creeping, branched. Stipe Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/an-illustrated-flora-of-the-northern-united-states-canada-and-the-british-possessions-from-newfoundland-to-the-parallel-of-the-southern-boundary-of-virginia-and-from-the-atlantic-ocean-westward-to-the-102d-meridian-botany-botany-polypodiaceae-vol-i-17-dryopteris-robertiana-hoffm-c-chr-scented-oak-fern-fig-53-polypodium-robertianum-hoffm-deutschl-fl-2-add-4-1795-phegopteris-robertiana-a-br-aschers-fl-brand-2-198-1859-polypodium-calcareum-sm-fl-brit-1117-1804-phegopteris-calcarea-fee-gen-fil-243-1850-52-rootstock-slender-creeping-branched-stipe-image232171834.html
RMRDM9F6–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. POLYPODIACEAE. Vol. I. 17. Dryopteris Robertiana (Hoffm.) C. Chr. Scented Oak-fern. Fig. 53. Polypodium Robertianum Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: [add. 4]. 1795- Phegopteris Robertiana A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 2 : 198. 1859. Polypodium calcareum Sm. Fl. Brit. 1117. 1804. Phegopteris calcarea Fee, Gen. Fil. 243. 1850-52. Rootstock slender, creeping, branched. Stipe
. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. POLYPODIACEAE. Vol. I. 17. Dryopteris Robertiana (Hoffm.) C. Chr. Scented Oak-fern. Fig. 53. Polypodium Robertianum Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: [add. 4]. 1795- Phegopteris Robertiana A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 2 : 198. 1859. Polypodium calcareum Sm. Fl. Brit. 1117. 1804. Phegopteris calcarea Fee, Gen. Fil. 243. 1850-52. Rootstock slender, creeping, branched. Stipe Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/an-illustrated-flora-of-the-northern-united-states-canada-and-the-british-possessions-from-newfoundland-to-the-parallel-of-the-southern-boundary-of-virginia-and-from-the-atlantic-ocean-westward-to-the-102d-meridian-botany-botany-polypodiaceae-vol-i-17-dryopteris-robertiana-hoffm-c-chr-scented-oak-fern-fig-53-polypodium-robertianum-hoffm-deutschl-fl-2-add-4-1795-phegopteris-robertiana-a-br-aschers-fl-brand-2-198-1859-polypodium-calcareum-sm-fl-brit-1117-1804-phegopteris-calcarea-fee-gen-fil-243-1850-52-rootstock-slender-creeping-branched-stipe-image232171828.html
RMRDM9F0–. An illustrated flora of the northern United States, Canada and the British possessions, from Newfoundland to the parallel of the southern boundary of Virginia, and from the Atlantic Ocean westward to the 102d meridian. Botany; Botany. POLYPODIACEAE. Vol. I. 17. Dryopteris Robertiana (Hoffm.) C. Chr. Scented Oak-fern. Fig. 53. Polypodium Robertianum Hoffm. Deutschl. Fl. 2: [add. 4]. 1795- Phegopteris Robertiana A. Br.; Aschers. Fl. Brand. 2 : 198. 1859. Polypodium calcareum Sm. Fl. Brit. 1117. 1804. Phegopteris calcarea Fee, Gen. Fil. 243. 1850-52. Rootstock slender, creeping, branched. Stipe
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